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wikishia:Wikiproject Jurisprudential Terms

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Wikiproject Jurisprudential Terms is a sub project of Wikiproject Fiqh and just concentrates on jurisprudential terms.

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Name Priority Quality Links Photo Category Infobox Navbox Redirects References Quick Review Date Check Good Featured Latest Updated
Jari Waterwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Qalil Watera b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Mudaf Waterc b - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Mutlaq Waterwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Kathir Waterwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Kurr Watera b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Intercoursewithout editorial box or does not exist //
Ayat al-Ahkamb b - - editorial box 2025/02/10
Ibn Sabilwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Permission for Ijtihad- b - - editorial box 2024/07/25
Ijtihadb b - - editorial box 2023/12/07
Ijtihad infront of Nasswithout editorial box or does not exist //
Ijma'b b - - editorial box 2022/06/19
Ihtidarb b - - editorial box 2023/09/27
Ihtilamb b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Ihtiat Wajibwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Ihramb b - editorial box 2024/12/17
Ihsanb b - - editorial box 2023/10/09
Secondary Edicts (Ahkam Thanawiyya)without editorial box or does not exist //
Religious Edicts (Ahkam Shar'i)without editorial box or does not exist //
Practical Edicts (Ahkam 'Amali)without editorial box or does not exist //
Ikhtilaf al-Fuqahawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Ada'without editorial box or does not exist 2024/12/17
Adhana a - - editorial box 2025/03/08
Apostasy (Irtidad)without editorial box or does not exist //
Essentials of Prayera b - - editorial box 2024/12/19
Marriagea b - editorial box 2024/12/17
Temporary Marriageaa b - - editorial box 2024/12/21
Istibra'b b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Istihadawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Istikharawithout editorial box or does not exist 2021/05/06
Istita'a (hajj)b b - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Istimta'without editorial box or does not exist //
Masturbationa b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Jurisprudential Termswithout editorial box or does not exist //
Rulings of Foods and Drinks- b - - editorial box 2023/09/09
A'lamiyyatwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Iftarc a - editorial box 2025/03/03
Iqamahc b - - editorial box 2025/03/08
Amr Ma'ruf wa Nahi Munkarwithout editorial box or does not exist //
An'am Thalathawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Anfalwithout editorial box or does not exist 2024/12/17
Inqilab (fiqh)- b - - editorial box 2024/12/19
People of the Qiblawithout editorial box or does not exist //
People of the Booka c - - editorial box 2024/10/26
Bid'ac b - - editorial box 2024/02/03
Baghy- b - editorial box 2023/05/28
Pubertya b - - editorial box 2022/06/19
Bayt al-Malwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Bayyina Shar'iwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Bayn al-Tulu'ainwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Ta'lif Qulubwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Takhalliwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Tadhkiyac b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Tasamuh dar adilli Sunanwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Al-Tasbihat al-Arba'ab a - editorial box 2024/12/17
Ta'addud Zawjat (Polygamy)without editorial box or does not exist //
Ta'zir- b - - editorial box 2022/06/19
Ta'sibwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Al-Taqlid (hajj)c c - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Taqlidb b - - editorial box 2023/12/07
Tamkinwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Tawriyawithout editorial box or does not exist 2021/07/24
Takbirb b - - editorial box 2025/02/10
Taklifwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Tayammuma b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Inculpable ignorantc b - - editorial box 2018/02/21
Culpable ignorantc b - - - editorial box 2018/07/05
Jabirawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Jizyawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Jihadwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Offensive Jihadwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Janabaa a - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Hakimwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Sharia rulerb b - - editorial box 2024/06/18
Hajjaa b - editorial box 2024/06/06
Hajj al-Ifrad- b - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Hajj al-Tamattu'b b - editorial box 2024/12/17
Hajj al-Qiran- b - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Hijaba b editorial box 2023/09/25
Limit of Tarakhkhusb b - editorial box 2024/12/17
Al-Hadath al-Asgharc b - - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Al-Hadath al-Akbarc b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Haram (fiqh)b b - - editorial box 2022/06/19
Eternal Haramwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Hasbewithout editorial box or does not exist //
Child Custodyb b - - editorial box 2022/06/14
Haqq Allah and Haqq al-Nasb c - - editorial box 2020/05/26
Halq and Taqsirc b editorial box 2024/12/17
Khutbawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Khums Arbah Makasibwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Khumsaa a - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Hanutc b - - editorial box 2025/02/16
Dar al-Harbwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Expediency liewithout editorial box or does not exist //
Al-Dima' al-Thalathab b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Religious slaughteringwithout editorial box or does not exist //
Dhabiha by the poeple of the book (:fa:ذبیحه اهل کتاب)without editorial box or does not exist //
Moon Sighting (:fa:رؤیت هلال)without editorial box or does not exist //
Ribawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Rabibawithout editorial box or does not exist //
Return in Divorce (:fa:رجوع در طلاق)without editorial box or does not exist //
Radd Madalim (:fa:رد مظالم)without editorial box or does not exist //
Rida' (breastfeeding)b c - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Ramy al-Jamaratb b editorial box 2024/12/17
Dancewithout editorial box or does not exist //
