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Ḥadīth al-Baḍʿa is a prophetic hadith about Lady Fatima (a) in which the Prophet (s) describes her as "part of him," her anger and delight being his. The hadith is cited in Shia and Sunni sources. Hadith al-Bad'a is cited as evidence for the infallibility of Lady Fatima (a), her rightfulness in the story of Fadak, and the necessity of honouring and respecting Ahl al-Bayt (a).

According to some reports in Sunni sources, the hadith was issued by the Prophet (s) during Imam Ali's (a) proposal to Abu Jahl's daughter. Shiite scholars believe, however, that those reports are fake, and their transmitters are accused of fabricating hadiths and showing hostility toward Ahl al-Bayt (a).

In Hadith al-Bad'a, the Prophet (s) is quoted as saying about his daughter Lady Fatima (a):

"Fatima is part of me; whoever hurts her has hurt me, and whoever delights her has delighted me."

The same content appears in various Shiite and Sunni sources. The hadith was transmitted by Imam Ali (a), Ibn 'Abbas, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, and Lady Fatima (a) herself. Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, a Sunni exegete of the Quran, believes that there is an agreement between Shias and Sunnis about the authenticity of the hadith. Fakhr al-Razi, another Sunni exegete of the Quran, cites the hadith in his interpretations of certain Quranic verses.

"Bad'a" or "bid'a" means part of the body. Thus, when it is said that "such and such a person is bad'a minni [part of my body]" it implies the intimacy or closeness of that person to the speaker as if he or she is part of his body. The phrase "bad'a minni" appears in the words of the Prophet (s) about Imam 'Ali (a) and Imam al-Rida (a) as well.

Hadith al-Bad'a is cited as evidence for certain theological theories:

  • Infallibility of Lady Fatima (a): theologians have cited this hadith as evidence for the infallibility of Lady Fatima (a). According to Ayatollah Subhani, a Shia scholar (b. 1929), these hadiths say that Fatima's (a) delight and anger are criteria for the delight and anger of God and His Apostle.....

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