Al-Tasbīhāt al-Arba'a (Arabic: التَسْبیحات الأرْبَعَة) consists of four dhikrs recited in daily prayers with three or four rak'as as well as certain other dhikrs. The four dhikrs are: "Subḥān Allāh, wa l-ḥamd li-llāh, wa lā ilāh-a illā Allāh, wa Allāh Akbar" (Exalted is Allah, and praise is for Allah, and there is no god except Allah, and God is the greatest).

In daily prayers, al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a is recited in rak'as three and four instead of Sura al-Hamd (Qur'an 1) and another Sura.[1] According to the Fatwas of some Shiite marja's, al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a should be recited three times in rak'as three and four of the prayer, but according to others, it suffices to recite it only one time.[2]

In addition to the daily prayers, al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a should be recited in Ja'far al-Tayyar Prayer after the recitation of the Sura (three hundred times),[3] in the common prayers of the nights of the month of Ramadan (seven times),[4] and in the practices of Jumada II after the common prayer (seventy times).

In the volume ninety of his Bihar al-anwar, al-Allama al-Majlisi has devoted a chapter to the meaning and the virtues of al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a.[5] the recitation of al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a is recommended for closeness to God, preventing catastrophes in this world[6], and the prayers being responded by God[7][8]


  1. Fāḍilī, Irfān-i Namāz, p. 85.
  2. Banī Hashimī, Tawḍīḥ al-masāʾil-i marājiʿ, vol. 1, p. 552.
  3. Qummi, Dastūr al-ʿamal, p. 267.
  4. Qummi, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, Under the prayers of the nights of the month of Ramadan.
  5. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 90, p. 166-175.
  6. Imam al-Sadiq (a) said: "one day the Prophet (s) told his companion: if you collect all your clothes and dishes and put on top of each other, will they reach the sky? They said: no, O the messenger of God! He said: when you are done with saying your prayer, recite "subhan Allah, wa l-hamd li-llah, wa la ilah illa Allah, wa Allah akbar" thirty times, because these words prevent destructions, drowning, burning, falling in the water well, being eaten by predatory animals, any bad death, and any trouble and catastrophe for the person on that day, and these words are follow-ups.
  7. Imam al-Sadiq (a) said: "if one recites "subhan Allah, wa l-hamd il-llah, wa la ilah illa Allah, wa Allah Akbar" forty times in the follow-ups of his obligatory prayers before on is comfortable seated and then ask God something, God will give him whatever he wants".
  8. Sayyid b. Ṭāwūs, Adab-i Ḥuḍūr, vol. 1, p. 293-294.


  • Banī Hāshimī Khomeinī, Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥasan. Tawḍīḥ al-masāʾil-i marājiʿ muṭābiq-i fatawa-yi 13 nafar az marājiʿ muʿaẓam-i taqlīd. Qom: Daftar-i Intishārāt-i Islāmī-yi Jāmiʿa-yi Mudarrisīn, 1385 Sh.
  • Fāḍilī, Qādir. Irfān-i Namāz. Tehran: Nashr-i Faḍīlāt-i ʿIlm, 1388 Sh.
  • Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir al-. Biḥār al-anwār al-jāmiʿa li-durar akhbār al-aʾimmat al-aṭhār. Beirut: Dār Iḥyāʾ al-Turath al-ʿArabī, 1403 AH.
  • Qummi, Shaykh ʿAbbas al-. Dastūr al-ʿamal wa murwārīdha-yi dirakhshān (al-Laʾālī al-manthūra) . Edited by Muḥammad Ḥusayn Rabbānī. Qom: Nashr-i ʿAhd, 1381 Sh.
  • Sayyid b. Ṭāwūs, ʿAlī b. Mūsā. Adab-i Ḥuḍūr. Translated by Muḥammad Rūḥī. Qom: Intishārāt-i Anṣārī, 1380 Sh.