List of the Companions of Imam Ali (a)
(Redirected from List of the Companions of Imam 'Ali (a))
The list of the Companions of Imam Ali (a) contains people mentioned in Shia sources as companions of or transmitters of hadiths from Imam Ali (a).
Shurtat al-Khamis
- Miqdad b. 'Amr (Miqdad b. Aswad al-Kindi) was among the seven people who believed in the Prophet (s) from the beginning of his mission and became Muslim. After the Prophet (s) passed away, Miqdad did not pay allegiance to Abu Bakr and sided with 'Ali (a) during the 25 years before he assumed the caliphate.
- 'Ammar b. Yasir was one of the first people who believed in the Prophet (s) and immigrated to Ethiopia with the first group of Muslims and after the Prophet (s) immigrated to Medina, he joined the Prophet (s). After the Prophet (s) passed away, Ammar stood in defense of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and 'Ali (a). Under the rule of 'Umar b. al-Khattab, he became the governor of Kufa for a period of time, but since he was just and lived a simple life, some tried to get him dismissed. He returned to Medina and stood with 'Ali (a) and benefited from him.
- Maytham al-Tammar al-Asadi al-Kufi was one of the special companions of Imam 'Ali (a), Imam al-Hasan (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a). He was one of the Shurtat al-Khamis which was a group of men who promised Imam 'Ali (a) to help him until their last breath of life.
- Muhammad b. Abi Bakr (a son of the first caliph) was born in 10/631. He was among the special companions of 'Ali (a) who believed that the previous caliphs had taken the right of 'Ali (a) and said that there was no one more deserving of the caliphate than 'Ali (a). He became the governor of Egypt in the month of Ramadan 36/657 and was killed by Mu'awiya army in Safar of 38/658.
- Uways al-Qarani, (Uways b. 'Amir al-Muradi al-Qarani) was a famous ascetic who converted to Islam at the time of the Prophet (s). Uways was among the special companions of 'Ali (a) who gave allegiance to him and promised to defend him until the last moments of his life, and in doing so, would never turn his back from the enemy [i.e. escape the enemy].
- Kumayl b. Ziyad al-Nakha'i was one of Tabi'un of the companions of the Prophet (s) and of the special companions of 'Ali (a) and al-Hasan (a). He was among the Shi'a who swore allegiance to 'Ali (a) and fought in all of the wars against 'Ali's (a) enemies. Imam 'Ali (a) taught the Supplication of Khidr to him which later became know as Kumayl Supplication.
- Abu Sasan al-Ansari was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a), a transmitter of hadiths, a nobleman and a prominent figure of the Bakr b. Wa'il tribe. He attended the battles of Jamal and Siffin. During his reign, Imam 'Ali (a) appointed him as the ruler of Istakhr.
- Abu 'Amr al-Ansari
- Sahl b. Hunayf was one of the great companions of the Prophet (s) and Imam 'Ali (a). He participated in the Battle of Badr and in the Battle of Uhud he was among the few people who did not flee and protected the Prophet (s). When Imam Ali (a) headed to the Battle of Jamal, put him as his successor in Medina. However, he accompanied the Imam in the Battle of Siffin.
- 'Uthman b. Hunayf was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and Imam 'Ali (a). During the caliphate of 'Umar, he was responsible for tax of Iraq and measuring its lands (for paying tax). He was the governor of Basra from the beginning of Imam Ali's reign until a while before the Battle of Jamal.
- Asbagh b. Nubata was a close and loyal companion of Imam 'Ali (a). He was one of the members of Shurta al-Khamis (A group of elite and devoted soldiers of Imam 'Ali (a)).
- Sulaym b. Qays
- Sa'd b. Harith al-Khuza'i was among the martyrs of Karbala, agents of Imam Ali (a), the companion of Imam al-Hasan (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a) who was martyred in the first attack in the Event of Ashura.
- Qays b. Sa'd b. 'Ubada was among the companions of the Prophet (s). He was the chief of Khazraj tribe and one of the agents of Imam Ali's (a) government. He was a commander of Imam Ali's (a) army and the army of Imam al-Hasan (a) and was known for his generosity among Arabs. He was appointed by Imam Ali (a) as the agent in Egypt and then in Azerbaijan.
- 'Abd Allah b. Yahya al-Hadrami was a companion of 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a). He was a member of Shurtat al-Khamis and he attended the Battle of Jamal. 'Abd Allah was martyred by the order of Mu'awiya after the Peace Treaty between Imam al-Hasan (a) and Mu'awiya.
- Jabir b. 'Abd Allah al-Ansari was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s), he took an oath of allegiance to Prophet Muhammad (s) in the second Pledge at al-'Aqaba. Jabir was a true devotee of Ahl al-Bayt (a) and supporter of Imam 'Ali (a). He was considered a prominent companion of Ahl al-Bayt (a), from Imam 'Ali (a) to Imam al-Baqir (a).
- Habib b. Muzahir was one of Imam 'Ali's (a) special companions. He was from Banu Asad tribe, and lived in Kufa. He was one of the people of Kufa who sent letters to Imam al-Husayn (a) and invited him to Kufa, after Mu'awiya's death. He was martyred at the age of 75 while fighting in Imam al-Husayn's army.
- Qanbar was Imam 'Ali's (a) servant and one of his close companions. He was a member of Shurtat al-Khamis and the standard bearer of a wing in Imam 'Ali's army in the Battle of Siffin. He was martyred by al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf al-Thaqafi.
- Rushayd al-Hajari was one of the elite companions of Imam 'Ali (a) and Imam al-Hasan (a) who was a member of Shurtat al-Khamis. He was one of the closest people to Imam 'Ali (a) and received 'Ilm al-Balaya wa l-Manaya (the knowledge of calamities and (time of) deaths) from him.
Martyrs of Battle of Jamal
- Zayd b. Sawhan was a companion of 'Ali (a) who participated in different battles against the enemies of 'Ali (a) and was finally killed by the Nakithun army in the Battle of Jamal.
- Hukaym b. Jabala; After the murder of 'Uthman, he forced al-Zubayr to give allegiance to Imam (a). In the battle of Jamal, he was martyred by Nakithin.
- Sayhan b. Sawhan
- 'Abd Allah b. Sulaym al-Azdi
- Saq'ab b. Sulaym al-Azdi
Martyrs of Battle of Siffin
- Ibn al-Tayyihan was one of the Prophet's (s) sahaba and a fellow of Imam 'Ali (a). He was a monotheist even before Islam. He was present at 'Aqaba allegiance, the wars of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, and Muta. Abu l-Haytham opposed Abu Bakr's caliphate after the death of the Prophet (s), and made an allegiance to Imam 'Ali (a) after 'Uthman's murder.
- 'Ammar
- Khuzayma was one of the Prophet's (s) companion and Imam 'Ali's friend. He was pioneer among the people of his tribe to convert to Islam and became the companion of the Prophet (s).
- Hashim b. 'Utba known as Hāshim al-Mirqāl was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s) and 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a). He converted to Islam in the time of the Conquest of Mecca.
- Suhayl b. 'Amr
- 'Abd Allah b. Ka'b
- Abu Hazim al-Bajali
- Ya'li b. Umayya
- Uways al-Qarani
- Safwan b. Hudhayfa
- Sa'id b. Hudhayfa
- Abu Fudala al-Ansari
- Abd Allah b. Badil
- Abu 'Umra al-Ansari
- Jundab b. Zuhayr
- Muhammad b. Sulayman
- 'Abd Allah b. Arqam
- 'Abd Allah b. Abi Husayn al-Azdi
Martyrs of Battle of Nahrawan
- Yazid b. Nuwayra
- Za'ida b. Sumayr
- Ru'ba b. Wabir
- Sa'd b. Khalid
- 'Abd Allah b. Hammad
- Fayyad b. Khalil
- Kaysum b. Salma
- 'Ubayd b. 'Ubayd
- Jumay' b. Jusham
- Habib b. 'Asim
- Imam al-Hasan (a); son of Imam Ali (a) and the second Imam of Shi'a.
- Imam al-Husayn (a); son of Imam Ali (a) and the third Imam of Shi'a.
- Malik al-Ashtar was one of the especial companions of Imam 'Ali (a) and one of the powerful leaders of Iraq. He was one of the commanders of the army of Imam 'Ali (a) who was forethoughtful in politics and strong in battle. He participated in the Battle of Jamal and the Battle of Siffin and eventually he was appointed by Imam 'Ali (a) as governor-general in Egypt. However, he was martyred before arriving to Egypt.
- Shurayh b. Hani; one of the Tabi'in (the Follower) and one of the commanders of Imam Ali's army in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahrawan. Shurayh was present during the Hakamiyya (Arbitration).
- Hujr b. 'Adi was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and one of the elite companions of Imam 'Ali (a), and was one of the noblemen and wise of Kufa. He had an important role in many battles such as Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. He was martyred in the way of supporting Imam 'Ali (a) by Mu'awiya.
- Hudayn b. Mundhir
- Hukaym b. Jabala
- Abu Qatada was among the elders of the Helpers and companions of the Prophet (s). He was a soldier of the Prophet's (s) army, known as "Faris-u Rasul Allah (s)". In most battles, he fought for the Prophet (s) and at the time of Imam 'Ali (a), participated in the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. Abu Qatada has narrated from the Prophet (s) and some others.
- Jariya b. Qudama was one of the Prophet's (s) sahaba and a companion of Imam Ali (a) and Imam al-Hasan (a). After 'Uthman b. 'Affan's murder in 35/656, he encouraged people of Basra to pledge their allegiance to Imam Ali (a). He was on Imam Ali's (a) side in the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. After Imam Ali's (a) martyrdom, Jariya went to Mecca and then Medina and encouraged people there to pledge their allegiance to Imam al-Hasan (a).
- Sa'id b. Qays was a of Imam Ali (a) and Imam al-Hasan (a). He exhibited gallantry in battles of Jamal and Siffin, and killed many prominent warriors in Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan's army. Sa'id was always trusted by Imam Ali (a).
- Muhammad b. Abi Bakr
- Shabath b. Rib'i was among rich people of Kufa who had an inconsistent personality in the history.
- Ma'qal b. Qays
- Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
- Sahl b. Hunayf
- Ash'ath b. Qays
- Ibn 'Abbas was a cousin of the Prophet (s) and 'Ali (a). He narrated many hadiths from the Prophet (s). During the time of the three caliphs before 'Ali (a), Ibn 'Abbas was always of the opinion that 'Ali (a) deserved the caliphate. During the rule of 'Ali (a), Ibn 'Abbas helped him in the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahrawan and was appointed by 'Ali (a) to become the governor of Basra.
- Harith b. Marra
- Sulayman b. Surad was an honorable Shi'a of Kufa. He was a companion of the Prophet (s), Imam Ali (a), Imam al-Hasan (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a). He fought many battles beside Imam Ali (a). He led the Tawwabun Uprising in 65/684.
- Ziyad b. Nadr
- Qays b. Sa'd b. 'Ubada
- Zahr b. Qays al-Ju'fi al-Kufi; a member of Imam 'Ali's (a) army in the battles of Jamal and Siffin. He joined Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan after the Imam's (a) martyrdom, and testified against Hujr b. 'Adi.
- Sa'id b. Sa'd as the brother of Qays b. Sa'd, a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s). He has narrated Hadith of Ghadir and he was a representative of Ali b. Abi Talib (a) in Yemen.
- Sa'd b. Harith
- Sa'id b. Nimran al-Hamdani was a member of Tabi'un from Kufa. He was a representative of Imam Ali (a) in Yemen.
- Rifa'a b. Shaddad was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a), he participated in the Battle of Jamal and Siffin, and was the judge of Ahwaz during Imam 'Ali's reign. Rifa'a was one of first people who send a letter to Imam al-Husayn (a) and asked him to come to Kufa. After the event of 'Ashura', he became one of the leaders of Tawwabun uprising. Afterward, he joined Uprising of al-Mukhtar.
- Malik al-Ashtar
- Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
- Sa'd b. Mas'ud was among the companions of the Prophet (s), Imam Ali (a), and Imam al-Hasan (a) and the uncle of Mukhtar b. Abu 'Ubayd al-Thaqafi. In the battle of Siffin, he was appointed to the government of Mada'in and until the time of Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtaba (a) was in that position.
- Abu Rafi' a famous companion of the Prophet (s) and his servant who later was freed and became the head of the clan of Al Abi Rafi'. Al-Najashi counted him among "al-salaf al-salih" (righteous pioneers [in Islam]). During the reign of Imam 'Ali (a),[1] he was the treasurer of Kufa.
- Hudayn b. Mundhir; He attended the battles of Jamal and Siffin. During his reign, Imam 'Ali (a) appointed him as the ruler of Istakhr.
- Ash'ath b. Qays
- Qays b. Sa'd
- Wahab b. 'Abd Allah known as Abū Juḥayfa was from the tribe of Suwa'a b. 'Amir b. Sa'sa'a. He was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and a companion of Imam 'Ali (a). He was hardly an adolescent when the Prophet (s) died. During his caliphate, Imam 'Ali (a) appointed him as the head of his police (Shurta) and the Treasury (bayt al-mal), and gave him the title of "Wahb al-Khayr" (the Good Wahb).
- Muhammad b. Abi Bakr
- Kumayl
- Shayb b. 'Amir al-Azudi
- Sahl b. Hunayf
- Mundhar b. Jarud
- Mikhnaf b. Sulaym; one of sahaba and a commander of the army of Imam 'Ali (a) in the battles of Jamal and Siffin, as well as his agent in Isfahan and Hamadan.
- Ibn 'Abbas
- 'Umar b. Abi Salma
- Nu'man b. 'Ajlan
- Masqala b. Hubayra
- Ziyad b. Abih was an agent of Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan. He was representative of Imam Ali (a) in Istakhr, Fars. 'Ubayd Allah was the son of Ziyad who later became the governor of Kufa and Basra in the time of Yazid b. Mu'awiya and he played a main role in the Event of Karbala and martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a).
- 'Ammara b. Shihab
- Qutham b. 'Abbas was a companion and a cousin of Prophet Muhammad (s) and a Shi'a (follower) of Imam 'Ali (a). After Abu Qatada al-Ansari, he was appointed by Imam 'Ali (a) as the ruler of Mecca and Ta'if. In 38/658-59, he was appointed by the Imam (a) as the manager of the hajj rituals.
- 'Ubayd Allah b. 'Abbas b. 'Abd al-Muttalib
Transmitters of Hadith al-Ghadir
- Salman was among the best friends of the Prophet (s) and 'Ali (a). Many hadiths about him have been quoted from the infallibles (a). For example, once the Prophet (s) said, "Salman is one of us, the Ahl al-Bayt (a)."
- Sa'id b. Sa'd
- Sahl b. Sa'd was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and a close companion to Imam 'Ali (a). He narrated many hadiths among which is Hadith of Ghadir. He was honored for giving two allegiance to the Prophet (s), presence in the Battle of Tabuk and praying towards two qiblas.
- Hudhayfa b. al-Yaman was a well-known companions of the Prophet (s) and one of the first people who converted to Islam. He accompanied the Prophet (s) in many battles in the early years of Islam. He was a special and a close companion of Imam Ali (a). In some hadiths, he is mentioned as one of the four main companions of Imam Ali (a).
- Zadhan Abu 'Amr
- Zayd b. Arqam was among the companions of the Prophet (s), special Companions of Imam 'Ali (a) and one of the transmitters of the Hadith al-Ghadir. After the Event of 'Ashura', he seriously objected the behavior of Ibn Ziyad towards the head of Imam al-Husayn (a).
- Jabir b. 'Abd Allah
- Sulaym b. Qays
- Al-Bara' b. 'Azib was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a). He converted to Islam at his young age and took part in many of the qhazwas. He is regarded as one of the prominent transmitter of Hadith al-Ghaidr. He was also the one who – after the decease of the Prophet (s) – took the news to Banu Hashim of people's allegiance giving to Abu Bakr in Saqifa Bani Sa'ida, and he himself has refused to do so.
- Burayda b. Husayb was a companion of the Holy Prophet (s). He attended most of the Holy Prophet's (s) battles (or ghazwa). He was the head of the Aslam b. Afsa tribe. His conversion to Islam led to the conversion of many people in his tribe to Islam.
- 'Amr b. Hamiq al-Khuza'i was one of the Sahaba and a companion of Imam 'Ali (a) and Imam al-Hasan (a). He attended the battles of Jamal, Nahrawan and Siffin. 'Amr b. Hamiq was martyred by agents of Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan, and his head was the first head that was circulated in cities.
- Abu Sa'id al-Khudri was one of the youngest companion of the Prophet (s). In the caliphate period of Imam 'Ali (a) he participated in the battles of Siffin and Nahrawan with Imam 'Ali (a).
- 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abd Rabb al-Ansari al-Khazraji; among the companions of the Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) and among the martyrs of Karbala. He was present in the Event of Ghadir and was among transmitters of the hadith of Ghadir.
Martyrs of Karbala
- Nafi' b. Hilal was a companion of Imam Ali (a), and a rigorous helper of Imam al-Husayn (a) in the Event of Karbala. He is among the martyrs of Karbala.
- Muslim b. 'Awsaja was a sahaba (companion) of Prophet Muhammad (s) and a brave soldier among Arab Muslims. He was also a companion of Imam Ali (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a). He was one of first martyred companion of Husayn b. 'Ali (a) in 'Ashura'.
- Hani b. 'Urwa one of the greatest and closest companions of Imam 'Ali (a). He participated in the battles of Jamal and Siffin and was known as one of the important people in Hujr b. 'Adi's uprising against Ziyad b. Abih. He opposed Mu'awiya when he was asking allegiance of the people of Kufa for Yazid's caliphate.
- Habib b. Muzahir
- Abu Thumama al-Sa'idi was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a) and accompanied him in all of the battles during his reign. He joined Imam al-Husayn (a) on his way toward Kufa from Mecca and accompanied him in the Battle of Karbala.
- Sa'd b. Harith
- Yazid b. Maghfil; He fought in the army of Imam Ali (a) in the battles of Siffin and Nahrawan. Yazid was with Imam al-Husayn (a) and was martyred on the day of 'Ashura.
- Hajjaj b. Masruq was a companion of Imam Ali (a) and one of the martyrs of Karbala. When Imam al-Husayn (a) was moving from Medina to Mecca, he moved from Kufa to Mecca to join the caravan of the Imam (a).
- Nu'man b. 'Ajlan
- Burayr b. Khudayr was a prominent reciter of the Qur'an in Kufa. He taught the Qur'an in the Mosque of Kufa. He was a Shi'a. He particularly respected the Ahl al-Bayt (a). He was one of the Tabi'un and a companion of Imam Ali (a) as well as Imam al-Husayn (a).
- 'Abis b. Abi Shabib al-Shakiri was among the companions of Imam al-Husayn (a) and the martyrs of Karbala.
- Kurdus b. Zuhayr was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a) who attended the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. He was also a member of Imam al-Hasan's (a) military force in Kufa. Before Imam al-Husayn's (a) arrival in Karbala, he and his brothers, Qasit and Muqsit joined the Imam's (a) army.
- Qasit b. Zuhayr was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a) who attended the three battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. He was also a member of Imam al-Hasan's (a) military force in Kufa.
- Muqsit b. Zuhayr al-Taghlibi was a companion of Imam Ali (a). He attended the three battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. He was also a member of Imam al-Hasan's (a) military forces in Kufa.
- Shabib b. 'Abd Allah al-Nahshali was among the Tabi'un and the companions of Imam Ali (a) and participated in the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan. After Imam Ali (a) was martyred, he was among the companions of Imam al-Hasan (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a).
- 'Ammar b. Abi Salama al-Hamdani
- Muslim b. Kathir al-Azdi was among the companions of Imam al-Husayn (a) and the martyrs of Karbala. During the Battle of Jamal, he was in the army of Imam Ali (a) and was wounded.
- 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abd Rabb al-Ansari al-Khazraji
- Al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and Khadija's nephew. He embraced Islam when he was 8 and accompanied the Prophet (s) ever since. After the Prophet's demise, al-Zubayr did not accept the verdict issued by Saqifa council about the succession of the Prophet (s), instead he defended the caliphate of Ali (a) and had various discussions with 'Umar. However, at the beginning of Imam Ali's caliphate period; he, Talha, and 'A'isha -known as Nakithun- launched the Battle of Jamal, in which he was killed.
- Talha b. 'Ubayd Allah was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and the early Muslims. He was the cousin of Abu Bakr b. Abi Quhafa. Talha was killed by Marwan b. al-Hakam who was in the army of Nakithun in the Battle of Jamal.
- Ash'ath b. Qays
- Ibn Muljam was the Kharijite assassin of Ali b. Abi Talib (a), the first Imam of Shi'a. He took the oath of allegiance to Imam Ali (a) when he became the caliph of Muslims. Also he fought alongside Imam Ali (a) in the battle of Jamal, however after the arbitration after the Battle of Siffin, Ibn Muljam joined Kharijites. Ibn Muljam fought against Imam Ali (a) in the Battle of Nahrawan, and he was among the few surviving Kharijites.
- Shimr a chief of the tribe of Hawazin and one of the Tabi'un, is one of the most detested figures for the Shi'a because of his role in the Tragedy of Karbala. In the beginning, Shimr was one of the companions of Imam 'Ali (a) but later became an arch-enemy of the Imam (a) and his family.
- 'Abd Allah b. Wahb al-Rasibi
- Shabath b. Rib'i
- 'Abd Allah b. Kawwa'
- Hurqus b. Zuhayr
- Shurayh b. Awfa al-'Abasi
- Farwa b. Nufil al-Ashja'i
- 'Abd Allah b. Shajara
- Jira b. Sinan al-Asadi
- Zayd b. al-Husayn
- Abu Dhar al-Ghifari (Jundab b. Junada) was the fourth person who converted to Islam. He became 'Ali's (a) defender after the demise of the Prophet (s). He was among the few who refused to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr.
- Ibn Abi Layla was a Shia jurist, judge, reciter of the Holy Qur'an, and muhaddith. He was one of Tabi'un and a well-known Muslim narrator of hadith who met 120 people from Prophet Muhammad's (s) Sahaba (or companions), hearing and narrating many hadiths from them. He was also a companion of Imam Ali (a) who attended the battles of Jamal, Siffin and Nahrawan.
- Abu l-Aswad al-Du'ali; a well-known poet and Tabi'i who is mostly known as a companion of Imam Ali (a) and the founder of nahw (Arabic syntax).
- Shaddad b. Aws was a narrator of hadith and a companion of the Prophet (s).
- Amina bt. Shurayd was a famous Shi'a woman in Kufa. She was the wife of 'Amr b. Hamiq al-Khuza'i (d. 50/670). They both were among loyal companions of Imam 'Ali (a).
- Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
- 'Amir b. Wathila was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s). He was also a poet and a supporter of Imam Ali (a).
- 'Ubayd Allah b. Abi Rafi'
- 'Ali b. Abi Rafi' was one of the Tabi'un and one of th special companions of Imam 'Ali (a). He is the son of Abu Rafi', a well-known companion of the prophet (s).
- Abu Barza al-Aslami was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and Imam 'Ali (a). He attended numerous ghazwas as well as the battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan.
- Habba b. Juwayn al-'Urani was a narrator of hadith and a companion of Amir al-Mu'minin (a). Al-Shaykh al-Tusi mentioned him as a companion of Imam al-Hasan (a) as well.
- Usama b. Zayd was a companion of the Prophet (s) who was present in a number of ghazwas and sariyyas.
- Khabbab b. Arat was a companion to the Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a) and one of the first Muslims.
- 'Aqil was one of the Prophet's (s) companions (sahaba), Imam Ali's (a) brother, and Muslim's father. He was a great genealogist of Quraysh, and was quick at repartees.
- Sharik b. al-A'war was a companion of Imam Ali (a) and a nobleman from Basra in the 1st/7th century.
- 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Layla was a Shia jurist, judge, reciter of the Holy Qur'an, and muhaddith. He was one of Tabi'un and a well-known Muslim narrator of hadith who met 120 people from Prophet Muhammad's (s) Sahaba (or companions), hearing and narrating many hadiths from them.
- Ka'b b. 'Amr was one of companions who accompanied the Prophet (s) in the battles of Badr and Uhud and other ghazwas. In his later years, he accompanied Imam 'Ali (a) in the battles of Jamal and Siffin.
- 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far was one of the companions of the Prophet (s), Imam Ali (a), and Imam al-Hasan (a). He was the husband of Lady Zaynab (a) -the daughter of Imam Ali (a).
- 'Abd Allah b. 'Afif was a companion of Imam 'Ali (a) and Imam al-Husayn (a). He lost both his eyes in the battles of Jamal and Siffin, fighting in Imam 'Ali's army.
- Al-Tirimmah was one of the people of Kufa who met Imam al-Husayn (a) in 'Udhayb al-Hijanat and delivered the news about Qays b. Mushir's martyrdom to him (a).
- Wahb b. 'Abd Allah b. Maslama was from the tribe of Suwa'a b. 'Amir b. Sa'sa'a. He was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and a companion of Imam 'Ali (a).
- 'Adi b. Hatim al-Ta'i was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s) and 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) and the head of Tay' tribe.
- 'Abd Allah b. Wal al-Taymi was among the chiefs of Shi'a in Kufa. He was among the companions of Imam Ali (a) and Imam al-Hasan (a). After Imam al-Husayn (a) was martyred, 'Abd Allah b. Wal became one of the chiefs of Tawwabun movement and was martyred in 'Ayn al-Warda in 65/684.
- Sa'sa'a b. Sawhan al-'Abdi was one of the companions of 'Ali (a) who participated in the battles imposed upon him.[147] He was among those who gave allegiance to 'Ali (a) after 'Uthman's death.
- Khaythama b. 'Abd al-Rahman was a Shi'a hadith narrator of the 2nd/8th century and one of the companions of Imam al-Baqir (a) and Imam al-Sadiq (a). He narrated from Imam 'Ali (a).
- Nawf b. Fudala al-Bikali
- 'Abd Allah b. Khabbab b. Arat
- Hammam
- Ahnaf b. Qays was among the famous people in early years of Islam who had an important role in the conquest of Iran and the important events during the caliphate of Imam Ali (a) and the beginning of Umayyad rule.
- Umm al-Hasan al-Nakha'iyya
- Al-Harith b. 'Abd Allah al-Hamdani was one of the Tabi'un from Kufa and a companion of Imam Ali (a) and one of the first people who pledged their allegiance to him in Medina. Al-Harith al-A'war transcribed Imam Ali's (a) hadiths and sermons, and according to Shushtari, he was the first person who collected Imam Ali's (a) sermons.
- Hababa al-Walibiyya
- Khalid b. Sa'id was one of the first people who converted to Islam. He was a scribe (katib) of the Prophet Muhammad (s). He was the Holy Prophet's (s) agent in Yemen. After the Prophet's (s) demise, he resigned from this position and preferred not to work for the caliphs. Khalid b. Sa'id was one of the 12 people who did not pledge their allegiance with Abu Bakr b. Abi Quhafa.
- 'Atiyya b. Sa'd b. Junada al-'Awfi
- Al-Musayyib b. Najaba was among the Tabi'un and companions of Imam Ali (a) and one of the leaders of Tawwabun Uprising.
- Abu l-Tufayl al-Kinani; a companion of Prophet Muhammad (s). He was also a poet and a supporter of Imam Ali (a). 'Amir attended all the battles alongside Imam Ali (a).
- Aban b. Sa'id