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Qādisīyya (Arabic: القادسیة) was a station or resting area near Kufa. Qays b. Mushir al-Saydawi was arrested by al-Husayn b. Numayr in this area. Qays was Imam al-Husayn's (a) envoy to people of Kufa. After leaving the station of 'Udhayb al-Hijanat, Imam al-Husayn (a) changed his path to Qasr Bani Muqatil and did not go to Qadisiyya.

Location and History

Qadisiyya is located 15 miles from Kufa and 4 miles from 'Udhayb al-Hijanat. In the period of 'Umar b. al-Khattab, the Battle of Qadisiyya between the army of Persia and Muslim Arabs occurred in this area in 14/635.[1]


The army of 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad arrested Maytham al-Tammar in Qadisiyya.[2]

Also, Qays b. Mushir al-Saydawi, Imam al-Husayn's (a) messenger to people of Kufa, was arrested in this place by al-Husayn b. Numayr and sent to 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad.[3] Qays carried a letter from the Imam (a) to people of Kufa. He tore the letter apart before it was seized by Ibn Ziyad's forces.[4]

The path to Kufa passes from 'Udhayb to Qadisiyya, but in order to avoid Kufa, Imam al-Husayn (a) changed his way to Qasr Bani Muqatil, and thus, he did not go to Qadisiyya.[5]


  1. Al-Ḥamawī, Muʿjam al-Buldān, vol. 4, p. 291.
  2. Al-Kashshī, Rijāl al-Kashshī, p. 72.
  3. Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya, vol. 8, p. 168; al-Balādhurī, Kitāb jumal min ansāb al-ashrāf, vol. 3, p. 167.
  4. Ibn Aʿtham, Kitāb al-Futūḥ, vol. 5, p. 82.
  5. Jaʿfarīyān, Aṭlas-i Shīʿa, p. 66, the map of number. 35.


  • Balādhurī, Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā al-. Kitāb jumal min ansāb al-ashrāf. Edited by Suhayl Zakkār & Rīyāḍ Ziriklī. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1417AH-1996.
  • Ibn Aʿtham al-Kūfī, Aḥmad b. Aʿtham. Kitāb al-Futūḥ. Edited by ʿAlī Shīrī. Beirut: Dār al-Aḍwaʾ, 1411AH-1991.
  • Ibn Kathīr al-Dimashqī, Ismāʿīl b. ʿUmar. Al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1407AH-1986.
  • Jaʿfarīyān, Rasūl. Aṭlas-i Shīʿa. Tehran: Intishārāt-i Sāzmān-i Jughrāfīyāyī-yi Nīrūhā-yi Musallaḥ, 1387Sh.
  • Kashshī, Muḥammad b. ʿUmar al-. Rijāl al-Kashshī. Mashhad: Intishārat-i Dānishgāh-i Mashhad, 1348Sh.
  • Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, Yāqūt b. ʿAbd Allah. Muʿjam al-Buldān. Beirut: Dār al-Ṣādir, 1995.