Nad 'Ali Supplication

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This article is an introduction to the Nad 'Ali Supplication; to read its text see text:Nad 'Ali Supplication.
Nad 'Ali Supplication
The calligraphy of the first phrase of Nad 'Ali supplication
The calligraphy of the first phrase of Nad 'Ali supplication
SubjectAttributes and virtues of Imam Ali (a)
Shi'a sourcesMisbah al-Kaf'amiZad al-ma'ad

Nād ʿAlī Supplication (Arabic: دعاء ناد عليّ) consists of two supplications in praise of Imam 'Ali (a), which begins with the phrase "nad 'ali mazhar al-'aja'ib" (Call 'Ali, the manifestation of wonders). It is said that the supplication was heard by the Prophet (s) during the Battle of Uhud from the hidden world.

The minor Nad 'Ali supplication is short. It says that every sorrow can go away with the blessings of the Prophet's (s) prophethood and Imam 'Ali's (a) guardianship. Al-'Allama al-Majlisi has cited the supplication in his book, Bihar al-anwar, without citing its sources. Books have been written in interpretation of this supplication.

The major Nad 'Ali supplication has themes similar to those of the minor Nad 'Ali supplication, but it is much lengthier.

Minor Nad 'Ali

According to an exposition of the collection of poems attributed to Imam 'Ali (a) by the Shafi'i scholar of the tenth/sixteenth century, Maybudi Yazdi, during the Battle of Uhud the Prophet (s) heard the following from the hidden world: "Call 'Ali, the manifestation of wonders, you find him your help in plights, every sorrow and distress will go away, with your guardianship, O 'Ali."[1] In the book, Farhang-i ghadir, by Jawad Muhaddithi, these sentences are cited with an addendum: "Call 'Ali, the manifestation of wonders, you find him your help in plights, every sorrow and distress will go away, with your prophethood, O Muhammad, with your guardianship, O 'Ali."[2]

Maybudi Yazdi's account is cited by al-Allama al-Majlisi in his Bihar al-anwar and by Mirza Muhammad Taqi Sipihr in his Nasikh al-tawarikh.[3] However, Bihar al-anwar does not point to the source of the supplication.[4] Yadullah Duzduzani, a fifteenth/twenty-first century jurist, believes that the supplication does not have a valid source, although it is permissible to recite it in the hope of divine rewards.[5]

Taqi al-Din Ibrahim al-Kaf'ami, a Shia scholar of the fifteenth/twenty-first century, says in his Misbah that he saw the above phrases with al-Shahid al-Awwal's handwriting, adding that they were recited for finding the lost and fugitive slaves.[6] In his Mustadrak al-wasa'il, al-Muhaddith al-Nuri cites this from Misbah.[7] Allama Tihrani quotes Sayyid Hashim Haddad as saying that if one recites "Call Ali, who is Manifestor of wonders, Thou shall surely find him helper in your difficulties, All grief and Sorrows will disappear, By Thee by Thy tremendousness O! Lord, By Thee by Thy Apostleship O! Muhammad, By Thee by Thy granted Power & Authority of Wail, O! Ali, O Ali, O! Ali," 110 times a day, and does this for three consecutive days; he will be given whatever he asks God.[8]

With a slight modification in its last phrase, the minor Nad 'Ali supplication is inscribed in the Congregational Mosque of Bijapur (Vijayapura) in southern India.[9] The supplication is also inscribed in Ahmednagar Castle in India.[10]

Major Nad 'Ali

'Allama Majlisi cites the text of the major Nad 'Ali supplication in his Zad al-ma'ad.[11]

Relevant Works

Books and essays have been written about Nad 'Ali supplication and its effects and features, including a Persian book under "Sharh Nad 'Ali mazhar al-'aja'ib…," kept in the Library of Ayatollah Mar'ashi Najafi in Qom.[12]

In his catalogue of the manuscripts of Shiite hadiths and hadith sciences, Ali Sadra'i Khu'i lists books in exposition of Nad 'Ali supplication.


  1. Maybudī, Diwān-i Amīr al-Muʾminīn (a), p. 434.
  2. Muḥaddithī, Farhang-i Ghadīr, p. 563.
  3. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 20, p. 73; Sipihr, Nāsikh al-tawārīkh, vol. 2, p. 902.
  4. Majlisī, Biḥār al-anwār, vol. 20, p. 73.
  5. Dūzdūzānī Tabrīzī, Istiftāʾāt ḥaḍrat-i Āyatullāh al-ʿuẓmā Dūzdūzānī Tabrīzī, p. 22.
  6. Kafʿamī, al-Miṣbāḥ, p. 183.
  7. Nūrī, Mustadrak al-wasāʾil, vol. 15, p. 483.
  8. Ḥusaynī Tihrānī, Maṭlaʿ al-anwār, vol. 2, p. 155.
  9. Ṭurayḥī,Tārīkh al-Shīʿa fī l-Hind, vol. 2, p. 117.
  10. Ṭurayḥī,Tārīkh al-Shīʿa fī l-Hind, vol. 2, p. 81.
  11. Majlisī, Zād al-maʿād, vol. 1, p. 429-430.
  12. Rufāʿī, Muʿjam mā kataba ʿan al-Rasūl wa Ahl Baytih, vol. 6, p. 66.


  • Dūzdūzānī Tabrīzī, Yadullāh. Istiftāʾāt ḥaḍrat-i Āyatullāh al-ʿuẓmā Dūzdūzānī Tabrīzī. Tehran: Tābān, 1379 Sh.
  • Kafʿamī, Ibrāhīm b. ʿAlī al-. Al-Miṣbāḥ Junnat al-amān al-wāqīya wa jannat al-īmān al-bāqīya. Qom: Dār al-Raḍī, 1405 AH.
  • Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir al-. Biḥār al-anwār. Second edition. Beirut: Dār Iḥyāʾ al-Turāth al-ʿArabī, 1403 AH.
  • Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir al-. Zād al-maʿād. Edited by ʿAlā al-Dīn Aʿlamī. Beirut: Muʾassisat al-Aʿlamī li-l-Maṭbūʿāt, [n.d].
  • Maybudī, Ḥusayn b. Muʿīn al-Dīn. Diwān-i Amīr al-Muʾminīn (a). Edited by Akram Shafāʾī. Based on the version of the Tasawwuf-i Iran website.
  • Muḥaddithī, Javād. Farhang-i Ghadīr. Qom: Nashr-i Maʿrūf, 1386 Sh.
  • Nūrī, Mīrzā Ḥusayn al-. Mustadrak al-wasāʾil wa musṭanbit al-wasā'il. Qom: Muʾassisat Āl al-Bayt, 1408 AH.
  • Rufāʿī, ʿAbd al-Jabbār. Muʿjam mā kataba ʿan al-Rasūl wa Ahl Baytih. 1st edition. Tehran: Nashr-i Wizārat-i Irshād, 1371 Sh.
  • Sipihr, Muḥammad Taqī. Nāsikh al-tawārīkh. Tehran: Asāṭīr, 1385 Sh.
  • Ṭurayḥī, Muḥammad Saʿīd, Tārīkh al-Shīʿa fī l-Hind. Netherlands: Ākādimīyya al-kūfa, 1426/2005.