Battle of Banū Muṣṭaliq (Arabic: غَزوَة بَنی‌مُصْطَلِق) or Muraysīʿ (Arabic: مُرَیسیع) was among the Prophet's (s) battles with one of the Jewish tribes in Fur' region on the way between Medina and Mecca in 5/626-7 or 6/627-8. Banu Mustaliq was a Jewish tribe who lived near Mecca and after emergence of Islam, fought with Muslims the same way as polytheists of Mecca. In a battle later called Battle of Banu Mustaliq, Muslims defeated them.

Battle of Banu l-Mustaliq
Date5/626-7 or 6/627-8
PlaceQudayd region on the way between Medina and Mecca
CausePreparation of Banu Mustaliq tribe for war with Muslims
ResultMuslim victory
Banu Mustaliq tribe
Prophet Muhammad (s)
Harith b. Abi Dirar
Casualties and losses
The escape of some of Banu Mustaliq and the killing of others and the capture of women and children

Of important points of this battle was division making of some hypocrites and thus after this battle Sura al-Munafiqun was revealed to the Prophet (s).

Banu Mustaliq Tribe

The lineage of this tribe reaches Jadhima, son of Sa'd b. 'Amr b. Rabi'a. Ibn Durayd regarded the cause of naming Jadhima as Mustaliq due to his beautiful and great voice derived from "Sa-la-qa" meaning "power of voice". This tribe lived near waters of Muraysi' in Qudayd region[1] and since they were allied with Banu Harith and Hown, they became famous as "Ahabish" [2]

Cause of the Occurrence of War

Battle of Banu Mustaliq or Battle of Muraysi' occurred in Sha'ban of 5[3] or 6 AH[4] (626-628). The noble Prophet (s) was informed that Harith b. Abi Dirar, the chief of Banu Mustaliq had gathered his tribe and some groups from Arab tribes and had prepared for fighting with Muslims.[5] Then, after the Prophet (s) ratified the truth of the news, moved Muslims' army toward them. Due to being close to the battlefield and to earn booties, a group of hypocrites joined the army of the Prophet (s). Killing of a spy from Banu Mustaliq by the order of the Prophet (s) in Baq'a' near Medina frightened the infidels and scattered some of them. The Prophet (s) prepared for the war near the water of Muraysi'. In this battle, the standard-bearer of the Helpers was Sa'd b. 'Ubada and the standard-bearer of the Immigrants was Abu Bakr or 'Ammar b. Yasir.

End of the War

As soon as the battle began by the order of the Prophet (s), Banu Mustaliq escaped. Some of them were killed and their women, children and properties were left for the army of Islam.[6] After the war finished, the Prophet (s) ordered that Muslim soldiers treat the captives with mercy and lenience.[7] Juwayriyya daughter of Harith b. Abi Dirar who was among the captives became the share of Thabit b. Qays or his cousin from the booties. Juwayriyya asked the Prophet (s) for her freedom. The Prophet (s) paid Sahm Mukatiba (the equal payment for freeing a slave) and married her.[8] After this marriage, Muslims freed the captives of Banu Mustaliq.[9]

Revelation of Chapter Munafiqun

The story of hypocrites happened after this battle. In this event, 'Abd Allah b. Ubayy made divisions between the Immigrants and the Helpers and made the Prophet (s) angry. However, he was later forgiven because of his apparent rejection of his words. The chapter of Munafiqun was revealed to the Prophet (s) regarding this happening.[10] The news of Ifk also happened on return from this trip.[11]

See Also


  1. Ḥamawī, Muʿjam al-buldān, vol. 5, p. 118.
  2. Banu Mustaliq was considered among those tribes which were gathered together beside Mount Hubshiyy near Mecca, and covenanted with Quraysh that be united against others, as long as Mount Hubshiyy is; so, they were called Ahabish, after the name of the Mount.
  3. Wāqidī, al-Maghāzī, vol. 1, p. 404.
  4. Ibn Hishām, al-Sīra al-nabawīyya, vol. 2, p. 289.
  5. Wāqidī, al-Maghāzī, vol. 1, p. 404.
  6. Wāqidī, al-Maghāzī, vol. 1, p. 404.
  7. Wāqidī, al-Maghāzī, vol. 1, p. 410.
  8. Ibn Isḥāq, al-Sīyar wa al-maghāzī, p. 263.
  9. Wāqidī, al-Maghāzī, vol. 1, p. 411.
  10. Ibn Hishām, al-Sīra al-nabawīyya, part. 2, p. 291-292.
  11. Ibn Hishām, al-Sīra al-nabawīyya, part. 2, p. 297.


  • Abū ʿUbayd, Qāsim b. Salām. Kitāb al-nasab. Edited by Maryam Muḥammad Khayr al-Diraʿ. Beirut: 1410 AH.
  • Ḥamawī, Yāqūt b. ʿAbd Allāh al-. Muʿjam al-buldān. Beirut: 1399 AH.
  • Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik. Al-Sīra al-nabawīyya. Edited by Muṣṭafā al-Saqā, Ibrāhīm Ābyārī and ʿAbd al-Ḥafīz Shalbī. Beirut: [n.d].
  • Ibn Isḥāq, Muḥammad. Al-Sīyar wa al-maghāzī. Edited by Suhayl Zakar. Damascus: 1398 AH. Qom: Lithography, 1368 Sh.
  • Ibn Durayd, Abūbakr Muḥammad b. Ḥasan. Kitāb al-ishtiqāq. Edited by ʿAbd al-Salām Muḥammad Hārūn. Baghdad: 1399 AH.
  • Qarībī, Ibrāhīm. Marwiyyāt ghazawa Banī Muṣṭaliq wa hiya ghazawa Muraysīʿ. Medina: ʿImādat al-Baḥth al-ʿIlmī bi l-Jāmiʿat al-Islāmiyya, [n.d].
  • Wāqidī, Muḥammad b. ʿUmar al-. Al-Maghāzī. Edited by Marsden Jones. London: n.p, 1996.