Muharram 5

Dhu l-Hijja
Muharram 1446

- Banu Israel crosses the sea under the leadership of Musa (a) (Moses)
- 61 AH - Dispatching the army by Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad in order to prevent people of Kufa from joining the army of Imam al-Husayn (a) (October 5, 680)
- 1246 AH - Birth of Mir Hamid Husayn al-Hindi (June 26, 1830)
- 1310 AH - Demise of Fadil Maragha'i (July 30, 1892)
- 1352 AH - Demise of Sayyid Ja'far Shahrudi (April 30, 1933)
- 1416 AH - Demise of Muhammad Baqir Kamara'i (June 4, 1995)