List of Works by Muhammad Rida Masjidshahi

From wikishia

List of work by Muhammad Rida Masjidshahi is collection of writings by Ayatollah Muhammad Rida Masjidshahi, known as Aqa Rida Isfahani (d. 1932), a Shiite authority in Iran. Masjidshahi wrote over twenty books concerning various Islamic sciences, mathematics, and poetry.

Works about the Principles of Jurisprudence

The book Wiqayat al-adhhan
  1. Wiqayat al-adhhan wa l-albab fi usul al-sunnat wa l-kitab, This is huge book about the principles of jurisprudence. Tihrani, the biographer, believes that the book is excellent and novel, offering a new method for structuring the sections and eliminating the redundancies.
  2. Imatat al-'ayn fi isti'mal al-'ayn fi l-ma'nayayn, In the book, Wiqayat al-adhhan, Masjidshahi argues that a word can simultaneously be used for more than one meaning, but his view is rejected by Aqa Diya' al-Din al-'Iraqi in his Maqalat al-usul. Masjidshahi wrote this book in response to al-'Iraqi and sent it to Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim al-Ha'iri. Ha'iri agreed with Masjidshahi’s view and cited it in his book, Durar al-fawa'id. The book was published as an attachment to the book Wiqayat al-adhhan.
  3. Tanbihat dalil al-insidad aw ithbat hujjiyyat al-zann al-tariqi
  4. Samt al-li'al aw jaliyat al-hal fi mas'alatay al-wad' wa l-isti'mal: the book was published as an attachment to Wiqayat al-adhhan.
  5. A gloss on Risalat al-muhakama bayn al-'ilmayn written by Sayyid Mahdi Hakim.

Jurisprudential Works

  1. Istidah al-murad min qawl al-fadil al-jawad: in rejection of a fatwa by Muhammad Jawad al-Balaghi.
  2. Taqrirat al-fiqh (lectures on jurisprudence): Masjidshahi’s jurisprudential lectures written by Sayyid Ahmad Zanjani.
  3. Al-rawda l-ghina' fi ma'na l-ghina' wa tahdidihi wa hukmihi
  4. Risalat fi l-ghina', In this book, the author has introduced himself as Abd al-Mun'im b. Abdullah.
  5. Gloss on Nijat al-'ibad written by Muhammad Hasan al-Najafi
  6. Naj'at al-mirqad fi sharh nijat al-'ibad
  7. Siqt al-durr fi ahkam al-kurr
  8. Risalat fi l-qibla
  9. Dhakha'ir al-mujtahidin fi sharh ma'alim al-din fi fiqh al yasin written by Shams al-Din Muhammad Ansari al-Hilli known as Ibn Qattan.
  10. Al-Ijazat, permissions for transmission of hadiths and ijtihad given by Masjidshahi to some of his students.
  11. Al-Ijazat al-shamila li Sayyidat al-Fadila: Masjidshahi’s letter of permission to Sayyida Nusrat Amin Isfahani, the author of Arbaʿin Hashimiyya.

Philosophy and Theology

  1. Falsafa Darwin (Philosophy of Darwin), three volumes in rejection of Darwin’s philosophy and materialism. The material was originally taught by Masjidshahi in Qom.
  2. Al-radd 'ala l-Baha'iyya
  3. Al-Qawl al-jamil ila Sidqi Jamil, a reply to objections by Jamil Sidqi, a Kurdish poet and philosopher to the book, Philosophy of Darwin.
  4. Ta'rib al-sayr wa l-suluk a translation of the essay Sayr-o-suluk (Spiritual wayfaring) into Arabic.
  5. Al-Radd 'ala fasl al-qada' fi l-kashf 'an hal fiqh al-Rida (a), a rejection of the book Fasl al-qada' by Hasan al-Sadr who argued that Fiqh al-Rida was not valid.

Literary Works

The book Al-Sayf al-sani
  1. Al-'Aqd al-thamin fi ajwabat masa'il al-Shaykh Shuja' al-Din
  2. Ghaliyat al-'itr fi hukm al-shi'r
  3. Al-Sayf al-sani' 'ala riqab munkari 'ilm al-badi'
  4. Ada' al-mafrud fi sharh arjuzat 'urud written by Mirza Mustafa Tabrizi
  5. Hawashi bar sharh diwan mutnabi written by Wahidi, which is not published.
  6. Diwan-i ash'ar (collection of poems)
  7. Al-Rawd al-arid fima qal aw qil fihi min al-qarid, which is a collection of poems.


  1. Al-Nawafij wa l-ruznamaj: a miscellaneous collection of poems, hadiths, problems of arithmetic, etc.
  2. Munazarat al-mu'min wa l-mu'til
  3. Al-Irad wa l-isdar: solving a number of scientific problems.
  4. Hilli al-Dahr al-'atil fiman adraktuhu min al-afadil; biographies of a number of scholars whom Masjidshahi visited.
  5. Annotations on the book Ukrathawdhusiyus Greek sage in the science of geometry
  6. Istiqsa' kutub al-ashab
  7. Al-Risalat al-Amjadiyya, on the rituals of the blessed month of Ramadan, which he wrote for his son when he reached the age of religious accountability.
  8. Ana wa l-ayyam (literally: Me and the days), Masjidshahi’s unpublished diaries.
  9. Commentaries on Rawdat al-jannat, the book has been published together with Aghlat fi-l-ansab by Sayyid 'Abd al-Hujjat Balaghi.
