Muharram 12

Dhu l-Hijja
Muharram 1446

- 61 AH - Burial of the Martyrs of Karbala (October 12, 680 AH)
- 61 AH - Entrance of Captives of Karbala into Kufa (October 12, 680)
- 94 AH - Martyrdom of Imam al-Sajjad (a) (according to some reports) (October 18, 712)
- 735 AH - Demise of Shaykh Safiyy al-Din Ardabili (September 12, 1334)
- 1383 AH - The uprising of 15 Khurdad after Imam Khomeini was captured by the Pahlavi Regime (June 5, 1963)
- 1436 AH – Demise of George Jordac, the author of Imam 'Ali (a); The voice of human justice (November 5, 2014 CE)