New pages
18 March 2025
- 20:0520:05, 18 March 2025 Hadith of I'tila' (hist | edit) [9,199 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hadith of ''I‘tila'' is a hadith narrated from the Prophet of Islam (s) that refers to the superiority of Islam over other religions and the principle that non-believers should not have dominance over Muslims. Some hadith scholars reject the connection between this hadith and the negation of non-believers’ dominance over Muslims, arguing that the narration specifically pertains to the superiority of Islam over other religions. However, since Islam consists of a set...") Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Hadith of I‘tila"
17 March 2025
- 22:1722:17, 17 March 2025 Fast of silence (hist | edit) [6,497 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Fast of silence is a practice in which a person, with the intention of seeking closeness to God and with the intention of fasting, does not speak for part or all of the day. According to both Shia and Sunni jurists, the fast of silence is forbidden. However, if a person remains silent without the intention of fasting, even for the entire day, it is not forbidden. It is said that the fast of silence was common among Bani Isra’il, but it was abrogated in Islam. '''Conce...") Tag: Visual edit
16 March 2025
- 23:1723:17, 16 March 2025 Continuous fasting (hist | edit) [4,428 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "“''Sawm al-Wisal''” (“continuous fasting”) refers to fasting for a full day and night (from dawn [''fajr''] until the pre-dawn [''Sahar''] of the following day) or for two consecutive days (from dawn [''fajr''] of the first day until sunset of the second day) without breaking the fast in between. According to the ''fatwa'' of Shi’a jurists, continuous fasting is considered among the prohibited types of fasting. The basis for this ruling is derived from verse 18...") Tag: Visual edit
- 08:3708:37, 16 March 2025 Prayer of the Night of Qadr (100 Rak'as) (hist | edit) [2,757 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The hundred-''rak’a'' prayer of the Night of Qadr consists of 50 two-''rak’a'' prayers performed on the Night of Qadr. In each ''rak’a'' of this prayer, after reciting Surah al-Fatiha, Surah al-Ikhlas is recited ten times. In Mafatih al-Jinan, Shaykh Abbas Qomi has included this prayer among the practices common for all the Nights of Qadr. Based on a narration from Imam al-Baqir (a), whoever stays awake during the night of the twenty-third of Ramadan and performs...") Tag: Visual edit
11 March 2025
- 18:2418:24, 11 March 2025 Laylat al-Qadr Prayer (Disambiguation) (hist | edit) [420 bytes] Kadeh (talk | contribs) (Laylat al-Qadr Prayer (Disambiguation) Created)
- 00:1900:19, 11 March 2025 The Eve of Ramadan 23rd (hist | edit) [11,215 bytes] Yasser P. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The eve of the 23rd of Ramadan is one of the nights that might be Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Decree). Therefore, Shias spend this night in vigil and worship. Shiite hadiths place greater emphasis on this night being Laylat al-Qadr compared to the nights of the 19th and 21st, and it is associated with more recommended acts of worship. Reports from the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt indicate that they would keep their households awake on this night. Additionally, the complet...") Tag: Visual edit
10 March 2025
- 23:4623:46, 10 March 2025 The Eve of Ramadan 21 (hist | edit) [2,806 bytes] Yasser P. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The eve of the 21st of Ramadan marks the martyrdom of Imam 'Ali and is one of the significant occasions in the Shiite calendar. According to historical reports, Imam 'Alī was struck by Ibn Muljam al-Muradi on the eve of the 19th of Ramadan, which led to his martyrdom on the eve of the 21<sup>st</sup>. In commemoration of this event, Shias hold mourning ceremonies on this night. According to hadiths recorded in Shiite sources, the eve of the 21st of Ramadan, along with...") Tag: Visual edit
6 March 2025
- 15:2915:29, 6 March 2025 Al-Iftar Supplication (hist | edit) [4,915 bytes] Safizade (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Template:Text of the Al-Iftar Supplication}}") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
3 March 2025
- 19:3719:37, 3 March 2025 Template:Text of the Ya 'Aliyyu ya 'Azim Supplication (hist | edit) [5,088 bytes] Safizade (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Template:Supplication of Ya 'Aliyyu ya 'Azim}}") originally created as "Supplication of Ya 'Aliyyu ya 'Azim"
- 13:1013:10, 3 March 2025 Template:Text of the Al-Iftar Supplication (hist | edit) [1,032 bytes] Safizade (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Template:Iftar prayer}}") originally created as "Al-Iftar Supplication"
20 February 2025
- 08:3908:39, 20 February 2025 Battles of the Prophet (s) (hist | edit) [31,976 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The battles of the Prophet (s) after his migration to Medina were aimed at preserving the Islamic community and establishing an Islamic government, countering the aggression of the polytheists, and eliminating sedition. According to some researchers, all these battles were conducted due to the polytheists’ violation of treaties or their military movements. Therefore, the claim by some Orientalists that the objectives of these battles were materialistic is incorrect and...") Tag: Visual edit
16 February 2025
- 08:3608:36, 16 February 2025 Jahr (hist | edit) [10,381 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Jahr'' is the opposite of ''ikhfat'' and means raising and making the voice loud [and audible to others]. According to the majority viewpoint, ''jahr'' (raising the voice) in reciting surah al-Fatiha and the subsequent Surah in Fajr prayer and the first two ''rak’a''s of Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers is obligatory for men performing the prayer. ''Jahr'' has rulings in the discussions of daily prayer, ''hajj'', and blood money (''diya''). Some jurists consider it requir...") Tag: Visual edit
15 February 2025
- 18:0218:02, 15 February 2025 Allahumma l-'an qatalata Amir al-Mu'minin (hist | edit) [1,687 bytes] Kadeh (talk | contribs) (The article "Allahumma l-'an qatalata Amir al-Mu'minin" created.)
11 February 2025
- 15:4715:47, 11 February 2025 Shawwal 30 (hist | edit) [196 bytes] Kadeh (talk | contribs) (Shawwal 30, created)
17 January 2025
- 00:4100:41, 17 January 2025 List of Commentaries of Nahj al-balagha (hist | edit) [10,706 bytes] Safizade (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The List of Commentaries of Nahj al-balagha''' is a compilation of books written by both Shi'a and Sunni scholars in various languages, providing interpretations and explanations of ''Nahj al-balagha''. ''Nahj al-Balagha'' itself is a collection of sermons, letters, and sayings attributed to Imam Ali (a) that were compiled by the Shi'a scholar Sayyid Radi in the fourth/ninth century. The following list details commentaries on this book in Arabic, P...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
7 January 2025
- 01:3701:37, 7 January 2025 Ayyub b. Nuh b. Darraj (hist | edit) [10,134 bytes] Yasser P. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ayyub b. Nuh b. Darraj al-Nakha'i al-Kufi was an Imami jurist and hadith transmitter of the third century AH. He transmitted hadiths from Imam al-Rida, Imam al-Jawad, Imam al-Hadi, and Imam al-'Askari. Ayyub was the representative of Imam al-Hadi and Imam al-'Askari and held a special position with both of these Imams. The scholars of rijal have described him as a pious individual who devoutly engaged in worship. Ayyub's father, Nuh b. Darraj, was a companion of Imam al-...")
- 01:1101:11, 7 January 2025 Memorizing the Quran (hist | edit) [18,281 bytes] Yasser P. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Memorizing the Quran, or Hifz al-Qur'an, refers to the act of committing the verses of the Quran to memory. Numerous hadiths promise great rewards and blessings for this endeavor. In one hadith, the Prophet likened the rank of a hafiz of the Quran among people to his own rank over others. According to historical and hadith sources, the first hafiz of the Quran was the Prophet Muhammad himself. The exact number of Quran’s memorizes during the time of the Prophet is unkn...")
6 January 2025
- 23:4223:42, 6 January 2025 Khatam al-Nabiyyin (Title) (hist | edit) [6,674 bytes] Yasser P. (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The phrased khatam al-nabiyyin and khatam al-snbiya (the final of the prophets) are Quranic expressions and among the titles of Prophet Muhammad b. Abdullah. They signify the finality of his prophethood and the conclusion of prophethood. The expression khatam al-nabiyyin is mentioned in verse 40 of Sura al-Ahzab, commonly known as the Verse of Finality. These two expressions are also used in hadith literature and statements attributed to the Imams, such as in the sevent...")
4 January 2025
- 22:3422:34, 4 January 2025 Dhabiha of Ahl al-Kitab (hist | edit) [6,147 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Dhabiha'' of Ahl al-Kitab is an animal slaughtered by People of the Book (followers of religions whose prophets have received a divine book). According to Shaykh Baha’i (d. 1031 AH), most Shi’a jurists, including Shaykh Tusi, Shaykh Mufid, and Sayyid Murtada, consider eating the meat of such animals as impermissible, even if they mention God’s name upon slaughtering. Imam Khomeini also shared this view. These jurists, citing narrations, believe that the permissib...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:3120:31, 4 January 2025 Mujtaba (title) (hist | edit) [3,782 bytes] Mrfarajian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "“Mujtaba”, meaning “the chosen one,” is one of Imam Hasan’s (a) titles. This title has also been used for the Prophet (s) and other Imams (a). In a sermon narrated from Imam al-Sadiq (a) describing the attributes of the Imams (a), this title is mentioned as an attribute of an Imam (a). However, it became particularly well-known in reference to Imam Hasan (a). In hadiths narrated from Imams (a) of Shia, they (a) have referred to Imam Hasan (a) with the title “...") Tag: Visual edit
1 January 2025
- 09:5009:50, 1 January 2025 Farwa b. Nawfal al-Ashja'i (hist | edit) [4,514 bytes] E.amini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Farwa b. Nawfal al-Ashja'i''' was a hadith narrator and one of Imam Ali’s (a) companions in the Battle of Siffin. After the Arbitration, he joined the Kharijites. He left the battlefield during the Battle of Nahrawan with 500 of his followers. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali (a), he fought against Mu'awiya. Eventually, Mu'awiyah defeated his forces wi...") Tag: Visual edit
31 December 2024
- 09:1909:19, 31 December 2024 Sayyid 'Abd Allah Nidham (hist | edit) [7,779 bytes] E.amini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox person | title = Seyed Abdullah Nizam | image = Seyed Abdollah Nizam.jpg | image_size = | image_caption = | notability = Leader of Shia Muslims in Syria | full_name = Seyed Abdullah Nizam | nickname = | lineage = | birth_date = | birth_place = Damascus | birth_country = Syria | death_date = | death_place = | death_country = | martyrdom_date = | martyrdom_place= | martyrdom_country= | r...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched