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wikishia:Wikiproject Ramadan

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Welcome to Ramadan WikiProject. This project is to improve WikiShia articles about the month of Ramadan. Please feel free to join the project and help by the following:

  • Find articles related to the project and add them to the list
  • Evaluate the articles and check the parameters in the list
  • Edit and improve the evaluated articles according to manual of style of Wikishia
  • Suggest wanted articles based on the articles published on Farsi WikiShia
  • Add any suggestion or comment about the project itself on the discussion page


Articles We Already Have

Below is a list of articles in Wikishia related to Ramadan. If you see any other articles not listed here, please add them to the end of the list. You can also help by reviewing these articles and improving them.

To see the latest state of the articles click here
Name Priority Quality Links Photo Category Infobox Navbox Redirects References Quick Review Date Check Good Featured Latest Updated
Ramadanb a - editorial box 2025/03/13
Fastingaa b - editorial box 2025/03/07
Mafatih al-jinan (book)aa b editorial box 2023/02/20
Qur'anaa b - editorial box 2023/09/28
Laylat al-Qadraa b - editorial box 2025/03/15
Ibn Muljam al-Muradic b - editorial box 2023/08/03
Suhurc b - editorial box 2024/12/18
Vigilc b - - editorial box 2025/03/23
Ghusla b - - editorial box 2024/12/18
Ramadan Daily Supplications- a - editorial box 2024/08/04
Supplication of Abu Hamzab b - editorial box 2025/03/13
Eid al-Fitra b - editorial box 2024/08/04
Yawm al-Shakkc b - editorial box 2024/12/17
Al-Quds Dayb b editorial box 2024/04/21
Zakat al-Fitrab b - editorial box 2024/12/17
I'tikafb b editorial box 2023/09/10
Historical Anniversaries of Ramadanwithout editorial box or does not exist 2025/02/01
Ayyam al-Bidc b - editorial box 2025/02/10
Al-Sahar Supplicationc a - editorial box 2025/03/07
Al-Sha'baniyya Sermonc b - - editorial box 2023/10/05
Kaffarab b - - editorial box 2025/03/08
Al-Iftitah Supplicationc b - editorial box 2025/03/08
43rd Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyyac b - editorial box 2021/12/09
44th Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyyac b - editorial box 2021/12/09
45th Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyyac a - editorial box 2021/12/09
Al-Jawshan al-Kabir Supplicationc a editorial box 2024/08/04
Recommended Prayers in the Month of Ramadanc b - - editorial box 2023/07/29
Al-Mujir Supplicationc b - editorial box 2025/03/15
Practices of Ramadanb b - - editorial box 2025/03/04
Eid Prayerb b - editorial box 2022/04/19
Supplication of Farewell to Ramadan (by Imam al-Sadiq (a))c a - editorial box 2024/01/01
Prayer of Laylat al-Qadrb b - - editorial box 2025/03/16
Fajrb c - editorial box 2025/03/09
Moon Sightingc b - editorial box 2023/10/15
Du'aa b - - editorial box 2019/09/25
Iftarc a - editorial box 2025/03/03
Iftari- c - editorial box 2024/12/17
Travelerc b - - editorial box 2024/12/17
Holding the Qur'an on the Headc b editorial box 2024/04/21
Khatm al-Qur'anb b - - editorial box 2025/03/14
Sadaqa (alms)b b - - editorial box 2023/09/21
Ziyarah of Imam al-Husayn (a)b b - - editorial box 2018/10/06
Revelation of the Qur'anb b - editorial box 2018/10/25
Mi'rajb a editorial box 2024/10/03
Istighfara b - - editorial box 2022/04/16
Invalidators of Fastinga b - editorial box 2025/03/08
Kaffara of fastb c - - editorial box 2025/03/08
Early Risingc c - - editorial box 2024/10/08
Istihlalb c - - editorial box 2024/04/08

Full Texts

Text:Al-Iftitah Supplication

Text:Al-Jawshan al-Kabir Supplication

Text:Al-Sahar Supplication

Text:Ramadan Daily Supplications

Text:Supererogatory Deeds of Laylat al-Qadr

Text:43rd Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya

Text:44th Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya

Text:45th Supplication of al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya

Text:Supplication of Farewell to Ramadan (by Imam al-Sadiq (a))

Text:Al-Sha'baniyya Sermon

Text:Al-Mujir Supplication


Templates We Already Have

Needed Templates

Wanted Articles