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User:Hamed A.F/What is Shi'a?

From wikishia

Twelever Shi'a or Imamiyya is the second major denomination in Islam. Followers of this denomination believe in Imam 'Ali (a) as the first true successor of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and the first Imam of Islamic Umma whose right of caliphate was taken by Rashidun caliphs. Twelver Shi'a believe in 11 other Imams after Imam 'Ali (a). The last Imam of Twelver Shi'a, Imam al-Mahdi (a) is believed to be in occultation since 329/940-941 and is going to come back some day and save the world from the darkness and oppression.


The word "Shi'a" (Arabic: "شیعه")...


The history of Shi'a, like other Islamic denominations starts with the Bi'tha of Muhammad (s) as the last prophet and messenger of God, but the term Shi'a originated from the time when the Prophet (s) demised, an a major dispute about his succession took place among the Muslims. While a group of Muslim gathered in Saqifa Bani Sa'ida electing Abu Bakr as the successor of the Prophet (s), another group of Muslims believed that the Prophet (s) himself had chosen his successor in the event of Ghadir coming back from Hajjat al-Wida'. So they followed 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and thus, named Shi'a (followers) of 'Ali.


Twelver Shia shares most of the Islamic doctrines with other Islamic denominations, like believing in Oneness of God, Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (s), and the Day of Judgment. Followers of this denomination also believe in the Qur'an, the holy book of all Muslims which is believed to be all revealed from God to the Prophet (s) by Gabriel the messenger. However, there are also some theological doctrines which distinguishes Shi'a from Sunni Islam, such as a different view about the Divine Justice and Imamate.

Other Shia Theological Doctrines

Significant Figures

14 Infallibles

Other Respected Figures

Shi'a Scholars

Rules and Rituals

Holy Places