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The list of works by al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi is a collection of works by al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi (d. 548/1153-4) was a Shi'a jurist of the sixth/twelfth century.

The collection of his works quoted from the books of Ibn Shahrashub and Agha Buzurg Tihrani and al-'Allama al-Majlisi are as follows:

The Book Majma' al-bayan
The Book I'lam al-wara bi-a'lam al-huda
  1. Majma' al-bayan fi tafsir al-Qur'an: An exegesis of the Qur'an, one of the most important Shi'a exegeses. Al-Tabrisi used the book al-Tibyan, written by al-Shaykh al-Tusi, in its compilation.
  2. Jawami' al-Jami': A concise exegesis of the Qur'an. According to the preface of the book, it was intended to have the comprehensiveness of Majma' al-Bayan and the brevity of al-Kashshaf.
  3. Al-Wafi: An exegesis of the Qur'an.
  4. I'lam al-wara bi-a'lam al-huda: This book contains a brief Shi'a perspective on the conduct of the Prophet (s) and the life history of the Fourteen Infallibles (a). The subject of Imamate is also discussed in this book.
  5. A'lam al-huda fi fada'il al-A'imma (a); in two volumes.
  6. Taj al-mawalid: A summary of the lives of the fourteen Infallibles (a)
  7. Al-Adab al-diniyya li-l-khizana al-mu'iniyya
  8. Al-Nur al-mubin
  9. Al-Fa'iq
  10. Ghunyat al-'abid
  11. Kunuz al-najah
  12. 'Uddat al-safar wa 'umdat al-hadar
  13. Ma'arij al-su'al
  14. Asrar al-a'imma
  15. Mishkat al-anwar fi l-akhbar
  16. Risala haqa'iq al-umur
  17. Al-'Umda fi usul al-din wa l-fara'id wa l-nawafil
  18. Al-Jawahir
  19. Haqa'iq al-umur
  20. Ghunyat al-'abid wa munyat al-zahid
  21. Al-Fa'iq
  22. Ma'arij al-su'al
  23. Al-Mu'talaf min al-mukhtalaf bayn a'ima al-salaf
  24. Nathr al-la'ali; a brief treatise of the short words of Imam 'Ali (a)
  25. Al-Nur al-mubin
  26. Riwaya sahifat al-Rida (a)
  27. Second supplement of Tib al-'Itra (a)
  28. Makarim al-akhlaq
  29. Al-Mu'talaf min al-mukhtalaf bayn a'imat al-salaf