List of Figures Buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a) is a collection of the names of figures who are buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a), in Mashhad. The buried individuals are categorized into five groups: officials of the Astan Quds Razavi, political and military figures, religious scholars and martyrs, literati and artists. The Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a) has been a focal point for many Shi'a since the 3rd/9th century. Factors such as the establishment of Shiism as the official religion during the Safavid period and the expansion of the porticos and courtyards of the shrine contributed to the increase in the number of burials. Famous Shi'a scholars from past centuries such as al-Hurr al-'Amili, Amin al-Islam al-Tabrisi, and al-Shaykh al-Baha'i are among those buried in the shrine.

The grave of al-Shaykh al-Baha'i in one of the porticoes of the Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a).

The Holy Shrine's cemetery, also known as the "Bihisht-i Thamin al-A'imma" (Paradise of the Eighth Imam), which is located in the Islamic Republic Courtyard, as well as the Golden Iwan, Dar al-Salam, Dar al-Zuhd, and Dar al-Hikma riwaqs, are the resting sites of martyrs buried there during the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Among the martyrs buried in the shrine are:

  • 9 martyrs of the Islamic Revolution
  • 4 martyrs of the bombing of the Islamic Republic Party headquarters
  • 8 assassination martyrs
  • 2 martyrs of the Iraqi air raids on Iran
  • 628 martyrs of the Iran-Iraq War
  • 15 martyrs of the 1987 Mecca Incident
  • 10 martyrs of the Ashura of Razavi
  • 2 martyrs in the fight against criminals
  • 2 martyrs of the terrorist incident at The Holy Shrine
  • 1 female martyr of the Samarra terrorist incident
  • 1 martyr of the Holy Shrine Defender, (Modafi'-i Haram)

The names of the famous people buried in the Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a) in alphabetical order are as follows:


  • Mahmud Abarqu'i (d. 1935-6), a religious scholar from Yazd who studied under Shaykh Fadl Allah Nuri.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Abtahi Sidihi (d. 1946), a scholar and jurist from Isfahan Seminary.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Ali Abtahi Sidihi (d. 1952), A descendant of the Hakimi Sayyids and a student of the Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Durcha-i and Jahangir Khan Qashqa'i.
  • Muhammad b. Abi Jumhur Ahsa'i (d. alive in 1498-9), a Shia scholar and the author of Zad al-Musafirin on the Principles of religion.
  • Sayyid 'Abbas Abuturabi (d. 2000), one of the scholars of Qazvin and the father of Sayyid Ali Akbar Abu Turabi.
  • Sayyid 'Ali Akbar Abuturabi (d. 2000), from among the Iran-Iraq War POWs and the representative of the people of Tehran in the fourth and fifth terms of the Parliament of Iran
  • Sayyid Husayn Adib Bujnurdi (d. 1962), A professor at Sepahsalar School and the Faculty of Theoretical and Traditional Studies in the middle of the 20th century.
  • Hasan Adib Khawari (d. 1966), a master proficient in occult sciences and the author of various books in this field.
  • 'Abd al-Jawad Adib Nishaburi (d. 1926), a man of letters, teacher, and poet of the constitutional period. Among his students were Malik al-Shu'ara' Bahar, Badiozzaman Forouzanfar, and Adib Tusi.
  • Muhammad Taqi Adib Nishaburi (d. 1976), Known as "Adib II," he taught in the Astan Quds Razavi, Turk Mosque, Goharshad Mosque, and also in Sulaymaniya, Khiyrat Khan, and Mirza Ja'far seminaries.
  • Muhammad Hasan Adib Hirawi (d. 1968-9), a Shi'a man of letters, poet, and author of historical and literary works.
  • Sayyid Yunus Ardabili (d. 1958), a Shi'a scholar and a student of Akhund Khurasani, Fadil Sharabyani, Sayyid Muhammad Kazim al-Yazdi, and Fath Allah Gharawi Isfahani.
  • Mir 'Alinaqi Ardabili (d. alive in 1722-3), a Shi'a scholar and preacher residing in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Isma'il Azghadi (d. 1815-6), A poet and notable figure among the mystics, known by his pen name 'Wajdi'.
  • Jawad Asad Allah zada (d. 1981), Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the Mohammad Ali Rajai government and one of the martyrs of the Haft-e Tir bombing.
  • Hasan Ashraf al-wa'izin (d. 1961), the son of Muhammad Husayn Ha'iri Yazdi, a Shi'a orator living in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Rida A'dadi Khurasani (d. 1983), One of the Shi'a scholars in the seminary of Mashhad, with full authority from Sayyid Abu l-Qasim al-Khoei and Sayyid Mahmud Husayni Shahrudi.
  • Mahdi Amin zada (d. 1981), Deputy Minister of Internal Trade of the Mohammad Ali Rajai government and one of the martyrs of the Haft-e Tir bombing.
  • Mahmud Ansari (d. 1999), a Shi'a scholar and orator in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Haydar Ayazi (d. 1980), a Shi'a scholar and preacher, and the imam of Congregational Prayer in Muslim b. 'Aqil mosque and Haydari-ha mosque.
  • 'Ali Akhundiyan Yazdi Khurasani (d. 1975), one of the religious scholars of Yazd and the author of Shagarat al-Insan in ethics and morals.
  • Muhammad Yusuf Aram Ha'iri (d. 1974), known as Ha'iri Shahrudi, one of the scholars and professors of the seminary of Mashhad and the imam of congregational prayer in Goharshad Mosque.
  • Husayn Astana parast (d. 1981), a teacher and activist against the Pahlavi regime was assassinated by one of the agents of the terrorist MKO group and martyred.
  • Sayyid Jalal al-Din Ashtiyani (d. 2005), a professor and scholar of Islamic philosophy and mysticism who wrote and edited many books and essays in these fields.
  • Murtada Ashtiyani (d. 1946), a Shi'a mujtahid and the son of Muhammad Hasan Ashtiyani.
  • Mirza Hashim Ashtiyani (d. 1949-50), the son of Muhammad Hasan Ashtiyani and a member of the National Consultative Assembly (Majlis) during the 3rd to 7th terms.
  • Zayn al-A'imma Aqa Buzurg (d. 1884-5), a Shi'a scholar and the imam of congregational prayer in Malik al-tujjar mosque in Tehran.
  • Mulla Aqa Aqa Buzurg (d. 1676-7), a scholar and teacher in Mashhad Seminary. The construction of the Musalla of Mashhad, which is one of the Safavid-era buildings, was completed under his supervision.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Tahir Aqamiri (d. 1936-7), one of the Najaf-born Shia jurists who went to Mashhad and started to teach.
  • Hasan Aqasi zada Sha'rbaf (d. 1987), Technical-Engineering Deputy of Khatam-al-Anbia Headquarters and a martyr of the Iran-Iraq War.
  • Muhammad Taqi Aqanajafi Shahristani (d. 1975), a descendant of Mirza Muhammad Mahdi Musawi Shahristani and a religious preacher.
  • Muhammad Aqanajafi Hamidani (d. 1996), a Shia jurist and exegete born in Najaf and later migrated to Hamadan. He attended the classes of scholars such as Muhammad Husayn Na'ini, Muhammad Husayn Gharawi Isfahani, and [[Sayyid Husayn Badkubai.
  • Diya' l-din Amuli (d. 1982), a Shia Mujtahid, the son of Muhammad Taqi Amuli, and a student of Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani, Muhammad Husayn Na'ini, and Diya' al-Din al-'Iraqi.
  • Muhammad Taqi Amuli (d. 1971), a Shia jurist who educated under some great teachers like Mirza Na'ini, Aqa Diya' 'Iraqi, and Aqa Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani in Najaf.
  • Mahdi Ayatullahzada Khurasani (d. 1945), a Shi'a scholar and the son of Muhammad Kazim Khurasani.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Ayatullahi (d. 1979), known as "Haj 'Alim", a Mujtahid in Shiraz.
  • 'Abd al-Husayn Ayati Bafqi Yazdi (d. 1953-4), a litterateur, poet, and writer.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Abidi Qa'ini (d. 1984), a Shi'a scholar from Qa'in who studied in Najaf.
  • Ahmad 'Arif al-zayn (d. 1920-1), director of the Islamic magazine "al-'Irfan" and one of the Shi'a scholars from Lebanon.
  • Muhammad Hasan 'Arif Nishaburi (d. 1845), a scholar and mystic.
  • Ramadan Ali 'Amil (d. 1983-4), the commander of Imam Ja'far Sadiq's brigade and one of the martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war.
  • Badr al-din 'Amili (d. ?), One of the scholars of the 11/17th century and an expert in hadith, jurisprudence, poetry, and literature.
  • Hasan 'Amili (d. 1882-3), Shaykh al-Islam of Mashhad.
  • Husayn 'Amili (d. ?), a writer and jurist from the 'Aamili family in Jebel Aamili who lived in the 10th/16th and 11th-17th centuries.
  • 'Abd al-'Ali 'Amili (d. 1585-6), a jurist, hadith scholar and theologian of the 10th/16th century. known as "Taj al-Din". The son of al-Muhaqqiq al-Karaki.
  • Ali 'Amili (d. 1691-2), the granddaughter of al-Muhaqqiq al-Karaki. Known as "Shaykh Ali Kabir" and "Sibt al-Shahid".
  • Ibrahim 'Amili Bazuri (d. alive in 1620-1), a student od Baha' al-Din al-'Amili and Hasan b. Zayn al-Din al-Amili.
  • Sayyid Husayn 'Amili Jaba'i (d. 1658-9), the son of Sayyid Muhammad b. 'Ali al-Musawi al-'Amili and had the position of Shaykh al-Islam in Mashhad.
  • Husayn 'Amili Jaba'i (d. 1668), one of the great scholars of the 11th/17th century and the grandson of al-Shahid al-Thani.
  • Husayn 'Aba'i (d. 1995), one of the scholars of Mashhad and imam of congregational prayer in Mulla Haydar Mosque.
  • Ali 'Arab (d. 1963), known as "Mujarrad".
  • Hasan 'Arabikhan (d. 1920), one of the scholars and orators of Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Assar (d. 1937), known as "Nazim" and "Ashufta". A Shi'a theologian, jurist, usuli, poet, and exegete.
  • Sayyid Hasan 'Assar Khurasani (d. 1940-1), a Shi'a scholar and writer.
  • Muhammad Ali 'Attar (d. 1655), from Kashan.
  • Muhammad Ali 'Attar Hirawi (d. 1993), Known as "Akhund", an Afghan Shi'a calligrapher.
  • Sayyid Ibrahim 'Alam al-Huda (d. 1999), one of the Shia jurists in Sabzevar and imam of Farsh Furush-ha Mosque.
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Jawad 'Alam al-Huda (d. 2020), one of the scholars and jurists of Mashhad and the elder brother of Sayyid Ahmad 'Alam al-Huda Imam of Friday prayer in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Ali 'Alam al-Huda (d. 1981), known as "Agha Najafi", a Shi'a scholar and the father of Sayyid Ahmad 'Alam al-Huda Imam of Friday prayer in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Alam al-Huda (d. 1988), a Sh'a sholar and the imam of al-Zahra mosque in Tehran.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Alawi (d. 1989), a mujtahid and imam of congregational prayer in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Mahmud 'Alawi (d. 1961), a scholar and imam of Goharshad Mosque.
  • Ali Akbar 'Alizada (d. 1999), a Shi'a scholar and a member of the Assembly of Experts.


  • Sayyid Husayn Bafqi (d. 1886-7), one of the scholars and mujtahids from Yazd in the 13th and early 14th centuries living in Mashhad.
  • Sharaf al-din 'Ali Bafqi (d. 1566-7), a scholar and poet from Yazd.
  • Muhammad 'Ali Bafqi (d. 1921), known as "Wa'iz Yazdi", was a scholar and religious figure.
  • 'Abd al-Husayn Balakhiyabani (d. 1925-6), a scholar and mujtahid from Mashhad who was a Khadim and a teacher in the Holy Shrine.
  • Husayn Bajistani (d. 1977), a scholar and religious preacher.
  • Muhammad Taqi Bujnurdi (d. 1896), one of the students of Muhammad Hasan al-Najafi and Shaykh Murtada al-Ansari. The people of Khorasan trusted him a lot.
  • Murtada Bujnurdi (d. 1931), the son of Muhammad Taqi Bujnurdi.
  • Sayyid Hasan Bahr al-'Ulum Rashti (d. 1977), a Mujtahid from Rasht who studied at Najaf Seminary.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rida Bakhtiyari (d. 1960), a Mujtahid from Isfahan who was a teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • 'Abd al-Jawad Bursi (d. 1962), a teacher at Mashhad Seminary and the teacher of Shaykh Mahdi Ilahi Qumsha'i.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rida Burujirdi (d. 1984), imam of congregational prayer of Goharshad Mosque.
  • 'Ali Akbar Burujirdi (d. 1969-70), the son of Aqa Jamal Mujtahid and one of the active figures in the Constitutional Revolution along with Shaykh Fadl Allah Nuri.
  • Muhammad Rahim Burujirdi (d. 1891-2), the father of Shaykh 'Abd al-Husayn Burujirdi and appointed as the trusteeship of Astan Quds Razavi by Amir Kabir.
  • Sayyid Habib Allah Burhani (d. 1965-6), a Shi'a scholar from Mazandaran and one of the students of Muhammad Husayn Na'ini and Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani.
  • Ali Bastami (d. 1987), a Shi'a scholar and teacher of Jurisprudence and Principles of Jurisprudence.
  • Nowruz Ali Bastami (d. 1891-2), known as "Fadil Bastami", a great scholar and Muhaddith in Khurasan.
  • Ali Bimurdi Qa'ini (d. 1897-8), a scholar, poet, and calligrapher.
  • Ali Bana'i (d. 1887-8), one of the distinguished students of Shaykh al-Ansari.
  • Sayyid Ali Akbar Bani Hashimi (d. 1998), a contemporary scholar of Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Qqa Buzurg Bani Hashimi Kurdkuhi (d. about 1960), a Shi'a scholar and poet.
  • Muhammad Baha' al-Din al-'Amili (d. 1620-1 or 1621-2), known as Shaykh al-Baha'i and Baha' al-Din al-'Amili, was a scholar in fiqh, hadith, mysticism, mathematics, and many other disciplines.
  • Shaams al-Din Bihbahani (d. 1832-3), a Shi'a scholar and the son of Jamal al-Din al-Bihbahani.
  • 'Abd al-'Ali Birjandi (d. 1527-8), a mathematics, hadith, and astronomy scholar.
  • Muhammad Hasan Birjandi (d. 1915-6), a Shi'a Mujtahid and the son of Shaykh Muhammad Baqir Ayati.


  • Mirza Ali Asghar Chaychi (d. 1995), a contemporary Shi'a Mujtahid.


  • Muhammad Sadiq Dara'i (d. 2022), a Shi'a scholar, was martyred in the stabbings incident at The Holy Shrine of Imam al-Rida (a).
  • Sayyid Abu l-'Ali Durcha-i zada (d. 1960), the eldest son of Sayyid Muhammad Baghir Durcha-i and the plenipotentiary representative of Sayyid Husayn Burujirdi in Isfahan.
  • Sayyid Ahmad Dizfuli Najafi (d. 1936), known as "Sibt", the grandson of Shaykh Murtada al-Ansari.
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Dastghayb (d. 2005), a student of Hasan Ali Nukhudaki and one of the active scholars in the Event of Goharshad Mosque.
  • 'Ali Akbar Dihqan (d. 1981), the representative of the people of Torbetjam in the first term of the Parliament of Iran and one of the martyrs of the Islamic Republican Party.
  • Isma'il Dahaki Qa'ini (d. 1916-7), one of the Shi'a scholars and a supporter of Shaykh Fadl Allah Nuri in the constitutional Movement.
  • 'Abd Allah Dabit (d. 2004), a Shi'a scholar and preacher.


  • Muhammad 'Ali Fadil Khurasani (d.1923), a teacher of Mashhad Seminary.
  • Husayn Farzali (d. ?), one of the immigrant scholars of Jebel A'mal who lived in Mashhad in the 17th century.
  • Sayyid Abu l-Fadl Fiqahati Sabziwari (d. 1981-2), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • Dhabih Allah Faqih (d. 1950-1), a Shi'a Mujtahid and the imam of congregational prayer in Bujnurd.
  • Sayyid Husayn Faqih Sabziwari (d. 1967), a Mujtahid in Mashhad and the founder of Bagh Rizvan school and many mosques.
  • Sayyid Jawad Faqih Sabziwari (d. 2005), the son of Sayyid Husayn Faqih Sabziwari and the imam of congregational prayer in Haj Karim Grand Mosque.
  • Sayyid Husayn Faqih Qa'ini (d. 1913-4), known as "Imam" and "Shaykh al-'Ulama'" and the imam of congregational prayer in Grand Mosque of Qa'in.
  • Mirza 'Ali Falsafi (d. 2006), a the teacher of Najaf, Tehran, and Mashhad seminaries and a member of the Assembly for the Final Review of the Constitution in 1979.
  • Muhammad Mahdi Fihristi Tihrani (d. 1936-7), known as "'Imad al-Din Tihrani", one of the Shi'a scholars and orators.
  • Sayyid Ahmad Fihri Zanjani (d. 2006), Representative of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei in Syria and translator of some of Imam Khomeini's works.
  • 'Abd al-Rahim Fayd Gunabadi (d. 1985), a Shi'a scholar, teacher of Seminary Gunabad, and the imam of congregational prayer in Goharshad Mosque.


  • Muhammad Husayn Gurgani (d. 1934-5), known as "Shams al-'Ulama'" and "Jinab", a scholar and mystic in Tehran.
  • Habib Allah Gulpayagani (d. 1964), a teacher in Mashhad Seminary and the imam of congregational prayer in Goharshad Mosque.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Gulpayagani (d. about 1897), a Shi'a scholar from Golpayegan, an imam of congregational prayer in Tehran, and the trusteeship of Astan Quds Razavi.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Ali Gulistana (d. 1942), a Mujtahid and one of the descendants of Sayyid 'Ala' l-Din Gulistana Isfahani and the imam of a Mosque in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Rafi' Gilani (d. 1747), known as "Mulla Rafi'a", a teacher of Seminary.
  • Mirza Mahdi Gharawi Isfahani (d. 1885-6), a Shi'a scholar and the founder of the Ma'arifi School of Khorasan or the Tafkik School.
  • Ya'ghub GhulamAli Pur (d. 1984-5), a Shi'a scholar in Najaf and Mashhad Seminaries.


  • Harun al-'Abbasi (d. 809), known as "Harun al-Rashid" the fifth 'Abbasid caliph.
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Karim Hashimi nezhad (d. 1981), a Shi'a scholar, writer, and activist in the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
  • Muhammad Hasan Hirawi (d. 1838-9), a scholar and mystic.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Hirawi Mashhadi (d. 1905), a scholar and imam of congregational prayer in Mashhad.
  • 'Abd al-Majid Hamadani (d. 1927-8), a jurist.
  • Sayyid Husayn Ha'iri (d. 1945-6), a Shi'a scholar and student of Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Shirazi.
  • Sayyid Ali Rida Ha'iri (d. 1886-7), a scholar from Yazd and the teacher of Sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad and Sayyid Yahya Mudarrisi.
  • Muhsin Hajihasani Kargar (d. 2015), an international qari (reciter of the Quran) and one of the martyrs of the 2015 Mina Tragedy.
  • Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Hafiziyan (d. 1981), a Shi'a scholar and mystic and one of the students of Hasan Ali Nukhudaki.
  • Sayyid Ibrahim Hijazi Tabasi (d. 1998), a scholar from Khurasan and a teacher of Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Hujjat Tabataba'i (d. 2002), a Shi'a scholar and the Son-in-law of Shaykh Murtada Ashtiyani
  • Hasan Hujjat Kashani (d. 1933-4), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • Ahmad Hurr 'Amili (d. 1708-9), the younger brother of Shaykh al-Hurr al-'Amili the author of Wasa'il al-Shi'a.
  • Hasan Hurr 'Amili (d. 1652-3), the father of Shaykh al-Hurr al-'Amili and one of the jurists of Jebel Amel Lebanon.
  • Muhammad b. Hasan b. 'Ali b. al-Husayn al-'Amili (d. 1104/1693), known as al-Hurr al-'Amili and Sahib al-Wasa'il, was a prominent Twelver Shi'a muhaddith, jurist and the author of Wasa'il al-Shi'a.
  • Ibrahim Harfushi 'Amili (d. 1669-70), a Shi'a scholar and one of the students of Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi.
  • Abu Ja'far Muhammad Husayni (d. 1060), a Muhaddith and transmitter of Hadith.
  • Sayyid Isma'il Husayni Bujnurdi (d. 1946), known as "Haj Mirza" and " Ghawam al-Hukama'", was a scholar and doctor.
  • Sayyid Jalil Husayni Sistani (d. ?), a Shi'a scholar and Mujtahid and one of the teachers of Sayyid Ali Husayni Khamenei.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabrizi (d. 1350/1932), known as "Sultan al-qurra'", was one of the Quran reciters and Hafizs of Astan Quds Razavi.
  • Sayyid Mahmud Husayni Tabrizi (d. 1381/1961-2), a scholar and writer from Tabriz.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani (d. 1416/1995), known as "'Allama Tihrani" and one of the students of Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i.
  • Sayyid Ahmad Husayni Khusrushahi (d. 1397/1977), one of the Shia scholars from Tabriz and one of the activists against the Pahlavi regime.
  • Sayyid Hasan Husayni Lawasani (d. 1400/1980), a Mujtahid and theologian.
  • Sayyid 'Izz all-din Husayni Musawi Zanjani (d. 2013), known as "Haj Aqa 'Izz al-din Zanjani", was a Shi'a Marja', Philosopher, exegete, and teacher of Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Ibrahim Husayni Nishaburi (d. 1012/1603-4), a teacher in Astan Quds Razavi.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayni Hamidani (d. 1417/1996), known as "Aqa Najafi Hamidani", was a Shi'a jurist and exegete.
  • Hasan Husayni Yazdi (d. 2001-2), a Shi'a scholar and the author of Durar al-Safina.
  • Muhammad Baqir Hikmatniya (d. 2002), a Shi'a scholar and one of the activists in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution and the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
  • Ghulam Husayn Hakim Zargar (d. 1359/1940-1), a Shi'a mystic.
  • Muhammad Rida Hakimi (d. 2021), a mujtahid, theologian, author of religious works, and an advocate of the School of Tafkik (Separation).


  • Muhammad Taqi Istarabadi (d. 1058/1648-9), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • 'Abd al-Nabi Istarabadi Tihrani (d. 1340/1921-2), a Shi'a jurist and the author of Rumuz al-Riyad.
  • Sayyid Husayn Ishkawari (d. 1365/1945-6), a Shi'a scholar, teacher of Seminary, and imam of Huri mosque in Tehran.
  • Ibrahim Isfahani (d. 1339/1920-1), a teacher of jurisprudence and Principles of jurisprudence in Najaf.
  • Muhammad Baqir Isfahani Hamidani (d. 1319/1901-2), a Shi'a scholar in Isfahan and the leader of Shaykhism in Hamadan.
  • Isma'il Imama Jum'a (d. 1262/1846), imam of Friday prayer in Sabzevar.
  • 'Abd Allah Imamati Turbati (d. 1983), imam of Friday prayer in Torbat-e Heydarieh and Representative of this city in the first term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly.
  • Sayyid Murtada Irwani (d. 1410/1989), a Shi'a scholar from Tehran who lived in Mashhad the last years of his life.
  • Ali Isi Muhassil (d. 1980), known as "Tasuji", was one of the Shi'a mujtahid's and among the students of Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani, Sayyid Muhsin al-Hakim, and Sayyid Abu l-Qasim al-Khoei.
  • Muhammad Imami Kashani (d. 2024), an Iranian Shi'a scholar who was a member of the Assembly of Experts and was one of the Friday Prayer imams of Tehran.
  • 'Abd al-Rahim 'Idgahi (d. 1334/1916), a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid in Mashhad, studied in Najaf and was a teacher at Fadil Khan Seminary in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad 'Idgahi (d. 1981), known as "Ustad" (teacher), was a teacher at Sulayman Khan Seminary in Mashhad.
  • Murtada 'Idgahi (d. 1392/1972), a famous orator in Khurasan, known as "Wa'iz", "Thiqat al-muhaddithin", and "Shaykh al-khutaba'".
  • Husayn 'Inathi (d. 1108/1696-7), one of the Shi'a scholars and jurists from the village of 'Inath Jebel Aamal, and a resident of Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Muhammad 'Inathi (d. 1085/1674-5), one of the descendants of Shahid al-Thani, was a poet and the author of the book Al-Ithna 'Ashariyya fi l-mawa'iz al-'adadiyya.
  • Muhammad 'Ilmi Ardabili (d. 1987), a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid and a teacher at Mirza Ja'far Seminary.


  • Ghulam Sarwar Jibra'ili (d. 1997), one of the scholars of Afghanistan and the founder of Sadiqiyya Mosque in Harat.
  • Sayyid Fakh al-Din Jazayiri (d. 1974), a Shi'a scholar in Tehran.
  • Muhammad Taqi Ja'fari (d. 1998), an Iranian Shi'a scholar, philosopher, jurist, and theologist.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Jalali Hamidani (d. 1984), a Shi'a scholar from Hamadan.
  • 'Abd al-Jawad Judi Khurasani (d. about 1884), a Shi'a poet.


  • Sayyid Hasan Kashani (d. 1342/1923-4), a Shi'a scholar residing in Mashhad.
  • 'Abd Allah Kashani (d. 1303/1885), known as "Mujtahid Kashani", was one of the scholars of Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Hasan Kazimayni (d. 1345/1926-7), one of the scholars of Kadhimiya, residing in Mashhad and one of the imams of congregational prayer in the Holy Shrine.
  • Kafi Mashhadi (d. 969/1561-2), a descendant of Khwajih Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.
  • Sayyid Rida Kamyab (d. 1981), a Shia scholar and activist against the Pahlavi regime and a member of the central council of the Islamic Republic Party in Khorasan province, was martyred by a member of the Mojahedin-i-Khalq.
  • Abu l-Qasim Kajuri (d. 1337/1919), one of the Shia scholars educated in Najaf and Mazandaran and the founder of Sang-e Tajan Seminary in Nowshahr County.
  • 'Abd al-Nabi Kajuri (d. 1419/1998), one of the scholars and mujtahids of Mazandaran, a resident of Khorasan, and the founder of the Kajur Seminary.
  • Muhammad Baqir Kajuri Tihrani (d. 1313/1895), an exegete, orator, and writer, and also a teacher of Sadr Seminary in Tehran.
  • Hadi Kadkani (d. 1974), a Shi'a scholar from Torbat-e Heydarieh.
  • Ali b. Hilal Karaki 'Amili (d. 1576), known as "Shaykh 'Ali Minshar", Sheykh al-Islam of Safavid Dynasty during the reign of Shah Tahmasab I.
  • Muhammad Najaf Kirmanshahi (d. 1292/1875-6), an Akhbari scholar from Kermanshah residing in Mashhad.
  • Mulla Ali Kirmani (d. 1322/1904), a Shi'a scholar and the imam of the Great Mosque of Kerman.
  • Mirza Ahmad Kifa'i (d. 1391/1971), the third son of Akhund Khurasani, one of the scholars and teachers of Mashhad seminary.
  • Muhammad Kaf'ami (d. 1983), a scholar and mujtahid from Khurasan and imam of Friday prayer in Zahedan.
  • Muhammad Taqi Kalbasi (d. 1946), known as "Hujjat al-Islam", was one of the students of Mirza Mahdi Isfahani.
  • Muhammad Husayn Kalbasi (d. 1340/1921-2), a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid in Khurasan and the son-in-law of Muhammad Hasan al-Najafi.
  • Mahmud Kalbasi (d. 1365/1946), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • Mirza Rida Kalbasi (d. 1383/1964), a descendant of Mir Damad.
  • Muhammad Kuhistani (d. 1392/1972), known as "Aqajan-i Kuhistani", a Shi'a jurist and mystic residing in Mazandaran.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Khatun Abadi (d. 1151/1739), the grandson of Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi.
  • Mahdi Khadim al-Shari'a (d. 1982), one of the martyrs of the Iran–Iraq War.
  • Sayyid Husayn Khadimi Isfahani (d. 1985), a Shi'a jurist and a member of the Assembly of Experts for Constitution.
  • Muhammad Mahdi Khalisi Kazimi (d. 1925), a Shi'a jurist and mujtahid.
  • Sayyid Jawad Khamenei (d. 1406/1986), a Shi'a scholar and jurist and the father of Sayyid Ali Husayni Khamenei.
  • Muhammad Husayn Khabushani (d. 1262/1846), a Shi'a scholar known as "Safi Abadi".
  • Muhammad Ali Khabushani (d. 1236/1821), a Shi'a scholar and a student of Muhammad Baqir al-Bihbahani and Mirza Mahdi Shahristani.
  • Muhammad Baqir Kharrazi Najafi (d. 1400/1979-80), a scholar of Najaf Seminary and one of the imams of Goharshad Mosque.
  • 'Ibad Khurasani (d. ?), a teacher at Najaf Seminary and one of the students of Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Shirazi.
  • 'Abd Allah Khurasani (d. 1373/1954), a Shi'a scholar of Khurasan, residing in Mashhad.
  • 'Abd al-Wahhab Khurasani (d. 1268/1851-2), a Shi'a scholar and master in mathematics and astronomy.
  • Mulla Ali Khurasani (d. about 1356/1937), one of the students of Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Shirazi in Samarra.
  • Fadl Allah Khurasani (d. 997/1589), one of the scholars of the Tahmasp I era and one of the imams of Goharshad Mosque.
  • Muhammad Khurasani (d. alive 1381/1961), a Shi'a scholar and the son of Mulla Hashim Khurasani.
  • Muhammad Isma'il Khurasani (d. 1330/1912), known as "Majd al-udaba'".
  • Mulla Hashim Khurasani (d. 1352/1934), a Shi'a jurist and historian and one of the scholars of Mashhad Seminary.
  • Husayn Khurasani Mashhadi (d. 1175/1761-2), one of the great scholars and mujtahids of Khurasan and the author of Irshad al-Mustarshidin.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Khurasani (d. 1218/1803-4), known as "Mirza Muhammad Mahdi-i Shahid", "Shahid-i Thalith", and "Shahid-i Rabi'", was a Shi'a jurist and philosopher.
  • Sayyid Mahdi Khurasani Najafi (d. about 1856), a Shi'a scholar and a student of Muhammad Hasan al-Najafi.
  • Muhammad Ali Kharaqi (d. 1379/1959), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • Abu l-Qasim Khaz'ali (d. 2015), a Shi'a jurist, orator, and politician.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Khalkhali (d. 1333/1914-5), a Shi'a jurist, orator, and imam of congregational prayer.


  • Muhammad Salih Ha'iri Mazandarani (d. 1972), known as "'Allama Simnani", was a Shi'a scholar, an expert in Peripatetic school, Fiqh. Usul al-Fiqh, Islamic theology, Quranic exegesis, and poem.
  • 'Abd Allah Mujtahid pur (d. 1969), a Shi'a scholar and preacher in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Yusuf Mujtahid Tabrizi (d. 1310/1892), a great Shi'a scholar in Tabriz.
  • Mirza Habib Allah Mujtahid Khurasani (d. 1327/1909), a Shi'a scholar in Khurasan.
  • Dhabih Allah Mujtahid Quchani (d. 1335/1917), a Shi'a scholar and the grandson of Mulla Salih Turbati.
  • Muhammad Baqir Mujtahid Nishaburi (d. 1327/1909), a Shi'a scholar and preacher in Mashhad.
  • Isma'il Mujtahidi (d. 1990), a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid.
  • Ja'far Mujtahidi (d. 1996), a Shi'a lover of Ahl al-Bayt (a).
  • 'Abd Allah Mujtahidi (d. 1976-7), a Shi'a researcher, writer, jurist, and poet who was fluent in Turkish, Arabic, English and French.
  • Sayyid Mahmud Mujtahidi Sistani (d. 1414/1994), a Shi'a scholar and a brother of Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani.
  • 'Abd al-Majid Majid Fayyad (d. 1341/1923), known as "Khadim bash", was a scholar and mujtahid in Mashhad.
  • Ghulam Husayn Muhami Badkuba-i (d. 1954-5), a Shi'a scholar and mystic.
  • Muhammad Rida Muhami (d. 1998), a Shi'a scholar, mujtahid, and a teacher of Qom Seminary.
  • Ali Muhaddith Khurasani (d. 1370/1950), one of the orators of Khurasan, and a student of Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani and Diya' al-Din al-'Iraqi.
  • Biman Ali Muhaqiq (d. 1335/1917), a Shi'a scholar and orator in Mashhad.
  • Muhammad Baqir Sabziwari (d. 1090/1679), known as Muhaqqiq Sabziwari, was a Shi'a faqih in the 11th/17th century during Safavid era.
  • 'Abd al-Husayn Muhaqqiq Quchani (d. 1369/1949), known as "Haji Muhaqqiq", was a scholar in Khurasan.
  • Muhammad Mahallati (d. 1306/1888-9), a Shi'a scholar and mystic, residing in Mashhad.
  • Ja'far Muhammadi (d. 1989), a Shi'a scholar, preacher, and imam of congregational prayer.
  • Taj al-Din Ali Mukhtari (d. 10th/16th century), a descendant of 'Abd Allah A'raj who was the son of Husayn Asghar, the son of Imam Ali b. al-Husayn al-Sajjad (a).
  • Sayyid Muhammad Jawad Mudarris (d. 1335/1917), a Shi'a scholar residing in Mashhad, and the son of Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Gulpayigani.
  • 'Abd al-Rahman Mudarris (d. 1328/1910), A scholar, writer, and poet who was originally from Shiraz and taught at the Holy Shrine of Imam Rida (a).
  • Mirza Muhammad Taqi Mudarris (d. 1280/1863-4), a teacher at the Holy Shrine of Imam Rida (a).
  • Rida Mudarris Gharawi (d. 1991), a Shi'a scholar and eldest son of Mirza Mahdi Isfahani.
  • Sayyid Ali Akbar Mudarris Qasiri (d. 14th/20th century), a Shi'a scholar and teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Jalal Mudarris Yazdi (d. 1379/1959), known by the pen name "Husayni", was a seminary teacher and imam of the Goharshad Mosque.
  • Mirza Ahmad Mudarris Yazdi (d. 1391/1971), a scholar and teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rida Mudarris Husayni (d. 1398/1978), a Shi'a scholar and the son in law of Sayyid 'Abd al-A'la Sabziwari.
  • Sayyid Murtada Mudarrisi Khurasani (d. 1383/1964), a Shi'a scholar and the son in law of Shaykh Muhammad 'Ali Shah Abadi.
  • Ali Akbar Mudaqqiq Khurasani (d. after 1960), a Shi'a scholar and orator.
  • Kazim Mudirshana chi (d. 2002), a Shi'a scholar of hadith at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Ahmad Murtadawi (d. 1968-9), a Shi'a scholar from Bojnord.
  • Muhammad Murtadawi (d. 1945-6), a Shi'a scholar from Bojnord.
  • Sayyid Kazim Mar'ashi (d. 1423/2002), a Shi'a scholar who was active in Islamic revolution of Iran.
  • Mir Asad Allah Mar'ashi Shushtari (d. 963/1555-6), a Shi'a scholar from Shushtar.
  • Hasan Ali Murwarid (d. 1425/2004), a Shi'a scholar and professor of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) School of thought and the founder of Bi'tha and Sa'adat seminaries in Mashhad and imam of the congregational prayer of Mirza Jafar Seminary, Haj Mulla Hashim Mosque and Mulla Haydar Mosque.
  • Muhammad Rida Murwarid (d. 1338/1919), a Shi'a scholar from Mashhad and the father of Hasan Ali Murwarid.
  • Ali Akbar Murawwij Khurasani (d. 1400/1979), known as "Shafiq", was a scholar and orator in Khurasan.
  • Ibrahim Mashhadi (d. 1148/1735-6), known as "Na'ib al-Sadr" or "Na'ib al-Sidara", was the Shaykh al-Islam of Mashhad, and teacher and deputy chancellor of Astan Quds Razavi in ​​the era of Shah Soltan Hoseyn Safavi.
  • Abu Muhammad Mashhadi (d. 1240/1824-5), a Shi'a scholar and imam of Friday prayer in Mashhad.
  • Isfandiyar Mashhadi (d. 1125/1713), a Shi'a scholar and teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Burhan al-Din Mashhadi (d. 919/1513-4), a Shi'a scholar and poet.
  • Sayyid Muhammad Salih Mashhadi (d. 1246/1830-1), a Shi'a scholar, mystic, teacher, and imam of congregational prayer.
  • 'Abd al-Khaliq Mashhadi (d. about 1320/1902), a Shi'a scholar and mystic.
  • Fakhr al-Din Mashhadi (d. 1097/1685/6), a Shi'a scholar and judge.
  • Fadl Allah Mashhadi (d. 914/1508/9), a Shi'a scholar.
  • Muhammad Mashhadi (d. 1257/1841/2), a Shi'a scholar, jurist, and imam of Goharshad mosque.
  • Muhammad Rahim Mashhadi (d. 1117/1706), a Shi'a scholar and teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Mahdi Musawi Bujnurdi (d. ),
  • Sayyid Asad Allah Misbah Musawi Biyarjmandi (d. 2022), a Shi'a scholar and teacher at Mashhad Seminary.
  • Sayyid Murtada Misbah (d. 1362/1943), a Shi'a scholar and imam of congregational prayer.
  • Sayyid Jawad Mustafawi (d. 1989), one of the Shi'a scholars and scientists and the head of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences in Mashhad.
  • Ali Ma'sumi Gunabadi (d. 1379/1959), known as "Haj Shaykh 'Ali Muqaddas", was a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid in Khurasan.
  • Abu l-Qasim Mu'in al-Ghuraba' (d. 1339/1920), a Shi'a scholar.
  • Hasan Muqaddas (d. 1409/1989), a Shi'a scholar and imam of congregational prayer.
  • Husayn Muqaddas (d. 1408/1987), a Shi'a scholar and calligrapher.
  • Muhammad Baqir Mulla Bashi (d. 1320/1902), a Shi'a scholar and mujtahid.
  • Murtada Mulla Bashi (d. 1387/1967), a Shi'a scholar in Isfahan.
  • Mahdi Munajjim (d. 1337/1919), a Shi'a scholar and mathematician.
  • Muhammad Ali Mu'adhdhin (d. 1078/1667-8), a Shi'a scholar, mystic, and writer.
  • Haj Aqa Mu'adhdhin 'Alawi (d. 1413/1992), a Shi'a scholar in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid Musa Musawi (d. 1308/1890-1), known as "Qutb al-Muhaddithin", was an orator and eulogist of Ahl al-Bayt (a).
  • Sayyid AliRida Musawi (d. 1374/1955), known as "Zahid", was a Shi'a scholar, mujtahid, and the representative of the Shi'a Marja's in Kabul and Kandahar.
  • 'Imad al-Din Yahya Musawi (d. 558/1163), a Shi'a Naqib and pious individual in Mashhad.
  • Musa b. Ahmad Musawi (d. 6th/12th century), a Shi'a Naqib in Mashhad.
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Hamid Musawi Isfahani (d. ),
  • Sayyid Ali Musawi Isfahani (d. ),
  • Mirak Musawi Tuni (d. ),
  • Sayyid Abu l-Qasim Musawi Hijazi Khurasani (d. ),
  • Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Musawi Khalkhali (d. ),
  • Sayyid Muhammad Ali Musawi Garmarudi (d. ),
  • Sayyid 'Abd Allah Musawi Malayiri (d. ),
  • Sayyid Hasan Musawiyan (d. ),
  • Muhammad Hasan Mawlawi Qandahari (d. ),
  • Sayyid Rida Mu'ayyid (d. ),
  • Sayyid Jalal al-Din Mu'ayyid al-Islam (d. ),
  • Muhammad Kazim Mahdawi Damghani (d. ),
  • Sayyid Hasan Mirdamadi (d. ),
  • Sayyid Hashim Mirdamadi Najaf Abadi (d. ),
  • Mirza Dawud (d. ),
  • Mirza 'Abd al-Jawad (d. ),
  • Mirza 'Askari (d. ),
  • Mirza Hashim (d. ),
  • Mirza Hashim (d. ),
  • Mirza Hidayat Allah (d. ),
  • Sayyid Muhammad Hadi Milani, (b.1313/1895 - d.1395/1975) a Shi'a marja'.


  • Muhammad Taqi Nazir
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Najafi
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Najafi Firdawsi
  • Mahdi Najafi Masjidshahi
  • Isma'il Nujumiyan
  • Hasan Ali Nukhudaki, (b.1279/1863 –d. 1361/1942), a Shi'a scholar and mystic.
  • 'Ali Namazi Shahrudi
  • Ali Akbar Nuqani
  • Muhammad Rida Nuqani
  • Muhammad Mahdi Nuqani
  • Hasan Nahawandi
  • Ali Akbar Nahawandi
  • Muhammad Nahawandi
  • Muhammad Nahawandi


  • Muhsin Pakdaman
  • Hasan Pa'inkhiyabani
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Rahim Pusht Mashhadi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Pishnamaz
  • Muhammad 'Ali Pishnamaz


  • Hasan Qabchi
  • Qasim
  • Abu Turab Qa'ini
  • Sayyid Jawad Qa'ini
  • Shah Mirza Qa'ini
  • Shaykh Mujtaba Qazwini
  • Mahdi Qazwini
  • Mirza Hashim Qazwini
  • Muhammad Qasir Thani
  • Dhabih Allah Quchani Najafi
  • Ramadan Ali Quchani
  • Sayyid Rida Quchani
  • Muhammad Quchani


  • Mahmud Ra'is
  • Muhammad Taqi Ra'isi
  • Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi (1960-2024), 8th president of Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Husayn Rathi
  • Muhammad Husayn Rashid Muhassil
  • Sadr al-Din Rabbani
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rida Raja'i Sadr al-Shari'a
  • Muhammad Rustam Dari
  • Baba Muhammad Rustami
  • Muhammad Rashti Najafi
  • Mirza Abu l-Hasan Radawi
  • Sayyid Abu Salih Radawi
  • Mirza Ahmad Radawi
  • Sayyid Ahmad Radawi
  • Sayyid Isma'il Radawi
  • Sayyid Hasan Radawi
  • Sayyid Mirza Husayn Radawi
  • Sayyid Zayn al-'Abidin Radawi
  • Sayyid Sadiq Radawi
  • Sayyid Tahir Radawi
  • Mirza 'Abd al-Jawad Radawi
  • 'Abd Allah Radawi
  • Ali Radawi
  • Mirza Ali Radawi
  • Mirza Ali Asghar Radawi
  • Mirza Ali Naqi Radawi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Radawi Ha'iri
  • Sayyid Muhammad Radawi
  • Muhammad Radawi
  • Muhammad Radawi
  • Muhammad Ibrahim Radawi
  • Muhammad Baqir Radawi
  • Muhammad b. Ahmad Radawi
  • Muhammad Taqi Radawi
  • Muhammad Taqi Radawi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Radawi
  • Muhammad Ja'far Radawi
  • Muhammad Hasan Radawi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Ali Radawi
  • Mirza Muhammad Ali Radawi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Ma'sum Radawi
  • Mirza Muhammad Ma'sum Radawi
  • Mahdi Radawi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Radawi Mubarqa'
  • Sayyid Hasan Radawi Qa'ini
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rafi' l-Din
  • Muhammad Salih Rughani
  • Sakina Rikhta Gar Zada


  • Muhammad Baqir Sa'idi Khurasani
  • Sayyid Abu al-Hasan Sabziwari
  • Sayyid Isma'il Sabziwari
  • Sayyid Ja'far Sabziwari
  • Sayyid Muhammad Sabziwari
  • Saraf al-din Muhammad Sabziwari
  • Mir Shah Qasim Sabziwari
  • Sayyid Yahya Sabziwari
  • Sayyid Murtada Sibt
  • Sayyid Muhammad Sibt al-Shaykh
  • Sayyid Muhammad Ali Sibt al-Shaykh
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Hamid Sajjadi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rahim Sada-i
  • Sayyid Mustafa Sarabi
  • Mirza Muhammad Taqi Sarabi
  • 'Abd Allah Siraj
  • Muhammad Sadiq Sa'idi Kashmari
  • Sayyid Mahmud Sultan al-fuqara'
  • Ibrahim Sultani Gulshaykhi
  • GhulamRida Sama'i
  • Mirza 'Abbas Simnani
  • Muhammad Hasan Sibawayh
  • Sayyid Ali Sistani
  • Mahdi Shah 'Abd al-'azimi
  • Husayn Shahrudi
  • Sayyid 'Abbas Shahrudi
  • Mir Murtada Sharifi Shirazi
  • Mirza Muhammad Baqir Shafti
  • 'Abd al-Husayn Shafi'i
  • Shukuh al-Wa'izin
  • Sayyid Ali Shushtari
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Rida Shahristani
  • Mirza Habib Allah Shahidi
  • Sayyid Ali Akbar Shahidi
  • 'Abd al-Rahman Shaykh al-Islam
  • Ghulam Husayn Shaykh al-Islam
  • Ali Akbar Shaykh al-Islam Isfahani
  • Husayn Shaykh al-ra'is
  • Ghulam Rida Shaykh al-'asr
  • Muhammad Jawad Shaykh zada
  • Mirza Muhammad Ja'far Shahristani
  • Abu l-Hasan Shirazi
  • Asad Allah Shirazi
  • Sayyid Abd Allah Musawi Shirazi
  • Muhammad Husayn Shirazi
  • Nasr Allah Shirazi
  • Muhammad Shirwani Isfahani
  • Qasim Sadiqi
  • Sayyid Ja'far Sadr al-'ulama'
  • Mirza Muhsin Sadr al-'ulama'


  • Mirza 'Ali Aqa Tabrizi
  • Ghulam Husayn Tabrizi
  • Ishaq Turbati
  • Husayn Turbati
  • Sa'id Tashakkuri
  • Mulla 'Abbas Turbati
  • Muhammad Turbati
  • Muhammad Salih Turbati
  • Mirza Nasr Allah Turbati
  • Ali Akbar Turbati Khurasani
  • Isma'il Tarshizi Kuhsurkhi
  • Ali Ayyub Tustari
  • Mahdi Taqawi
  • Rida Taqawi Bujnurdi
  • Qurban'ali Tawassuli
  • Muhammad Husayn Tawassuli
  • Ahmad Tuni Bushruya-i
  • Mirza Hasan Ali Tihrani
  • 'Abd al-Wahhab Tihrani
  • Ghulam'ali Tihrani
  • Muhammad Rida Tihrani
  • Muhammad Kazim Tihraniyan
  • Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabrizi
  • Nazar Ali Taliqani
  • Muzaffar Husayn Tahir
  • Muhammad Tabataba'i Sarawi
  • Sayyid Hasan Tabataba'i Qummi
  • Sayyid Mahdi Tabataba'i Qummi
  • Sayyid Sa'id Tabataba'i Na'ini
  • Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Tabataba'i Yazdi
  • Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Tabataba'i Yazdi Mashhadi
  • Al-Fadl b. al-Hasan al-Tabrisi
  • Muhammad Husayn Tabasi
  • Wali Allah Tabasi
  • Mir Sayyid Alikhan Tabib Kabuli
  • Zayn al-'Abidin Thaqafi


  • Abi l-Hasan 'Ali Urdubadi


  • Mulla Ahmad Wa'iz
  • Ahmad Wa'iz
  • Mahdi Wa'iz
  • Mahdi Wa'iz Khurasani
  • Muhammad Wa'iz Zada Khurasani
  • Muhammad Wa'iz Zada Muqaddas
  • 'Abbas Wa'iz Tabasi
  • Muhammad Ali Wa'iz Kirmanshahi
  • Ali Akbar Wa'iz Kirmani
  • Muhammad Husayn Wa'iz Mashhadi
  • Ghulam Rida Wa'iz Muqaddas
  • Ahmad Wa'iz Yazdi
  • Ali Wa'iz Yazdi
  • Sayyid Murtada Wa'izi Sabziwari
  • Muhammad Walih
  • Hasan Wadud


  • Sayyid Husayn Yazdi
  • 'Abd al-Khaliq Yazdi
  • 'Abd Allah Yazdi
  • Muhammad Rida Yazdi
  • Muhammad Ma'sum Yazdi
  • Sayyid Muhammad Amin Yazdi Bafqi


  • Ja'far Zahidi
  • Abu Talib Zanjani
  • Muhammad Rida Zanjani

See also

