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Al Abi Talib

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Āl Abī Ṭālib (Arabic: آل أبي طالب) is the title of the descendants of Abu Talib b. 'Abd al-Muttalib b. Hashim b. 'Abd Manaf (passed away in 619) who was prophet's uncle and his greatest supporter up to the death.

Abu Talib

Abu Talib's original name is 'Abd Manaf, and his kunyah is Abu Talib. He was a family member of Banu Hashim. He had a son by the name of Talib, and that is why he was known as Abu Talib. This family is mentioned in various names in rijal, ansab, and history books. For instance: Banu Abi Talib, Talibiyin, and Banu Hashim al-Talibi (against Banu Hashim al-'Abbasi, who were Banu 'Abbas).[1] They are originally from Mecca; however, later on some of them got settled in Medina, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, and other places.[2]

Talib b. Abi Talib

He is the eldest offspring of Abu Talib, died in second year after Hijra/623-4, whose life is not exactly known to us. The only information mentioned in rijal and ansab and history references about him proves his participation in the Battle of Badr. It is said that polytheists of Mecca made him take part in the war, though he was reluctant. He vanished after Quraysh had been defeated, since neither he was among the murdered or captive nor did he return to Mecca.[3] Some have stated that he gave up participating in the war and came back to Mecca with his companions.[4] Others have narrated that he set out for Yemen or Syria and passed away while traveling. It is also said that he got drowned in the sea.[5] He had no offspring.[6]

'Aqil b. Abi Talib

Abu Yazid 'Aqil b. Abi Talib (passed away in 60/679-80) was a great Arab genealogist, one of the four well-known arbitrators of Arabs and a hadith narrator.[7] He unwillingly took part in the Battle of Badr in the polytheists side, and became captive. After that, he was set free with the aid of ransom which his uncle al-'Abbas paid. According to Ibn Qutayba he became Muslim immediately after his freedom from jail.[8] It is said that he joined Islam before Hudaybiyya peace treaty or during the conquest of Mecca by Muslims.[9]

His offspring are: Yazid, Sa'id, Ja'far al-Akbar, Abu Sa'id al-Ahwab, Muslim, 'Abd Allah al-Akbar, 'Abd al-Rahman, 'Abd Allah al-Asghar, 'Ali, Ja'far, al-Asghar, Hamza, 'Uthman, Muhammad, 'Ubayd Allah, Umm Hani, Ramala, Asma', Fatima, Umm al-Ghasim, Zaynab, and Umm Nu'man.[10] Muslim b. 'Aqil became martyr in Kufa. 'Abd Allah al-Akbar, 'Abd al-Rahman, Ja'far Akbar, and Muhammad b. 'Aqil became martyr in Karbala.[11] Muslim b. 'Aqil's sons by the names of Muhammad and 'Abd Allah were martyrs in Karbala.[12]

'Aqil's generation continued only through Muhammad. Banu Marqu' in Tabaristan, Banu Hamam and Banu Ghalq in Nusaybin, Ibn Qurashiyya's offspring in Egypt, Banu 'Aqil in Yemen, Qom, Isfahan, Fasa, and Kufa, Banu Awqas in Kerman, Tabaristan, and Khurasan were all his descendants.[13]

Ja'far b. Abi Talib

Abu 'Abd Allah Ja'far b. Abi Talib (passed away in 8/629), prominent as Dhu l-Jinahayn, Dhu l-Hijratayn and Ja'far al-Tayyar, was 10 years older than Imam 'Ali (a) and 10 years younger than 'Aqil.

He was the 32nd person who became Muslim along with his wife Asma' bt. Umays. He took the responsibility of leadership of migrating Muslims to Habasha, and returned to Medina in the day of conquering Khaybar. He was the first or second commander of Islam army in the Battle of Mu'ta who became martyr during this war.[14]

He had eight sons: 'Abd Allah, 'Awn, Muhammad al-Akbar, Muhammad al-Asghar, Hamid, al-Husayn, 'Abd Allah al-Asghar, and 'Abd Allah al-Akbar. Muhammad al-Akbar accompanied his uncle Imam 'Ali (a) in the Battle of Siffin and became martyr. 'Awn and Muhammad al-Asghar were martyrs in Karbala.

His generation was continued through 'Abd Allah al-Akbar. His family was broke into various branches later on: Banu 'Arid, Banu Musa al-Jawn, Banu Ja'far, Banu 'Ajza, Banu Yusuf b. 'Abd Allah, Banu Jahhaf, Banu Dawud, Banu Idris, Banu al-Haraj, Banu Yar, and Ja'afira.

These lived in Hijaz, Iraq, Egypt, Damascus, Maghrib, Herat, Balkh, Bukhara, Isfahan, Ahwaz, Azerbaijan, Gurgan, Tabaristan, Qazwin, Kerman, and Shushtar.[15]

'Ali b. Abi Talib

Abu l-Hasan 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a), the first Imam of shi'a.


  1. Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat al-kubra, vol.1 p.94; al-Tusi, al-Fihrist, p.191-192
  2. Ibn 'Inaba, 'Umda al-talib, p.32-35
  3. Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat al-kubra, vol.1 p.121
  4. Ibn Hisham, al-Sira al-nabawiyya, vol.2 p.271; al-Baladhari, Ansab al-ashraf, vol.2 p.42
  5. Ibn 'Inaba, 'Umdat al-talib, p.30
  6. Ibn Kalbi, Jamhara al-nasab, vol.1 p.128; Ibn Qutayba, al-Ma'arif, p.120
  7. Ibn Athir, Usd al-ghaba, vol.3 p.423-424
  8. Ibn Athir, Usd al-ghaba, vol.3 p.156
  9. Al-Baladhari, Ansab al-ashraf, vol.2 p.69
  10. Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat al-kubra, vol.4 p.42; al-Baladhari, Ansab al-ashraf, vol.2 p.69,71
  11. Al-Baladhari, Ansab al-ashraf, vol.2 p.70,77
  12. Al-Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh, vol.3 p.84
  13. Ibn 'Inaba, 'Umdat al-talib, p.32-35
  14. Ibn Kalbi, Jamhara al-nasab, vol.1 p.129-130; Ibn Hisham, al-Sira al-nabawiyya, vol.2 p.275; Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat al-kubra, vol.1 p.121; Ibn Qutayba, al-Ma'arif, p.205
  15. Ibn Qutayba, al-Ma'arif, p.207-208; al-Baladhari, Ansab al-ashraf, vol.2 p.43; Ibn Athir, Usd al-ghaba, vol.2 p.287; Ibn 'Inaba, 'Umda al-talib, p.36-57; al-Zubayri, Nasab Quraysh, vol.3 p.80-83


  • Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad. Al-Tabaqat al-kubra. Beirut: Dar Sadir
  • Tusi, Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-. Al-Fihrist. Mashhad: University of Mashhad, 1392/1972
  • Ibn 'Inaba, Ahmad b. 'Ali. 'Umda al-talib. Najaf: Al-Matba'a al-Haydariyya, 1380/1960
  • Ibn Hisham, 'Abd al-Malik. Al-Sira al-nabawiyya. Beirut: Dar Ihya' al-Turath al-'Arabi
  • Baladhari, Ahmad b. Yahya al-. Ansab al-ashraf. Beirut: Mu'assia al-A'lami, 1394/1974
  • Ibn Kalbi, Hisham b. Muhammad. Jamhara al-nasab. Kuwait: Matba'a Hukuma al-Kuwait, 1403/1982
  • Ibn Qutayba, 'Abd Allah b. Muslim. Al-Ma'arif. Egypt: Dar al-Kutub, 1380/1960
  • Ibn Athir, 'Ali b. Muhammad. Usd al-ghaba. Tehran: Al-Maktaba al-Islamiyya, 1383/1963
  • Zubayri, Mus'ab b. 'Abd Allah. Nasab Quraysh. Cairo: Dar al-Ma'arif, 1371/1951