Waqayi' al-ayyam (disambiguation)
Waqayi' al-ayyam is the title of books that deal with the events and actions of the days and months of the year and may refer to one of the following:
- Waqayi' al-ayyam (book) a book in Persian written by Mulla Ali Tabrizi (d. 1367/1947-8)
- Waqa'i' al-sinin wa l-a'wam (book) a historical book in Persian written by Sayyid Abd al-Husayn Khatun Abadi (d. 1105/1693).
- Fayd al-alam fi amal al-shuhur wa waqayi' al-ayyam (book) a Persian treatise concerning days and nights of the twelve lunar months written by Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi (d. 1359/1941).