Recommended prayers in the month of Ramaḍān are specific prayers that are recommended to be said in the month of Ramadan. Some of these prayers should be said every night in Ramadan and some are specific to certain days or nights thereof. There are specific prayers recommended for the nights of Ramadan known as Laylat al-Qadr.
Common Prayers of Every Night of Ramadan
According to Mafatih al-jinan,[1] it is recommended (mustahabb) to say two rak'as of prayers every night in the month of Ramadan. In each rak'a of this prayer, Sura al-Hamd should be recited once and then Sura al-Tawhid should be recited three times. When the prayer ends, the following should be recited:
Exalted is God who never overlooks! Exalted is the merciful God who never hastens! Exalted is the stable God who never forgets anyone! Exalted is the eternal God who is never preoccupied by anything | سُبْحانَ مَنْ هُوَ حَفيظٌ لا يَغْفُلُ سُبحانَ مَنْ هُوَ رَحيمٌ لا يَعْجَلُ سُبْحانَ مَنْ هُوَ قاَّئِمٌ لا يَسْهُو سُبْحانَ مَنْ هُوَ دائِمٌ لا يَلْهُو |
The person should then recites al-Tasbihat al-Arba'a seven times,
and then recites the following: |
سبحان الله و الحمدلله و لا اله الا الله و الله اکبر |
O' Go! You are exalted from any defect! You are exalted! You are exalted! O' God! Forgive my major sins! | سُبْحانَكَ سُبْحانَكَ سُبْحانَكَ يا عَظيمُ اغْفِرْ لِىَ الذَّنْبَ الْعَظيمَ |
After that, salawat should be recited ten times.
According to hadiths, if a person says this prayer, God will forgive 70,000 sins of his or hers.[2]
Specific Prayers of Each Night of Ramadan
According to Mafatih al-jinan,[3] the following are the specific prayers of each night of the month of Ramadan:
Night | How to pray |
First | 4 rak'as, in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once, and then sura al-Tawhid is recited 15 times. |
Second | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then Sura al-Qadr is recited 20 times. |
Third | One rak'a in which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Tawhid is recited 50 times. |
Fourth | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Qadr is recited 20 times. |
Fifth | Two rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Tawhid is recited 50 times. When the prayer ends, salawat should be recited 100 times. |
Sixth | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd and Sura al-Mulk are recited once. |
Seventh | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Qadr is recited 13 times. |
Eighth | Two rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 10 times. When the prayer ends, recite 1000 times: "Subhan Allah" (سبحان الله) |
Ninth | 6 rak'as between salat al-maghrib and al-'isha', in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then ayat al-kursi is recited seven times. When the prayer ends, salawat should be recited 50 times. |
Tenth | 20 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd should be recited once and then sura al-Tawhid should be recited 30 times. |
Eleventh | Two rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and Sura al-Kawthar is recited 20 times. |
Twelve | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Qadr is recited 30 times. |
Thirteenth | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 25 times. |
Fourteenth | 6 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and Sura al-Zilzal is recited 30 times. |
Fifteenth | 4 rak'as in the first two of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Tawhid is recited 100 times, and in the second two of which sura al-Tawhid is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 50 times. |
Sixteenth | 12 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and Sura al-Takathur is recited 12 times. |
Seventeenth | Two rak'as in the first of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then any (arbitrary) sura of the Quran is recited, and in the second of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 100 times. When the prayer ends, "La ilah-a illa Allah" should be recited 100 times.(لا اِلهَ اِلا اللّهُ) |
Eighteenth | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and Sura al-Kawthar is recited 25 times. |
Nineteenth | 50 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd and sura al-Zilzal are recited. |
Twentieth | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and any (arbitrary) sura of the Quran. |
Twenty first | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and any (arbitrary) sura of the Quran. |
Twenty second | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and any (arbitrary) sura of the Quran. |
Twenty third | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and any (arbitrary) sura of the Quran. |
Twenty fourth | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and any (arbitrary) sura of the Qur'an. |
Twenty fifth | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 10 times. |
Twenty sixth | 8 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 100 times. |
Twenty seventh | 4 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd and sura al-Mulk should be recited. If one cannot recite sura al-Mulk, one can instead recite sura al-Tawhid 25 times. |
Twenty eighth | 6 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then the following should be recited: al-Kursi verse 100 times, sura al-Tawhid 100 times, and sura al-Kawthar 100 times. When the prayer ends, one should recited salawat 100 times. |
Twenty ninth | Two rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd should be recited once and sura al-Tawhid should be recited 20 times. |
Thirtieth | 12 rak'as in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and sura al-Tawhid is recited 20 times. When the prayer ends, salawat should be recited 100 times. |
One Thousand Rak'as Every Night of Ramadan
In the first and second decades of the month of Ramadan, 20 rak'as of prayers should be said (10 prayers each of which has two rak'as): 8 rak'as after the salat al-maghrib, 12 rak'as after the salat al-'isha', and in the third decade of the month of Ramadan, 30 rak'as should be said every night: 8 rak'as after salat al-maghrib, and 22 rak'as after salat al-'isha'. In addition to these, 300 rak'as are recommended to be said in the nights of Laylat al-Qadr.[4]
Prayers in Laylat al-Qadr
- Two rak'as of prayer in each of which sura al-Hamd is recited once and then sura al-Tawhid is recited seven times. When the prayer ends, istighfar "Astaghfir Allah wa atub ilayh" (أستغفرُ اللّهَ وَ أتوبُ إليه); should be recited 70 times.[5]
According to a hadith from the Prophet (s), if one says this prayer, God forgives him or her as well as his or her parents.[6]
- Saying 100 rak'as of prayer in each of which it is highly recommended that sura al-Hamd be recited once and sura al-Tawhid be recited 10 times.
- ↑ Qummī, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, after Al-Iftitah Supplication, p. 183.
- ↑ Qummī, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, after Al-Iftitah Supplication, p. 183.
- ↑ Qummī, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, After the Practices of the thirtieth day of Ramadan, p. 238-239.
- ↑ Qummī, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, after Al-Iftitah Supplication, p. 183-184.
- ↑ Qummī, Mafātīḥ al-jinān, section: aʿmāl-i mushtarikih-ie shabhāy-i qadr, p. 225.
- ↑ Ibn Ṭāwūs, Iqbāl al-aʿmāl, vol. 1, p. 186; Majlisī, Zād al-maʿād, p. 125.
- Ibn Ṭāwūs, ʿAlī b. Mūsā. Iqbāl al-aʿmāl. Tehran: Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmīyya, 1409 AH.
- Qummī, Abbās. Mafātīḥ al-jinān. Qom: Nashr-i Uswa, [n.d].