632 CE
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Year 632 CE was a leap year in the Julian calendar that started on Wednesday, Shawwal 2, 10 AH and ended on Thursday, Shawwal 12, 11 AH.
One of the most important events of this year is the Event of Ghadir on March 16 and the clarification of the Prophet (s) on the succession of Imam Ali (a) which took place after prophet's (s) farewell Hajj. Then after two months the Prophet (s) passed away on May 25 (Safar 28) at the age of 63.
- March – Prophet Muhammad (s) performed his farewell Hajj (Dhu l-Hijja, 10 AH).
- March 16 – The Qur'an 5:67 known as "Tabligh verse" was revealed. The Shi'a believe that the subject of the verse was the succession of the Prophet (s) by Imam Ali (a). (Dhu l-Hijja 18, 10 AH).
- March 16 – On his return from farewell Hajj, the Prophet (s) introduced Imam Ali (a) as his vicegerent and people's guardian after himself at a place called Ghadir Khum and this event is called event of Ghadir (Dhu l-Hijja 18, 10 AH)
- March 16 – The Qur'an 5:3 known as "Ikmal verse" was revealed to the Prophet (s) during the event of Ghadir. In this verse God states that he had perfected the religion and completed the blessing. (Dhu l-Hijja 18, 10 AH)
- February - Muhammad b. Abi Bakr (d. Safar 38/July 658), son of Abu Bakr and companion of Imam Ali (a), (Dhu l-Qa'da).
- May 25 – Demise of Prophet Muhammad (s) at the age of 63, (Safar 28, 11 AH).
- August 6 - martyrdom of Lady Fatima (a) (according to the narration of 75 days) (Jumada I 13, 11 AH)
- August 26 - martyrdom of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra' (a) (b. 9 BH/614), daughter of prophet Muhammad (s) and wife of Imam Ali (a), according to the famous account, (Jumada II 3, 11 AH).