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Waqa'i' al-sinin wa l-a'wam (book)

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Waqa'i' al-sinin wa l-a'wam (book)
AuthorSayyid Abd al-Husayn Khatun Abadi
Original titleوَقایعُ السِّنینِ وَ الْاَعْوام
Series1 vol.
PublisherIslamiya Bookstor

Waqā'i' al-sinīn wa l-a'wām (Arabic: وَقایعُ السِّنینِ وَ الْاَعْوام) (lit: events of years) or Guzārish-hā-yi sālīyāna az tārīkh-i khilqat tā sāl-i 1195 hijrī (Persian: گزارش‌های سالیانه از تاریخ خلقت تا سال ۱۱۹۵ هجری) (lit: annual reports from the date of creation to 1195/1780) is a historical book in Persian written by Sayyid Abd al-Husayn Khatun Abadi (d. 1105/1693-4). He provides a chronological account of historical events and biographies of prominent figures of Islam from the beginning of the creation to 1195/1780.

The Author

Sayyid Abd al-Husayn Husayni Khatun Abadi was a scholar of Isfahan in the Safavid era. He was born in the village of Khatun Abad near Isfahan in 1039/1630, and died in 1105/1693-4. Khatun Abadi was a student of Muhaqqiq Sabziwari and Mirza Rafi' Na'ini. His mausoleum is in Takht-i Fulad in Isfahan near the mausoleum of Baba Rukn al-Din.

The Title of the Book

The book is best known as "Waqa'i' al-sinin wa l-a'wam" which appears on its cover as well. However, in his al-Dhari'a, Aqa Buzurg Tihrani refers to the book as "Waqa'i' al-ayyam wa l-sinin wa l-a'wam". Another title that appears on the book's cover is "Guzarish-ha-yi saliyana az tarikh-i khilqat ta sal-i 1195 hijri" (annual reports since the date of the creation to 1195/1780) although the last event reported in the book dates back to the end of 1193/1779.

The book was finished in the month of Ramadan of 1097/1686.


Waqa'i' al-sinin wa l-a'wam is a brief historical collection concerning historical events in Islamic countries as well as prominent Islamic figures. The book is written in three "maqsad"s (destinations), most of which was written by the author until the last year of his life, that is, 1105/1693-4, and then his predecessors added later events to the book until 1193/1779.

The Three Destinations or Sections

The first destination: is concerned with historical events from the creation of Adam (a) to the birth of the Prophet (s). It has two parts:

  • History of kings: names and histories of kings from the period of Adam (a) to the eighth year of the kingdom of Khosrow I (Anushiruwan), which is structured in four chapters: feudal kings, the fourth class of Ajam kings, kings of Rome, and classes of kings of Fars.

The second destination: historical events of the period of the Prophet (s) in three parts:

  • From the Prophet's (s) birth to his Bi'that: his lineage, how he was born, and events of his life,, such as the death of his mother when he was five years old, the death of Khosrow I when he was eight, his meeting with Bahira the Christian monk when he was nine, his Bi'that (beginning of his prophethood) when he was forty, and so on.

The third destination: historical events from the first year of Hijra/622 to 1099/1688 in eleven chapters:

  • From 300/912-3 to 400/1009-10: the rule of Samanids in Iran and Ahmad b. Isma'il's opposition against them, the disruption of the Abbasid rule, the death of Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari.
  • From 700/1300-1 to 800/1397-8: the events reported in this period are mostly concerned with Sultan Muhammad Khudabanda's birth, life, sultanate, conversion to Shiism, and death.
  • From 900/1494-5 to 1000/1591-2: the emergence of Safavids and some highlights of their period.
  • From 1000/1591-2 to Eid al-Fitr of 1099/1688: the construction of Naqsh-i Jahan in Isfahan, the rule of Allah Wirdi Khan and his son Imam Quli Khan in Shiraz, the death of Akbar Shah the king of India, the Georgian War, and the murder of Qarachaghay Khan.

The Author's Method

Khatun Abadi consulted numerous sources to document his remarks. He cites his references with symbols. Thus, he only focuses on events the exact months and years of which are mentioned by historians. For example, he particularly focuses on Muruj al-dhahab, because in this book, al-Mas'udi mentions exact months and years of events. He reports events he witnessed in person with exact months and years.

Manuscripts and Prints

The book was printed in 1974 as edited by Muhammad Baqir Bihbudi and with two prefaces by Ayatollah Mar'ashi and Abu l-Hasan Sha'rani by Islamiya Bookstore in Tehran.

See Also
