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George Jordac

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George Jordac
Personal Information
Full NameGeorge Sam'an Jordac
ResidenceAl-Jadida, Lebanon
DeathMuharram 12, 1436/November 5, 2014
Scholarly Information
WorksImam 'Ali (a); The voice of human justice, Masterpieces of Nahj al-balagha, Imru' al-Qays and the world

George Sam'an Jordac (Persian: جرج سمعان جرداق) (b. 1344/1926 - d. 1436/2014) known as George Jordac was a Lebanese Christian author and poet who wrote a book titled Imam 'Ali (a); The voice of human justice. His work received worldwide admiration from Muslim and non-Muslim thinkers.

Life and Education

George Jordac was born in 1344/1926 in an Orthodox Christian family with a Qahtani pedigree in Al-Jadida town in the Marjayoun area, south of Lebanon. He finished his primary educations at a school in this area. Having learned about Nahj al-balagha through his own brother Fu'ad Jordac (an engineer, philologist, and poet) at an early age, he acknowledges that he used to frequently ditch the classes to, instead, devote his time to read Nahj al-Balagha, the Diwan (poetry-collection) of al-Mutanabbi (the well-known Arab poet), and Majma' al-bahrayn by Shaykh Nasi al-Yaziji outdoors. By the time he was 13 years old, George had already memorized much of Nahj al-balagha and the other two books. George Jordac graduated from Batrukiyya college in Beirut. He died on Muharram 12, 1436/November 5, 2014).


After he graduated from the university, George taught Arabic literature and Arabic philosophy in some schools and universities in Beirut, and at the same time, he translated and wrote some articles for Lebanese newspapers and magazines. He wrote in newspapers such as al-Jumhuri al-jadid, al-Hurriyya, al-Sayyad, al-Shabaka, Nisa', al-Kafah al-'Arabi, al-Amn, and some Arabic newspapers printed in Paris, and for two years in al-Watan and al-Ra'y al-'Am, both printed in Kuwait.

Here are some of his works:

Imam 'Ali (a); The Voice of Human Justice is an English translation of الامام علی (ع) صوت العدالة الانسانية by M Fazel Haqq

1. Imam 'Ali (a); The voice of human justice, in five volumes:

  • 'Ali and human rights
  • 'Ali and the French revolution
  • 'Ali and Socrates
  • 'Ali and his time
  • 'Ali and the Arabs

2. Palaces and Slums

3. Saladin and Richard the Lion Heart (a historical novel in about 1000 pages)

4. The Arabic genius

5. Girls and mirrors

6. The faces of Koton

7. Donkey talks

8. The Paris chaos

9. An adventure and thieves (a play)

10. The singer

11. The governor

12. Imru' al-Qays and the world

13. Noonday stars

14. Cabarets talks

15. I am oriental (poems)

16. The displaced (a translation of Maxim Gorky's book)

17. A translation of Mao Tse-tong's poems

18. A translation of Maxim Gorky's My fellow.

19. Wagner and the woman

20. Masterpieces of Nahj al-balagha

Travel to Iran

In 1417/1997, George Jordac traveled to Iran by an invitation from some Iranian authorities, and visited some academic and cultural figures in Iran.

Later, he traveled to Iran in 1420/2000 to attend the Sa'di Conference in Shiraz.

