Al-Umra al-Mufrada

Priority: b, Quality: b
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Al-ʿUmra al-Mufrada (Arabic: العمرة المفردة) is a non-compulsory pilgrimage to Mecca for performing certain rituals, and it can be performed at any time of year. There are two kinds of 'umra: 'umrat al-mufrada and 'umrat al-tamattu'. As al-'umrat al-mufrada is not related to hajj rituals and is undertaken independently it is called al-mufrada (=single).


Al-'Umrat al-mufrada consists of seven acts that must be performed in this sequence:

  1. Ihram: For Ihram, those who are in Mecca must go to "adna al-hill" (the nearest place out of Haram area) and those who are out of Mecca must go to one of the five Miqats.[1]
  2. Tawaf.
  3. Salat al-tawaf (2 rak'as)
  4. Sa'y
  5. Taqsir or Halq: in al-'umrat al-mufrada, pilgrim is allowed to choose halq (shaving the head) or taqsir (cutting some hear or nails), unlike 'umrat al-tamatu' in which halq is not permissible.
  6. Tawaf al-Nisa.
  7. Salat of Tawaf al-Nisa' (2 rak'as)[2]


Performing al-'umrat al-mufrada is not limited to a specific time and it can be done at any time of the year. However, it is narrated in some hadiths that performing 'umrat al-mufrada in the month of Rajab has more merits and importance.[3]

See Also


  1. Fāḍil Lankarānī, Aḥkām-i ʿumra-yi mufrada, p. 35.
  2. Adʿīya wa ādāb al-ḥaramayn, p. 297.
  3. Kulaynī, al-Kāfī, vol. 4, p. 536.


  • Markaz-i Taḥqīqāt-i Ḥajj. Adʿīya wa ādāb al-ḥaramayn fī l-ʿumra al-mufrada. Tehran: Mashʿar, 1383 Sj.
  • Fāḍil Lankarānī, Muḥammad. Aḥkām-i ʿumra-yi mufrada. Eleventh edition. Qom: Intishārāt-i Amīr-i Qalam, 1426 AH.
  • Kulaynī, Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb al-. Al-Kāfī. Edited by ʿAlī Akbar Ghaffārī. Fourth edition. Tehran: Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmīyya, 1407 AH.