Sayyid Muḥammad Muḥaqqiq Dāmād (Persian:سید محمد محقق داماد) (b.1325/1907 - d.1388/1969) was a Shi'a jurist, a scholar in usul al-fiqh, and a teacher in Seminary of Qom. Most clerics who were involved in the Islamic Revolution and who later took official positions in the Islamic Republic of Iran were his students. He was the son-in-law of 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri Yazdi, the founder of Seminary of Qom, therefore he was given the title Damad (which means son-in-law). Sayyid Ali and Sayyid Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad are his sons.

Sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad
Personal Information
Full NameSayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad
Well-Known RelativesShaykh 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri Yazdi
ResidenceArdakan, Qom
Studied inYazd, Qom
DeathDhu l-Hijja 2, 1388/February 20, 1969
Burial PlaceQom, Iran, inside the holy shrine of Lady Ma'suma (a)
Scholarly Information
ProfessorsSayyid Muhammad Taqi KhwansariMir Sayyid Ali Yathribi KashaniSayyid Abu l-Hasan Rafi'i QazwiniSayyid Muhammad Hujjat Kuh Kamari'i'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri Yazdi
WorksGlosses on al-'Urwat al-wuthqa, ...

Biography and Education

Sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad was born in 1325/1907 in Ahmad Abad, a village near to Ardakan in Yazd province, Iran. Before his birth, his father passed away on his journey to Iraq to visit the holy shrines in Iraq. Sayyid Muhammad lost his mother when he was 6 as well. After passing primary studies in Ardakan, he went to Yazd. In the seminary of Yazd, he studied under Sayyid Ahmad Mudarrisi, Haj Sayyid Yahya Wa'iz and Sayyid Muhammad Ali Rida Ha'iri. After 9 years staying in Yazd and at the recommendation of Shaykh Ghulam Rida Yazdi, in 1341/1922-3 he moved to Qom, where he participated in the sessions of the great scholars of Hazwa such as Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Khwansari, Sayyid Muhammad Hujjat Kuhkamara'i and 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri. He drew the attention of Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri and married the daughter of Ayatullah Ha'iri and was titled as Damad (meaning son-in-law of 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri).



After the demise of Shaykh 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri in 1355/1937, the teaching sessions of Sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq, who was a young scholar in Hawza, gained popularity. During the Marja'iyya of Ayatullah Burujirdi, Muhaqqiq Damad and Shaykh Murtada Ha'iri Yazdi were among those who gave students of Hawza oral exams. During three decades of teaching in Hawza, he trained great scholars who later became Marja's or important figures in the Islamic Republic of Iran.



  1. Glosses on al-'Urwat al-wuthqa
  2. Transcript of his sessions on Hajj, Salat, Sawm, I'tikaf, Khums and Zakat, written by Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli.
  3. Transcript of his Usul sessions written by Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi.
  4. Transcript of his sessions on Taharat and Usul, by Ayatullah Tahiri Isfahani.
  5. Transcript of his sessions on Salat by Ayatullah Mu'min.

Political Activities

According to Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli, although Muhaqqiq Damad believed in concomitance of religion and politic, he did not get involved in any non-scholarly activities, rather he dedicated all his time for teaching and studying. The only political event that he took part in was opposing the Bill of State and Provincial Associations.


After 75 days of illness, Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad passed away on Wednesday Dhu l-Hijja 2, 1388/February 20, 1969, of heart failure. He was buried in one of the eastern rooms in the courtyard of the holy shrine of Lady Fatima al-Ma'suma (a) in Qom.


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