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Saqifa Bani Sa'ida

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Saqīfa Banī Sāʿida (Arabic: سَقیفَه بَني ساعِدَة) was a loggia in Medina where a group of Muslims gathered there after the demise of the Prophet (s) and, according to Shi'a beliefs, usurped the caliphate of 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and gave allegiance to Abu Bakr as the successor of the Prophet (s).

Literal Meaning

A roofed building which has a loggia is called "saqifa". It seems that some Arab tribes or maybe all of them had such a place where they gathered to consult each other and make decisions on public affairs.


Saqifa Bani Sa'ida belonged to the tribe of Banu Sa'ida b. Ka'b b. Khazraj. It was well known historically and located on the western side of al-Masjid al-Nabawi beside the well of Bida'a. Sa'd b. 'Ubada, who was the candidate of Ansar for caliphate, lived near Saqifa. It is remarkable that the importance of this place is due to the historical event in which a small group of Muslims paid allegiance to Abu bakr. (see: Event of Saqifa Bani Sa'ida)

Transformation and Reconstruction

There is no information in history books to show what happened to this place before 1030/1620-1, but in that year, a person called 'Ali Pasha constructed a building upon Saqifa to preserve it. The picture of this building has been printed in Athar al-Madina al-Munawwara written by 'Abd al-Quddus Ansari.

In 1383/1963-4, the building was destroyed so that a library and a hall for public meetings with the name of Saqifa Bani Sa'ida could be built in its place and the neighboring area. But, no action was made after destruction. The land, in which Saqifa was located, incorporated a garden (2740 m2) and a power plant (1905 m2) before expansion. This triangle-shaped land was located among al-Sultana St., al-Munakha St., and al-Suhaymi St.

