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Harun b. Musa al-Talla'ukbari

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Harun b. Musa al-Talla'ukbari
Personal Information
Full NameAbu Muhammad Harun b. Musa b. Ahmad al-Talla'ukbari
LineageBanu Shayban
Studied inBaghdad
Scholarly Information
ProfessorsMuhammad b. Hammam al-Baghdadi, Ibn 'Uqda, ...
StudentsMuhammad b. Harun, al-Shaykh al-Mufid, al-Sayyid Murtada 'Alam al-Huda, Al-Sharif_al-Radi, ...
Permission for Hadith
Transmission From
Muhammad b. Ash'ath, Muhammad b. Husayn al-Khath'ami, 'Ali b. Husayn b. Musa b. Babawayh al-Qummi and Hasan b. Muhammad b. Ahamd al-Zaydi
WorksAl-Jawami' fi 'ulum al-din, ...

Abū Muḥammad Hārūn b. Mūsā b. Aḥmad Tallaʿukbarī (Arabic: ابومحمد هارون بن موسی بن احمد تَلَّعُکْبَری) was a notable Shi'a hadith scholar of 4th/10th century. He learned hadith from many scholars in Baghdad and had many students. Rijal scholars praised his position in knowledge. Al-Sharif al-Murtada and al-Sharif al-Radi were also his students.

Tribe, Lineage and Birth

He was from Banu Shayban tribe living in Tal neighborhood in 'Ukbara town north of Baghdad. The date of his birth is not known but since he has learned hadith from Ahmad b. Idris al-Ash'ari (d. 306/918-9), the famous hadith scholar from Qom, then he must have been born in late third/ninth century.

In his Mashikhat Talla'ukbari, Kamal al-Din b. Haydar Musawi 'Amili quotes from Harun talking about Ahmad b. Idris al-Ash'ari al-Qummi: "I have heard few hadiths from him in the house of Ibn Hammam Iskafi, but I do not have permission from him [to quote]." Since Ibn Idris passed away in 306/918-9, thus Harun must have the competence of learning hadiths and perhaps he must have been 15 years old. Therefore, his date of birth can be around 291/904.


Most teachers of al-Talla'ukbari, in his early years, were in Baghdad and apparently he has been living there in his youth.

Most Notable Teachers

  • al-Talla'ukbari's most important teacher was Muhammad b. Hammam Baghdadi and al-Talla'ukbari heard hadiths from him for the first time in 323/935. On the suggestion of Muhammad b. Hammam, al-Talla'ukbari spoke with the servant of Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a) and heard some stories of his life from him. This explains the friendship between Muhammad b. Hammam and al-Talla'ukbari to be very close.
  • Another notable teacher of al-Talla'ukbari was Abu l-'Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sa'id known as Ibn 'Uqdah (d. 332/944) who came to Baghdad three times, one of which was in 330/942.

Other Teachers

Al-Talla'ukbari quotes from other hadith scholars who are said to be around 130 people including:

A Narrator of Usul al-Kafi Al-Talla'ukbari was one of the narrators of Muhammad b. Ya'qub al-Kulayni (d. 328/940 or 329/941). Some hadith narrators learned hadiths from al-Kulayni in Baghdad in 327/939, so perhaps al-Talla'ukbari also learned hadiths from him at the same time or around it. He narrated from al-Kafi and al-Kulayni's books.

In the Views of Rijal Scholars

Al-Talla'ukbarihas been praised in Rijal references:


Ahmad b. Ali al-Najashi considered al-Talla'ukbari the author of several books. His famous books are (though none of which is available):


According to al-Najashi, people came to al-Talla'ukbari's house and checked their knowledge of hadiths with him. This shows that he has had many students. While Ibn Najjar has claimed that al-Talla'ukbari's hadiths were narrated by a few people, he might have meant Sunni narrators. Shaykh al-Tusi has employed the quote "A large group of of our companions" (Arabic: جماعةٌ من اصحابنا) to imply that he has heard hadiths from al-Talla'ukbari through a chain of his trusted companions. Al-Shaykh al-Mufid has referred to him as "our shaykh [i.e. teacher or master]" and Shaykh al-Tusi has mentioned Al-Shaykh al-Mufid as a student of al-Talla'ukbari.

  1. Al-Talla'ukbari's son, Abu l-Hasan Muhammad b. Harun, has narrated from him the most.
  2. Al-Shaykh al-Tusi has called Salama b. Dhuka' Harrani, "Sahib al-Talla'ukbari" which apparently meant as Talla'ukbari's special student.

Other Students

Al-Talla'ukbari's other students are:

Expert Ideas

There is little known about his ideas since his books are not available. But:

  • According to Al-Shaykh al-Mufid, al-Talla'ukbari was among the ones who considered the month of Ramadan having 30 days. This opinion was followed by many in 4th and 5th centuries AH but it was abandoned in future eras.
  • al-Talla'ukbari considered the phrase "akhbarani" [I was informed] permissible as the time of narrating hadiths when the hadith was permitted to be quoted and therefore he quoted from Ibn Walid, from whom he had the permission to quote hadiths, according to Al-Shaykh al-Tusi, but he had not seen him.


  • According to al-Shaykh al-Tusi's Rijal, Ibn Ash'ath was given permission for al-Talla'ukbari and his father and brother to quote hadiths from him. This shows that his father and brother were at least interested in hadiths.
  • In the biography of Harun b. Musa al-Talla'ukbari, al-Najashi mentions that he and al-Talla'ukbari's son (Abu Ja'far) attended al-Talla'ukbari's house and people came to read hadiths for his father to test their knowledge of hadith.
  • Also, according to al-Shaykh al-Tusi in his Rijal, al-Talla'ukbari heard hadiths from Sahl Dibaji and al-Talla'ukbari and his son received permission for narrating hadiths from him. Apparently, this son of him has been Muhammad b. Harun.
  • Abu l-Hasan Muhammad b. Harun al-Talla'ukbari whose name is frequently mentioned both in Dala'il al-a'immah and Ibn Tawus's books of supplication has narrated many hadiths from his father. He has narrated many hadiths from al-Shaykh al-Mufid as well.


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