wikishia:Did you know
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- ... in 1958, the president of Al-Azhar University in Egypt officially recognized the Shia denomination alongside the other Sunni jurisprudential schools?
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- the eve of Ramadan 23 is allegedly more likely to be the Night of Qadr?
- the only one who was born inside the Ka'ba is Imam Ali b. Abi Talib?
- Fatima bt. Asad (a) was the second woman (the first being Khadija (a)) to become a Muslim?
- 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far was the first Muslim child born in Abyssinia?
Used sentences
- ... Did you know that the Ja'fari madhhab is referred to as Twelver Shia because the foundations of the school, its expansion, and the development of Shia jurisprudence were primarily established during the period of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a)?
- ...some Sunnis labelled all Shi'as as Rafidi because the Shi'as refused to accept the caliphate of the first caliphs and based on some hadiths, the Shi'as take this label as an honour for themselves?
- ... the Uprising of Fakhkh, one of the Alids uprisings against the Abbasids, was the most challenging event for the Ahl al-Bayt (a)?
- ... the Radawi Sayyids are descendants of Imam al-Rida (a)? They are the ones who settled in Qom after Musa al-Mubarqa's migration and later moved to other cities?
- ... Yusuf Adilshah, one of the Ottoman princes, fled to Iran out of fear of his brother, converted to Shiism, then moved to India, where he established a Shia government and became the first sultan in India to recognize Shia Imamiyya as the official religion of his government?
- ...the first marriage of a Hashemite woman with a Hashemite man was the marriage of Fatima bt. Asad (a) with Abu Talib (a)?
- ...Jami' al-Azhar (al-Azhar University) were built in the time of Fatimids in order to teach Isma'ili teachings?
- ...the Prophet (s) shrouded Fatima bt. Asad (a) in his dress and before her burial, he lay down in her grave to pray for her?
- ...Fatima bt. Asad (a) was the only woman to deliver her baby inside Ka'ba?
- ... Muhammad Taqi al-Shirazi issued a fatwa in support of Iraqi independence in 1337/1918 to the effect that no Muslim has the right to elect a non-Muslim as ruler.
- ... according to some reports, the Wa In Yakad Verse is useful to prevent evil eyes of envious people?
- ... many Shia authorities such as Khamenei, al-Sistani, Wahid Khurasani, Nuri Hamadani and Tabrizi consider the People of the Book (Christians, Jews and Majus) pure (tahir). (see: najis)?
- ... Britons killed over 9000 Iraqis to defeat 1920 Iraqi Uprising (Thawrat al-'Ishrin) and occupy Iraq?
- ... the Battle of al-Abwa' was the first battle of Prophet Muhammad (s) and ended in a peace treaty?
- ... after the emigration from Mecca, the Prophet (s) stayed in Quba and did not enter Yathrib for nearly 10 days until 'Ali b. Abi Talib joined him?
- ... in 1216/1802, Wahhabies, under the leadership of Saudi king Sa'ud b. 'Abd al-'Aziz attacked Karbala and, besides plundering the city, destroyed the shrine of al-'Abbas and the dome of shrine of Imam al-Husayn (a)?
- ... Muhammad Taqi al-Shirazi, known as The Second Mirza, was the leader of 1920 Iraqi Uprising?
- ... Lady Khadija (a) proposed marriage to Muhammad (s) when she was informed about the ethical characteristics and honesty of him?
- ... from the Immigrants, only Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu 'Ubayda were present in the Incident of Saqifa, not the majority of the Immigrants?
- ... Al-Jawshan al-Kabir is one of the most famous supplications among Shias, especially in Iran? It is often recited both individually and in groups in mosques and Husayniyyas during the nights of Qadr?
- ... most Shi'a scholars maintain that the eve of Ramadan 23 is the night of Qadr?
- ... Imam 'Ali (a) has been characterized by the Prophet (s) as al-Siddiq al-Akbar and al-Faruq al-A'zam?
- ... Lady Khadija (a) was the first woman and Imam Ali (a) was the first man who accepted Islam?
- ... Fasting started to be an obligatory task for every Muslim in 2 AH.
- ... Abu Thumama al-Sa'idi was the one who informed Imam al-Husayn (a) about the time of Prayer in the day of 'Ashura?
- ... 'Amr b. al-Hajjaj al-Zubaydi, commander of the right wing of the army of 'Umar b. Sa'd, was one of the Kufians who had invited Imam al-Husayn (a) to Kufa, before the event of Karbala?
- ... After Lady Zaynab's (a) demise, her husband, 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far, married her sister, Umm Kulthum?
- ... On the Event of Ghadir, people congratulated Imam Ali (a) including Abu Bakr and 'Umar who repeatedly said, "Happy for you O son of Abu Talib (a)! You are my Wali (guardian) and the Wali of every believing man and woman."
- ... Elizabeth, the mother of Prophet Yahya (a), was Mary's aunt?
- ... the house in which Prophet Ya'qub (a) mourned the separation from his son, Yusuf (a), was also called Bayt al-Ahzan?
- ... 'Umra bt. Nu'man b. Bashir, the wife of al-Mukhtar, who was killed by Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr, was the first woman in Islam to be beheaded?
- ... Battle of Abwa' was the first ghazwa of Prophet Muhammad (s)?
- ... Umm Wahb was the first female martyr of Karbala?
- ... Muslim b. 'Awsaja was the first martyr in the Battle of Karbala?
- ... Ayatollah Bahjat helped Shaykh Abbas Qummi in compiling Safinat al-bihar?
- ... Imam al-Baqir (a) is related to Imam al-Hasan (a) through his mother?
- ... Imam al-Husayn (a) had sent another envoy before Muslim b. 'Aqil to Kufa, called Qays b. Mushir, who was also martyred there?
- ... 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far was the first Muslim child born in Abyssinia?
- ... Suwayd b. 'Amr al-Khath'ami was the last martyr in the event of Karbala? He was martyred a short time after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a).
- ... original name of Lady Sukayna (a) was Amina (آمنة)?
- ... Umm 'Umara was a female Companion of the Prophet (s), and one of the few people who defended the Prophet (s) in the Battle of Uhud and suffered many injuries?
- ... the first Manual of Islamic law in current form was written and published by the order of Ayatollah Burujirdi?
- ... there is another shrine attributed to Lady Zaynab (a) in Egypt?
- ... the last verse revealed to the Prophet (s) is the Qur'an 2:281?
- ... Nubbul and Al-Zahra, two Shia towns in Syria, were never occupied despite being surrounded by Takfiri rebel forces from 2012 to 2016?"
- ... Malik b. Anas, one of the four Sunni jurists, regarded Imam Sadiq (a) as one of the great figures of asceticism and worship?
- ... seven sons of Imam Ali (a) were martyred in the event of Ashura?
- ... Rawdat al-shuhada' is considered the most important book in the history of Ashura in terms of influence and fame, playing a significant role in the expansion of Shiism in Iran?
- ... the Queen of Sheba is the only woman mentioned in the Qur'an as a ruler, with positive qualities highlighted in her portrayal?
- ... during the 33-day war, Israel focused its attacks primarily on the Shia areas of Lebanon, leading to the complete destruction of 15,000 homes?
- ... according to the book Mutual Services between Islam and Iran, Islam influenced Zoroastrianism and indirectly led to significant reforms within it?
- ... Umar b. Sa'd, the commander of the Kufa army who martyred Imam Husayn (a) and his companions, was the son of Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, the commander of the Arab forces in the Battle of al-Qadisiyya against Iran?
- ... the story of the Cow of Bani Israel and its slaughtering was connected to the resurrection of a man from Banu Israel, who had a dispute over his murderer?
- ... the grave of Imam Ali (a) remained hidden for about a hundred years, and it was Imam al-Sadiq (a) who first revealed its location during the Abbasid rule?
- ... six of the children and grandchildren of Aqil b. Abi Talib, the brother of Imam Ali (a), were martyred in the Karbala incident?
- ... after the death of Ibrahim, the Prophet (s) was deeply saddened and cried? When questioned, he responded, 'I am only human; my eyes shed tears and my heart feels sorrow, but I do not speak anything that would invoke God's wrath.
- ... Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006, for his involvement in the Al-Dujayl massacre, in which 148 people were killed, including women and children?
- ... Firuz Daylami, an Iranian companion of the Prophet (s), killed Aswad 'Ansi, one of the false claimants to prophethood, by the Prophet’s (s) order, and put an end to his rebellion?
- ... in 1958, the president of Al-Azhar University in Egypt officially recognized the Shia denomination alongside the other Sunni jurisprudential schools?
- ... God spoke to Prophet Moses (a) directly, without the intermediary of an angel?
- ... the responsibility for the service and guardianship of the Kaaba, known as the Sedanat, was held by the Banu Shaiba tribe before Islam, and after the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet (s) entrusted them with the keys, a responsibility they have held ever since?
- ... the Indian city of Hyderabad, which was originally called Bhagnagar, was renamed by King Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah in honor of Hyder, a title of Imam Ali (a)?
- ... according to a narration from Imam al-Sadiq (a), the night of the 15th of Sha'ban is considered the most virtuous night after Laylat al-Qadr?
- ... the Mleeta Museum, an exhibition affiliated with Hezbollah, was built on the site where Lebanese resistance fighters operated during Israel's occupation of the country?
- ... Abdallah Dahdouh was a Shia cleric in Belgium who was martyred in Brussels by Takfiris?
- ... al-Shaykh al-Mufid's body was initially buried in his home, and several years later, it was moved to the shrine of Imam Javad (a) in al-Kazimiyya?
- ... according to custody law, when the mother is solely responsible for caring for the child, she is entitled to receive wages from the child's father?
- ... three verses of Sura Yusuf refer to Prophet Yusuf's (a) shirt: the bloody shirt that his brothers brought to Ya'qub (a), the tearing of the shirt by Zulaikha, and the restoration of Ya'qub's (a) sight through the shirt?
- ... the Mu'tazila group, which places greater emphasis on reason than on narration, is regarded as the closest Sunni theological sect to the Shias?
- ... the Khumsa symbol, one of the oldest and most common amulets dating back to pre-Islamic times, is used by Shias as a representation of the hand of Fatima (a) and Abbas (a)?
- ... Ja'far b. Aqil, the nephew and son-in-law of Imam Ali (a), was among the companions of Imam al-Husayn (a) who was martyred in the Karbala incident?
- ... in Ashqlan, occupied Palestine, there is a place known as the Maqam Ra's al-Husayn , which is believed to be the burial site of the blessed head of Imam al-Husayn (a)?
- ... Twelver Sunnism is a religious trend among Sunnis who, while believing in the first three caliphs, also hold devotion to and belief in the guardianship of the Imams of the Shia?
- ... a quarter of the Quran's verses are about idolatry and fighting polytheism?
- ... Louis Massignon, a French Islamologist, decided to write the book Salman-i Pak after visiting the shrine of Salman al-Farsi?
- ... the Nur supplication is a prayer that Lady Zahra (a) taught to Salman al-Farsi?