Al-Daylami (disambiguation)
"Al-Daylami" may refer to:
- Mu'izz al-Dawla l-Daylami (d. 356/967), A ruler of Buyid dynasty
- Adud al-Dawla al-Daylami (d. 372/982-983), The greatest Emir of the Buyid dynasty and a prominent Shi'ite leader
- Rukn al-Dawla al-Daylami (d. 366/976), One of the founders of the Buyid dynasty
- Sallar al-Daylami (d. 463/1071), One of the great jurist of the Shia in 5th/11th century.
- Hasan b. Muhammad al-Daylami (d. 356/967), Shia Muhaddith and lecturer in the 8th/14th century and the author of Irshad al-qulub