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Al-'Abd al-Salih

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Al-ʿAbd al-Ṣāliḥ (Arabic: العَبْدُ الصّالِح, literally: the righteous servant) is a Quranic term used to refer to some persons. Shiite and Sunni sources have referred to Imam al-Kazim (a) as "al-'Abd al-Salih" because he worshiped God so much.

"Al-'Abd al-Salih" means the righteous servant of God. The term has been used in the Qur'an in the plural form (that is, "'ibadik al-salihin" Your righteous servants).[1] The Qur'an has referred to prophets Noah (a) and Lot (a), as two righteous servants of God.[2] There is a hadith in which Dhu l-Qarnayn is also characterized as "al-'Abd al-Salih".[3]

According to Shiite and Sunni sources, Imam al-Kazim (a) was known as "al-'Abd al-Salih" because he worshiped God so much.[4] He is referred to with this title in the chains of transmission of some of his hadiths as well.[5]

In the ziyarah text of 'Abbas b. 'Ali (a), which is transmitted from Imam al-Sadiq (a), 'Abbas (a) has been referred to as "al-'Abd al-Salih".[6] Also, in the ziyarahs of Muslim b. 'Aqil[7] and Hani b. 'Urwa,[8] they are referred to as "al-'Abd al-Salih". Also, in the taslim part of the prayer, peace is sent to righteous servants of God.


  1. Qurʾān, 17:19.
  2. Qurʾān, 66:10.
  3. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 12, p. 199; ʿAyyāshī, Tafsīr al-ʿAyyāshī, vol. 2, p. 343.
  4. Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī, Tārīkh Baghdād, vol. 13, p. 29; Yaʿqūbī, Tārīkh al-Yaʿqūbī, vol. 2, p. 414.
  5. See: Kulaynī, al-Kāfī, vol. 1, p. 177, 539; vol. 3, p. 59, 109; vol. 4, p. 72, 412.
  6. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 12, p. 199; Ibn Qūlawayh, Kāmil al-zīyārāt, p. 257.
  7. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 97, p. 428; Ibn Mashhadī, al-Mazār al-kabīr, p. 178.
  8. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 97, p. 428; Ibn Mashhadī, al-Mazār al-kabīr, p. 180.


  • ʿAyyāshī, Muḥammad b. Masʿūd al-. Tafsīr al-ʿAyyāshī. Edited by Rasūlī Maḥallātī. Tehran: al-Maṭbaʿa al-ʿIlmīyya, 1380 Sh.
  • Ibn Mashhadī. Al-Mazār al-kabīr. Edited by Jawād Qayyūmī. Qom: Daftar-i Intishārāt-i Islāmī, 1419 AH.
  • Ibn Qūlawayh, Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad. Kāmil al-zīyārāt. Edited by ʿAbd al-Ḥusayn Amīnī. Najaf: Dār al-Murtaḍawīyya, 1356 Sh.
  • Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī. Tārīkh Baghdād. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmīyya, 1417 AH.
  • Kulaynī, Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb al-. Al-Kāfī. Edited by ʿAlī Akbar Ghaffārī & Muḥammad Ākhūndī. Tehran: Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmīyya, 1407 AH.
  • Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir al-. Biḥār al-anwār. Beirut: Dār Iḥyāʾ al-Turāth al-ʿArabī, 1403 AH.
  • Yaʿqūbī, Aḥmad b. Yaʿqūb al-. Tārīkh al-Yaʿqūbī. Beirut: Dār al-Ṣādir, [n.d].