List of Works by Al-Sayyid Ahmad b. Tawus al-Hilli
Al-Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Aḥmad b. Musā b. Ṭāwus al-Ḥilli (Arabic:السيد جمال الدین أحمد بن طاووس الحلّي) (d. 673/1239) titled as Ibn Ṭāwūs (Arabic:ابن طاووس), and also known as Faqih of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) was a Shia faqih in the 7th/13th century.
Ahmad b. Musa had miscellaneous works in kalam, akhlaq, rijal, fiqh and hadith, most of which have been lost. Ibn Dawud mentioned 82 works of him:
- Bushra l-muhaqqiqin, a fiqhi book in 6 vol.
- Al-Maladh 'ulam' al-imamiyya, a fiqhi book in 4 vol.
- Kitab al-kurr
- Al-Fawa'id al-'idda or al-Fara'id al-'idda, about usul al-fiqh.
- Al-Sahm al-sari' , on analysis of trading with loan.
- Al-Thaqib al-musakhkhar 'ala naqd al-mushajjar, about usul al-din.
- Al-Ruh on rejection of Ibn Abi l-Hadid's ideas.
- Shawahid al-Qur'an.
- Bana' al-Maqala l-Fatimiyya fi naqd al-risala al-'Uthmaniyya on rejection of 'Uthman b. Jahiz's treatise.
- Al-Masa'il, about usul al-din.
- 'Ayn al-'ibra fi ghayn al-'Itra on verses revealed about the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and on rejection of all schools other than the school of the Ahl al-Bayt (a).
- Zuhrat al-riyad wa nazhat al-murtad.
- Al-Ikhtiyar fi ad'iyat al-layl wa l-nahar.
- Al-Izhar fi sharh Lamiya Mahyar.
- Hall al-ishkal fi ma'rifat al-rijal, about 'ilm al-rijal.
- Poem collection.