wikishia:Weekly Featured Pictures/2018
Hasan Hasanzada Amuli (b. 1929) is a philosopher, mystic, theologian, mujtahid, astronomer, and a teacher of religious and Islamic seminary disciplines. He believes that the Qur'an is the origin of true mysticism. He interprets the Islamic philosophical tradition within a unified path, subscribing to Mulla Sadra's reconciliation of the religion, the intellect and mysticism.
Millions people participate in the procession of Arba'in each year. The photo is taken in 2017 at the entrance of Karbala.
The alleged stone on which some drops of the blood of Imam al-Husayn (a) is poured. The stone is in Masjid al-Nuqta, Aleppo.
Ramy al-Jamarat (Throwing pebbles) is one of the compulsory acts of Hajj rituals and it consists of throwing seven pebbles at three walls (formerly obelisks) that symbolize Satan.
The birthplace of the Prophet (s) is the only historical place remaining in the Shi'b Abi Talib. The building is now used as a library.