Sinan b. Anas al-Nakha'i
Sinān b. Anas al-Nakhaʿī (Arabic: سِنان بن أَنَس النَخَعي) was the one who, based on some sources, decapitated Imam al-Husayn (a) on the Day of 'Ashura' and martyred him.
Murderer of Imam al-Husayn (a) | |
Full Name | Sinan b. Abu 'Amr b. Anas al-Nakha'i |
Place of Birth | Kufa |
Place of Residence | Kufa |
Death | After al-Mukhtar's uprising |
Cause of Death | He was killed by companions of al-Mukhtar |
Era | Umayyad dynasty |
Known for | Murderer of Imam al-Husayn (a) |
His father's name was Abu 'Amr and his grandfather was Anas; he was known by his grandfather's name. Sinan was born in Kufa. Still, his birth-date is unknown. Ibn Abi al-Hadid reported from Ibn Hilal al-Thaqafi that Sinan was a child during the caliphate of Imam Ali (a) and Imam foretold that he will kill the son of the Apostle of God (s).[1] According to some history books, Sinan was a stupid and insane fighter and poet.[2] There is disagreement about his death date.[3]
Day of 'Ashura'
At the last moments of Imam al-Husayn's life while he had fallen into the killing pit (Qatligah) and no one from 'Umar b. Sa'd's army dared to finish him off, Sinan b. Anas came to the pit and hit Imam al-Husayn (a) by a spear on the chest and back and martyred the Imam (a). Then Khawli b. Yazid al-Asbahi decided to decapitate Imam al-Husayn (a), but he started shivering and could not do that. Sinan rebuked him and said, "May God break your arms and cut your hands." Then he dismounted from his horse and decapitated Imam al-Husayn (a). After that, he went to 'Umar b. Sa'd's tent and read this poem loudly:
- Hang gold and silver from my horse's stirrup, I indeed have killed an eminent master.
- I killed the best person regarding the father and the mother, and the best person regarding the lineage.[4]
There are different reports about the one who martyred and decapitated Imam al-Husayn (a). Some say Shimr sat on Imam's chest and decapitated him from the back.[5]
It is reported that 'Umar b. Sa'd gave the pure head of Imam al-Husayn (a) to Khawli and ordered him to hurry to Kufa and inform 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad about their victory.
After 'Ashura'
After the death of Yazid, Kufa was in chaos. Sinan, who was known as one of the main killers of Imam al-Husayn (a) started to live a secret life. According to some reports, he left Kufa after al-Mukhtar's uprising and fled to Basra and its outskirts.[6] Some reported that al-Mukhtar's companions killed him. Some sources said that he died during the government of Hajjaj b. Yusuf al-Thaqafi over Kufa.[7]
See Also
- ↑ Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, Sharḥ Nahj al-balāgha, vol. 2, p. 286.
- ↑ Balādhurī, Ansāb al-ashrāf, vol. 3, p. 204.
- ↑ A review of the facts of the life of Sinan b. Anas, the killer of Imam al-Husayn (a) and his end. (Persian)
- ↑ Ibn al-Athīr, Usd al-ghāba, vol. 1, p. 499.
- ↑ Khwārizmī, Maqtal al-Ḥusayn, vol. 2, p. 142; Mufīd, al-Irshād, vol. 2, p. 112; Balādhurī, Ansāb al-ashrāf, vol. 3, p. 203; Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, vol. 5, p. 453.
- ↑ Ibn Kathīr al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya, vol. 8, p. 272.
- ↑ Balādhurī, Ansāb al-ashrāf, vol. 6, p. 410.
- Abī Mikhnaf, Lūṭ b. Yaḥyā. Waqʿat al-Ṭaff. Qom: Jāmiʿat al-Mudarrisīn, 1417 AH.
- Balādhurī, Aḥmad b. Yaḥyā al-. Ansāb al-ashrāf. Edited by Muḥammad Bāqir Maḥmūdī. 1st edition. Beirut: Dār al-Taʿāruf, 1977.
- Dīnawarī, Aḥmad b. Dāwūd al-. Al-Akhbār al-ṭiwāl. Edited by ʿAbd al-Munʿim ʿĀmir and Jamāl al-Dīn Shiyāl. Qom: Manshūrāt al-Sharīf al-Raḍī, 1368Sh.
- Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr, Yūsuf b. ʿAbd Allāh. Al-Istīʿāb fī maʿrifat al-aṣḥāb. Edited by ʿAlī Muḥammad al-Bajāwī. Beirut: Dār al-Jīl, 1412 AH.
- Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd b. Hibat Allāh. Sharḥ Nahj al-balāgha. Qom: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-Marʿashī, 1404 AH.
- Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī, ʿAlī b. Abī l-Karam. Al-Kāmil fī l-tārīkh. Beirut: Dār Ṣādir, 1385 AH-1965.
- Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī, ʿAlī b. Muḥammad. Usd al-ghāba fī maʿrifat al-ṣaḥāba. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1409 AH.
- Ibn al-Jawzī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿAlī. Al-Muntaẓam fī tārīkh al-umam wa l-mulūk. Edited by Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Qādir ʿAṭāʾ and Musṭafā ʿAbd al-Qādir ʿAṭāʾ. 1st edition. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmīyya, 1412 AH.
- Ibn Aʿtham al-Kūfī, Aḥmad b. Aʿtham. Kitāb al-Futūḥ. Edited by ʿAlī Shīrī. Beirut: Dār al-Aḍwaʾ, 1411AH-1991.
- Ibn Ḥazm, ʿAlī b. Aḥmad. Jamharat ansāb al-ʿarab. Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmīyya, 1403 AH.
- Ibn Kathīr al-Dimashqī, Ismāʿīl b. ʿUmar. Al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1407AH-1986.
- Ibn Saʿd, Muḥammad. Al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā. Muḥammad Ṣāmil al-Silmī. Al-Ṭaʾif: Maktabat al-Ṣiddiq, 1414 AH/1993.
- Ibn Shahrāshūb, Muḥammad b. ʿAlī. Manāqib Āl Abī Ṭālib. Edited by Ḥāshim Rasūlī. Qom: Nashr-i ʿAllāma, 1379 Sh.
- Irbilī, ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā al-. Kashf al-ghumma fī maʿrifat al-aʾimma. Tabriz: Maktabat Banī Hāshimī, 1381 AH.
- Khwārizmī, Muwaffaq b. Aḥmad al-. Maqtal al-Ḥusayn. Edited by Shaykh Muḥammad al-Samāwī. Qom: Maktabat al-Mufīd, 1423 AH.
- Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir al-. Biḥār al-anwār. Beirut: Muʾassisat al-Wafāʾ, 1403 AH.
- Mufīd, Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-. Al-Irshād fī maʿrifat ḥujaj Allāh ʿalā l-ʿibād. Qom: Kungira-yi Shaykh al-Mufīd, 1413 AH.
- Samāwī, Muḥammad al-. Ibṣār al-ʿayn fī anṣār al-Ḥusayn (a). Qom: Maḥallātī, 1419 AH.
- Ṭabarī, Muḥammad b. Jarīr al-.Tārīkh al-umam wa l-mulūk. Edited by Muḥammad Abu l-faḍl Ibrāhīm. Second edition. Beirut: Dar al-Turāth, 1387 AH.
- مروری بر حقایق زندگی سنان بن انس قاتل امام حسین (ع) و سرانجام او (A review of the facts of the life of Sinan b. Anas, the killer of Imam al-Husayn (a) and his end. (Persian)). Accessed: 2023/08/11.