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The list of works by al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi is a collection of works by al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi (d. 548/1153-4) was a Shi'a jurist of the sixth/twelfth century.
The collection of his works quoted from the books of Ibn Shahrashub and Agha Buzurg Tihrani and al-'Allama al-Majlisi are as follows:

- Majma' al-bayan fi tafsir al-Qur'an: An exegesis of the Qur'an, one of the most important Shi'a exegeses. Al-Tabrisi used the book al-Tibyan, written by al-Shaykh al-Tusi, in its compilation.
- Jawami' al-Jami': A concise exegesis of the Qur'an. According to the preface of the book, it was intended to have the comprehensiveness of Majma' al-Bayan and the brevity of al-Kashshaf.
- Al-Wafi: An exegesis of the Qur'an.
- I'lam al-wara bi-a'lam al-huda: This book contains a brief Shi'a perspective on the conduct of the Prophet (s) and the life history of the Fourteen Infallibles (a). The subject of Imamate is also discussed in this book.
- A'lam al-huda fi fada'il al-A'imma (a); in two volumes.
- Taj al-mawalid: A summary of the lives of the fourteen Infallibles (a)
- Al-Adab al-diniyya li-l-khizana al-mu'iniyya
- Al-Nur al-mubin
- Al-Fa'iq
- Ghunyat al-'abid
- Kunuz al-najah
- 'Uddat al-safar wa 'umdat al-hadar
- Ma'arij al-su'al
- Asrar al-a'imma
- Mishkat al-anwar fi l-akhbar
- Risala haqa'iq al-umur
- Al-'Umda fi usul al-din wa l-fara'id wa l-nawafil
- Al-Jawahir
- Haqa'iq al-umur
- Ghunyat al-'abid wa munyat al-zahid
- Al-Fa'iq
- Ma'arij al-su'al
- Al-Mu'talaf min al-mukhtalaf bayn a'ima al-salaf
- Nathr al-la'ali; a brief treatise of the short words of Imam 'Ali (a)
- Al-Nur al-mubin
- Riwaya sahifat al-Rida (a)
- Second supplement of Tib al-'Itra (a)
- Makarim al-akhlaq
- Al-Mu'talaf min al-mukhtalaf bayn a'imat al-salaf