Naqi (Title)
Naqī (Arabic: النَقي) is one of the renowned titles of Imam al-Hadi (a), the tenth Imam of Shi'a.[1] The term "Naqi" signifies purity and cleanliness.[2] According to al-Shaykh al-Saduq in his book Ilal al-sharayi', the Imam (a) was named "Naqi" due to his cleanliness and the purity of his heart.[3] Additionally, another account suggests that the title was given to Imam al-Hadi (a) to emphasize his immaculateness and infallibility from any genealogical imperfections, as his mother held the status of "umm al-walad" (a slave-concubine who gives birth to her master's child).[4]
See Also
- Qummī, Shaykh ʿAbbās. Muntahā l-āmāl. Edited by Naṣir Bāqirī Bīdhindī. 1st edition. Qom: Intishārāt-i Dalīl, 1379 Sh.
- Rūzbahān, Faḍl Allāh. Wsīlat al-khādim ilā al-makhdūm: dar sharḥ ṣalawāt chāhārdah maʿṣūm. Edited by Rasūl Jaʿfarīyān. Qom, 1375 Sh.
- Ṣadūq, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī al-. ʿIlal al-sharāʾiʿ. Edited by Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣādiq Baḥr al-ʿUlūm. Najaf: Manshurāt al-Maktaba al-Ḥaydariyya, 1385 AH/1966.
- Ṭurayḥī, Fakhr al-Dīn b. Muḥammad al-. Majmaʿ al-baḥrayn. [n.p]: Maktab al-Nashr al-Thiqāfat al-Islāmiya, 1408 AH.