January 18
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
January 18 is the 18th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 347 days remain until the end of the year (348 in leap years).
- 739 CE - Martyrdom of Zayd b. Ali during his uprising against Umayyads (Safar 2, 121)
- 909 CE - Demise of Musa al-Mubarqa', son of Imam al-Jawad (a) (Rabi' II 22, 296 AH)
- 946 CE - Conquest of Baghdad by Mu'iz al-Dawla al-Daylami according to Tajarib al-umam (Jumada II 11, 334 AH)
- 1932 CE - Demise of Ali al-Khoei (Ramadan 9, 1350)
- 1956 CE - Martyrdom of Sayyid Mujtaba Nawwab Safawi, an Iranian Shi'a scholar and founder of the Fada'iyan-i Islam group. (Jumada II 4, 1375)
- 2011 CE - Demise of Sayyid 'Ali Gulpaygani (Safar 12, 1432)