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List of Figures Buried in Karbala

Priority: c, Quality: c
From wikishia

Since long ago, due to the holiness of Karbala, tens of scholars, Sayyids, kings, and important figures have been buried there, some inside and others outside of Holy Shrine of Imam al-Husayn (a). In what follows, some of these figures are listed.

Sayyids and Scholars

  • Muhammad b. Nabi b. al-Kazim: he was the grandson of Imam al-Kazim (a) who is known among Arabs as Imam Nuh and is buried in Tuwayrij, 12 km away from Karbala.[1]
  • Al-Akhras b. al-Kazim: Muhammad b. Abi l-Fath known as al-Akhras, a grandson of Imam al-Kazim (a) is buried in al-Abtar neighborhood in the suburb of Karbala. A shrine is built there and many pilgrims go there.[2] Al Khurasan Sayyids are titled as al-Akhras.
  • Al-Sayyid Ahmad Abu Hashim: His lineage reaches back to Imam al-Kazim (a). He is buried 25 km north west of Shafa'a and has a shrine and dome decorated with blue tiles.[3]
  • Ibn Hamza: 'Imad al-Din Abu Muhammad b. 'Ali b. Hamza b. al-Hasan b. 'Ubayd Allah b. al-'Abbas b. 'Ali (a) known as Ibn Hamza, a grandson of Abu al-Fadl al-'Abbas (a). He was among great scholars of fiqh and hadith. He is buried in the old cemetery of Karbala, now located at south east of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas's (a) shrine, near Karbala-Tuwayrij highway.
  • Abu Ahmad al-Husayn b. Muhammad (304/916-17 – 400/1009-10): his lineage reached Imam al-Kazim (a) after 3 generations. He was the respected father of al-Sharif al-Radi and al-Sharif al-Murtada.
  • Al-Sharif al-Radi (358/968-69 – 406/1015-16): According to a report, al-Sharif al-Radi was among Shi'a scholars of the 4th/10th century and the compiler of Nahj al-balagha. He is buried beside his father and brother near the grave of al-Sayyid Ibrahim al-Mujab in the western courtyard of the shrine of Imam al-Husayn (a).
Shrine of Ibn Fahd al-Hilli
  • Al-Sharif al-Murtada (355/966 – 436/1044-45): also known as al-Sharif al-Murtada was among great Shi'a scholars of fiqh in 4th/10th century and wrote many books.
  • Ibn Fahd al-Hilli (758/1357 – 841/1437-38): the grave of Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Fahd, the great Twelver Shi'a scholar of fiqh is located in the west of Bab al-Qibla St. in a mosque named after him. He assigned his house to serve pilgrims as a resting stop where he was buried after he passed away. In 1033/1624, Shah Abbas changed the garden south of Ibn Fahd's grave to a mosque and did tile work in it and build a dome on top of it.
  • Al-Shaykh Yusuf al-Bahrani (1107/1695-96 – 1186/1772-73): Al-Shaykh Yusuf Al 'Usfur al-Bahrani, the author of al-Hada'iq al-nadira is buried in the eastern courtyard of the shrine. He, al-Sayyid 'Ali al-Tabataba'i, and al-Wahid al-Bihbahani are buried in one tomb.
  • Al-Wahid al-Bihbahani (1118/1706-7 – 1205/1790-91): Shaykh Muhammad Baqir b. Muhammad Akmal known as al-Wahid al-Bibahani was among great Shi'a scholars of 12th/18th century. He is buried in the eastern courtyard of the shrine. He was the leader and religious authority of Shi'a in Karbala.
  • Al-Sayyid Kazim al-Rashti (1214/1799-800 – 1259/1843): al-Sayyid Kazim b. Qasim al-Husayni al-Rashti was a pupil of al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i. His grave is in the eastern courtyard of the shrine.
  • Al-Sayyid Ahmad b. Kazim al-Rashti: he was murdered in 1295/1878 and was buried beside his father in the eastern courtyard of the shrine.
  • Sharif al-'Ulama' (d. 1246/1830-31): Muhammad Sharif b. al-Hasan al-Amuli was among great Shi'a scholars and the teacher of al-Shaykh Murtada al-Ansari. He was buried in south east of the shrine, in an alley of Imam al-Husayn (a) St. and there was a monument built over his grave which does not exist now.
  • Al-Sayyid 'Ali al-Tabataba'i: he is the author of Riyad al-masa'il in fiqh. He was buried in the eastern courtyard of the shrine. He built the wall of Karbala.
  • Al-Mujahid (1180/1766-67 – 1242/1826-27): Sayyid Muhammad Mujahid, son of al-Sayyid 'Ali al-Tabataba'i was the grandson of al-Wahid al-Bihbahani, the author of Mafatih wa manahil. He was known as al-Mujahid since he participated in the war with Russians. His grave was in Bayn al-Haramayn and had a dome and Iron Darih which has been lost in contemporary expansions.
  • Muhammad Taqi al-Shirazi (d. 1338/1919-20): He was among great Shi'a authorities and a leader of the uprising of the people of Iraq against Britain (1920). He made great efforts and struggles and defeated British domination. He was buried in the south east side of the courtyard in a dedicated grave. In 1263/1847, when the courtyard was being expanded, a monument was built beside his grave named Eywan Shirazi in 200 square meters and became a place for religious students' studying, but later on it was closed by the order of Ba'ath regime.
  • Qazwini family (Mujtahid Qazwini): Three members of Mujtahid Qazwini family are buried in a room on the way towards the courtyard of Imam al-Husayn's (a) shrine and the courtyard itself on the way of the courtyard of Abu al-Fadl al-'Abbas (a) (i.e. Qadi al-Hajat gate):
  1. Aqa Sayyid Ibrahim b. Muhammad Mujtahid Qazwini, the author of Dawabit al-'usul (1262/1846)
  2. Aqa Sayyid Mahdi Mujtahid
  3. Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Qazwini (d. 1281/1864-65)
The grave of Shaykh al-Islam Qazwini is in the corridor to the small courtyard of this place.
  • Shaykh 'Abd al-Husayn Tihrani: Shaykh 'Abd al-Husayn Tihrani was among contemporary fiqh scholars who is buried in one of the rooms of the west side of the courtyard.
  • Al-Sayyid 'Abd Allah al-Bahrani: He was the fiqh scholar of and the author of al-Ifadat al-Husayniyya and the commentary on al-'Allama al-Hilli's Mukhtasar al-nafi' . He is buried in Ibrahim al-Mujab porch. Beside him, his son Muhsin, his grandson Sayyid Muhammad b. Muhsin are buried who wrote al-Fusul al-bahiyya and Hidayat al-'ibad.
  • Sayyid Ibrahim b. Muhammad Baqir al-Musawi al-Qazwini al-Ha'iri: He is known as Sahib Dawabit (Author of Dawabit) and was of the great Shi'a scholars. He is buried in the roundabout in front of Bab al-Shihada. His works in fiqh are famous.
  • Baraghani Family: Some of Baraghani family who were all among great Shi'a fiqh scholars are buried in the west porch of the shrine (Balasar porch). The most famous one of them is Mulla Muhammad 'Ali Baraghani who passed away in 1271/1854-55. He had many works in fiqh and Tafsir. His another son Mirza 'Abd al-Wahhab was among mystics and fiqh scholars of Qajar time and passed away in 1294/1877. Grave of the famous Mulla 'Ali Baraghani who passed away in 1269/1852-53 is located in the same place.
  • Sayyid Murtada Tabataba'i: Sayyid Murtada, son of Sayyid Muhammad Tabataba'i Husayni Burujirdi was father of Sayyid Mahdi Bahr al-'Ulum who passed away in 1204/1789-90. He was buried in the East porch of the shrine.
  • Al Kumuna Family: Some members of Al Kumuna family are buried in the Khazaneh Jawahir basement of the shrine between Kings porch and the mosque of the shrine. They were among scholars and men of literature in Karbala including Shaykh Mahdi Kumuna (d. 1272/1855-56), the key holder of the shrine, Shaykh Mirza Hasan Kumuna (d. 1292/1875-76) and also his brother who became the manager (Tawliya) of the shrine after him and also Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Kumuna (d. 1282/1865-65) who was a Shi'a poet.
  • Al-Sayyid Hashim al-Haddad: His grave is in Wadi l-Safa of Karbala.

Kings and Politicians

Buyid Kings

Some Buyid kings are buried in the courtyard of Imam al-Husayn's (a) shrine. Previously, there were monuments over their graves which were destroyed in 1268/1852.

Qajar Kings and Statesmen

  • Muzaffar al-Din Shah: He was a Qajar king who ordered the constitution in 1324/1906 and died in the same year. He was buried in Karbala based on his will. His grave is in Kings porch.
  • Muhammad 'Ali Shah: Muhammad 'Ali Shah was son of Muzaffar al-Din Shah of Qajar dynasty who was among opposers of constitution. He is famous for cannoning Iranian parliament. He died in 1341/1922-23 and was buried beside his father.
  • Ahmad Shah: Ahmad Shah, son of Muhammad 'Ali Shah was the last shah of Qajar dynasty. Reza Shah's coup happened at his time in 1920. He died in 1348/1929-30 and was buried beside his father.
  • Amir Kabir: Mirza Taqi Khan Hazave'i known as Amir Kabir was the famous prime minister of Nasir al-Din Shah. He was murdered by the order of shah in Fin bath (Hammam-e Fin) of Kashan in 1919 and was buried in Kings porch of Imam al-Husayn's (a) shrine. His son Sa'id al-Mulk and his brother Mirza Husayn Khan are buried beside him.
  • Mu'ayyir al-Mamalik: Dust 'Ali Khan Mu'ayyir al-Mamalik was the manager of the mint and financial affairs of Nasir al-Din Shah kingdom. He is buried in Kings porch. His grave is in a small room decorated with mirror works.
  • Haji Mirza Aghasi: He was one of the ministers of Muhammad Shah Qajar.
  • Zill al-Sultan: Zill al-Sultan was son of Nasir al-Din Shah and the ruler of Isfahan during the rules of Nasir al-din Shah and Muzaffar al-Din Shah. His grave is in Kings porch.
  • Princes from India are also buried in the Shrine, most famous of whom are Zahid al-Din Shah and Sultan Burhan Nizam Shah, son of Sultan Ahmad Hindi.


  1. Adīb al-Mulk Marāghaʾī, Safarnāma-yi Adīb al-Mulk bi ʿAtabāt, p. 204.
  2. Āl Ṭuʿma, Turāth Karbalā, p. 116.
  3. Āl Ṭuʿma, Turāth Karbalā, p. 117.


  • The material for this article is mainly taken from مدفونان در کربلا in Farsi WikiShia.
  • Adīb al-Mulk Marāghaʾī, ʿAbd al-ʿAlī. Safarnāma-yi Adīb al-Mulk bi ʿAtabāt. Tehran: Dādjū, 1364 Sh.
  • Āl Ṭuʿma, Salmān Hādī. Turāth Karbalā. Beirut: Muʾassisa al-Aʿlamī li-l-Maṭbūʿāt, 1403 AH.