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List of Works by Morteza Motahhari

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Collection of works by Morteza Motahhari is a collection of his books which is published in 28 volumes and classified by their topics. Motahhari began writing approximately from the year 1325 sh/1946-7. His fields comprised philosophy, society, morality, jurisprudence, and history.

The number of his written works was more than 70 titles. Some of his works were published and distributed during his lifetime by Sadra publications, while some others were published after his martyrdom. Another part of his works consists of lectures and lessons delivered by him that were extracted from audiotapes and then printed and published in written form.

Besides his published works, approximately thirty thousand of his notes and research slips are present.

Shahid Motahhari's books possess some exclusive characteristics, which result in multiple reprints and editions. Some of these characteristics are: being usable for everyone from different educational backgrounds, variety, and diversity of topics, attention to the need of the society, attention to the various dimensions of one topic, etc. Imam Khomeini, without exception, recommended all of his works, and Ayatollah Khamenei, the successive leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, dubbed his works to be the ideological foundation of the Republic of Iran.

The List of Printed Works

  1. Ashanayi ba ulum-i islami (1,2,3) (Introduction to Islamic sciences)
  2. Ilal-i girayish bi maddigari
  3. Ashnayi ba Qur'an
  4. Akhlaq Jinsi
  5. Islam wa muqtadayat-i zaman (1,2)
  6. Usul Falsafa wa rawish-i realism
  7. Al-tahsil (by Bahmanyar) (Correction and Scholium by Mutahhari)
  8. Al-Ghadir wa wahdat-i islami
  9. Imamat wa rahbari
  10. Imdad-ha-yi ghaybi dar zindigi-yi bashar
  11. Insan-i kamil
  12. Insan wa sarniwisht
  13. Bist guftar
  14. Pasukh-ha-yi ustad
  15. Piyambar-i ummi
  16. Piramun-i inghilab-i islami
  17. Piramun-i jumhuri-yi islami
  18. Ta'lim wa tarbiyat dar Islam
  19. Takamul-i ijtima'i-yi insan
  20. Tawhid
  21. Jadhiba wa dafi'a-yi Ali
  22. Jihad
  23. Jahanbini-yi ilahi wa jahanbini-yi maddi
  24. Haqq wa batil with the appendix of Ihya-yi tafakkur-i islami
  25. Hikmat-ha wa andarz-ha
  26. Khatimiyyat
  27. Khuday-i jan wa jahan in the book Simay-i Islam
  28. Khatm-i nubuwwat
  29. Khadamat-i mutaqabil-i Islam wa Iran
  30. Dastan-i rastan (This book won UNESCO Award, in 1965 as the most worthwhile readable book)
  31. Dah guftar
  32. Sayr-i falsafa dar Islam
  33. Sayri dar sira-yi i'imma-yi athar (a)
  34. Sayri dar sira-yi nabawi
  35. sayri dar Nahj al-Balagha
  36. Sharh-i manzuma (His lecture in the Faculty of Theology in the year 1960-61 and 1968-69)
  37. Adl-i ilahi
  38. Irfan-i Hafiz
  39. Fitrat
  40. Falsafa-yi akhlaq
  41. Falsafa-yi tarikh (two vols.)
  42. Qiyam wa inqilab-i Mahdi (a)
  43. Kitabsuzi-yi Iran wa Misr
  44. Guftar-ha-yi ma'nawi
  45. Mahiyyat-i nahzat-i Imam Husayn (a)
  46. Mas'ala-yi hijab
  47. Mas'ala-yi riba (with the appendix of insurance)
  48. Mas'ala-yi shinakht
  49. Mushkil-i asasi dar sazman-i ruhaniyyat within the book Bahthi darbara-yi marja'iyyat wa ruhaniyyat
  50. Ma'ad
  51. Maqalat-i falsafi
  52. Muqaddama-i bar jahanbini-yi islami in six volumes: 1. Insan wa iman 2. Jahanbini-yi tawhidi 3. wahy wa nubuwwat 4. Insan dar Qur'an 5. Jami'a dar Qur'an 6. Zindigi-yi jawid ya hayat-i ukhrawi
  53. Nubuwwat
  54. Nizam-i huquq-i zan dar Islam
  55. Nazari bi nizam-i iqtisadi-yi Islam
  56. Naqdi bar Marxism
  57. Nihzat-ha-yi islami dar sad sala-yi akhir
  58. Wala'-ha Wa Walayat-ha
  59. Hadaf-i zindigi (Five lessons)
  60. A'ina-yi jam (Hafiz's collection of poems and Mutahhari's notes)
  61. Ustad Mutahhari wa rushanfikran (Based on Mutahhari's letters to others)

The Index of Collection of Works

Mutahhari's books have been published in the form of collection of works as well. In this collection the effort is put into thematic classification of the books, as well as publishing them in the related collections.

Principals of belief

  • Collection of works (1): Adl-i Ilahi, Insan wa sarniwisht, Ilal-i girayish bi maddigari.
  • Collection of works (2): Muqaddima'i bar jahanbini-yi Islami: (in six volumes: Insan wa iman, Jahanbini-yi tawhidi, Wahy wa nubuwwat, Insan dar Qur'an, Jami'a wa tarikh, Zindigi-yi jawid ya hayat-i ukhrawi.)
  • Collection of works (3): Kalam, Khatm-i nubuwwat, Payambar-i ummi, Wilaha wa wilayat-ha, Mudiriyyat wa rahbari dar Islam, Imdadha-yi ghaybi dar zindigi-yi bashar, Darsi ki az fasl-i bahar bayad amukht, Khurshid-i din hargiz ghurub nimikunad, Haq wa batil, Fitrat.
  • Collection of works (4): Tawhid, Nubuwwat, Asl-i adl dar Islam, Imamat wa rahbari, Ma'ad.


  • Collection of works (5): Sayr-i falsafa dar Islam, Kulliyat-i 'ulum-i Islami (Mantiq, Falsafa), Sharh-i manzuma.
  • Collection of works (6): Usul-i falsafa wa rawish-i realism (Principles of Philosophy and the Method of Realism).
  • Collection of works (7): Falsafa Ibn Sina (1): lessons Isharat, Nijat, Ilahiyyat and Shifa.
  • Collection of works (8): Falsafa Ibn Sina (2): lessons Ilahiyyat and Shifa.
  • Collection of works (9): Sharh-i mabsut-i manzuma (1).
  • Collection of works (10): Sharh-i mabsut-i manzuma (2).
  • Collection of works (11): Darsha-yi asfar (1)
  • Collection of works (12): Darsha-yi asfar (2)
  • Collection of works (13): Maqalat-i falsafi, Mas'ala-yi shinakht, Naqdi bar Marxism.


  • Collection of works (14): Khadamat-i mutaqabil-i Islam wa Iran.
  • Collection of works (15): Falsafa-yi Tarikh.

Biography of the Infallibles

  • Collection of works (16): Sayri dar sira-yi Nabawi, Jadhiba wa dafi'a-yi Ali (a), Sayri dar Nahj al-balagha, Mushkilat-i Ali (a), Sulh-i Imam Hasan (aA).
  • Collection of works (18): Sira-yi A'imma Athar (a), Dastan-i rastan.

Jurisprudence and Law

  • Collection of works (19): Nizam-i huquq-i zan dar Islam, Mas'ala Hijab, Akhlaq-i jinsi.
  • Collection of works (20): Usul fiqh-fiqh, Ilhami az Shaykh al-ta'ifa, Mazaya wa khadamat-i marhum Ayatullah Burujirdi, Asl-i ijtihad dar Islam, Amr bi ma'ruf wa nahy az munkar, Jihad, Mas'ala-yi riba wa bank bi damima-yi Bima, Mas'ala-yi Bima, Nazari bi nizam-i iqtisadi Islam.
  • Collection of works (21): Islam wa niyazha-yi zaman.

Ethics and Mysticism

  • Collection of works (22): Hikmat-i 'amali, Hikmatha wa andarzha, Falsafa akhlaq, Ta'lim wa tarbiyat dar Islam.
  • Collection of works (23): Irfan, Insan-i kamil, Irfan-i Hafiz, Azadi ma'nawi, Taqwa, Ihtiram-i huquq wa tahqir-i dunya, Shada'id wa giriftariha, Fawayid wa athar-i Iman, Aql wa dil, Du'a.


  • Collection of works (24): Nahdatha-yi Islami dar sad sala-i akhir, Ayanda-yi inqilab-i Islami Iran, Azadi aqida, Qiyam wa inqilab-i Mahdi (a), Shahid, Mushkil-i asasi dar sazman-i ruhaniyyat, Rahbari-yi nasl-i jawan, Rawabit-i bayn al-milal-i Islami.
  • Collection of works (25): Contains 18 articles.

Exegesis of Qur'an

  • Collection of works (26): Ashna'i ba Qur'an (1-5)
  • Collection of works (27): Ashna'i ba Qur'an (6-9)
  • Collection of works (28): Ashna'i ba Qur'an (9-14)


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