Abd Allah Son of the Prophet (s)
ʿAbd Allāh (Arabic: عبدالله) was the son of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and Lady Khadija (a). According to most of the sources, he was born after the Bi'that and was known as "al-Ṭayyib" (الطیّب) and "al-Ṭāhir" (الطاهر),[1] because he was born after the advent of Islam[2] (Some people have mistakenly taken Tayyib and Tahir to be two different sons of the Prophet (s)).[3]Abd Allah died in Mecca[4] when he was a child. According to some reports, he was born and died before the Bi'that.[5]
Epithet | Al-Ṭayyib • al-Ṭāhir |
Lineage | Quraysh |
Well-known Relatives | Prophet Muhammad (s) (father) • Khadija bt. Khuwaylid (mother) |
Place of Birth | Mecca |
It is said that when he died al-'As b. Wa'il said: "Muhammad is without posterity because none of his male children stayed alive". In response to him, the Qur'an 108 and the verse, "Indeed it is your enemy who is without posterity"[6][7] was revealed.[8]
According to al-Kafi , after the death of 'Abd Allah, the Prophet (s) said to the crying Khadija:
- Are you not happy to see him ('Abd Allah) standing on the gate of the Heaven, and when he sees you, he will hold your hand and take you to the best place of paradise… God is too benevolent to punish a person from whom He took away his life's fruit while he or she stays patient for the sake of God and thanks to Him.[9]
See Also
- ↑ Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī, al-Iṣāba, vol. 3, p. 445; Maqrizī, Imtāʿ al-asmāʾ, vol. 5, p. 333.
- ↑ Amīn, Aʿyān al-Shīʿa, vol. 1, p. 223.
- ↑ Ṭabrisī, Iʿlām al-warā, vol. 1, p. 275.
- ↑ Maqrizī, Imtāʿ al-asmāʾ, vol. 5, p. 333.
- ↑ Ibn Isḥāq, Sīrat al-nabawīyy, p. 82.
- ↑ إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ الْأَبْتر
- ↑ Qurʾān, 108:3.
- ↑ Balādhurī, Ansāb al-ashrāf, vol. 1, p. 138-139.
- ↑ Kulaynī, al-Kāfī, vol. 3, p. 219.
- Amīn, Sayyid Muḥsin al-. Aʿyān al-Shīʿa. Beirut: Dār al-Taʿāruf li-l-Maṭbūʿāt, 1406 AH.
- Balādhurī, Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā al-. Ansāb al-ashrāf. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1417 AH.
- Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī. Al-Iṣāba fī tamyīz al-ṣaḥāba. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmīyya, 1415 AH.
- Ibn Isḥāq, Muḥammad. Sīrat al-nabawīyy. Qom: Daftar-i Muṭāliʿāt-i Tārīkh wa Maʿārif-i Islāmī, 1410 AH.
- Kulaynī, Muḥammad b. Yaʿqūb al-. Al-Kāfī. Second edition. Tehran: Islāmīyya, 1362 Sh.
- Maqrizī, Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-. Imtāʿ al-asmāʾ bi-mā li-l-nabīyy min al-aḥwāl wa l-amwāl wa l-ḥafdat wa l-matāʿ. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmīyya, 1420 AH..
- Ṭabrisī, Faḍl b. al-Ḥasan al-. Iʿlām al-warā. Qom: Āl al-Bayt, 1417 AH.