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Sahl b. Sa'd al-Sa'idi

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Sahl b. Sa'd al-Sa'idi
Personal Information
Full NameAbu l-ʿAbbās Sahl b. Saʿd b. Mālik al-Anṣārī al-Sāʿidī
TeknonymAbu l-Abbas, Abu Yahya
LineageBanu Sa'ida
Place(s) of ResidenceMedina
Death/Martyrdom88/706-7 or 91/709-10
Burial PlaceMedina
Religious Information
Presence at ghazwasBattle of Tabuk
Known forCompanion of Imam 'Ali (a)

Abu l-ʿAbbās Sahl b. Saʿd b. Mālik al-Anṣārī al-Sāʿidī (Arabic: ابو‌العَبّاس سَهل بن سَعد بن مالِک الأنصاري الساعِدي), (d. 88/706-7 or 91/709-10) was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) and a close companion to Imam 'Ali (a). He narrated many hadiths among which is Hadith of Ghadir. He was honored for giving two allegiances to the Prophet (s), presence in the Battle of Tabuk and praying towards two qiblas. He encountered the caravan of captives of Karbala in Damascus and reported on how they entered the city. He was the last companion of the Prophet (s) who passed away in Medina.

In the Prophet's (s) Time

He was from Banu Sa'ida tribe and was a famous companion of the Prophet (s). He was 15 when the Prophet (s) passed away. It is said that his name was Hazan (sadness) and the Prophet (s) named him Sahl (easy)[1]. His nickname was Abu l-'Abbas[2] or Abu Yahya[3]. Al-Shaykh al-Tusi has counted him among the companions of Imam 'Ali (a)[4].

He was honored for swearing two allegiances to the Prophet (s), praying to two qiblas, and being admired by the Prophet (s)[5].

Sahl's sisters, Na'ila and 'Umra, were among the women who embraced Islam and swore allegiance to the Prophet (s) in Medina[6].

Despite his young age, he participated in the Battle of Tabuk. He said: "I was the youngest among my associates, and I was the one who could recite the Qur'an."[7]

Narration of Hadiths

He narrated hadiths from the Prophet (s), Imam 'Ali (a), Lady Fatima (a) and some companions. Abu Hurayra, Sa'id b. Musayyib, Zuhri, Abu Hazim and his son, 'Abbas b. Sahl, narrated hadiths from him.[8] He narrated a hadith from Lady Fatima (a) asking her about the Imams. According to this hadith, Lady Fatima (a) answered that the Prophet (s) named 'Ali (a) and eleven of his descendants as Imams one after another.[9] He is one of the witnesses and narrators of the event of Ghadir Khumm.[10] He also narrated the famous Hadith of Rayat from the Prophet (s) about Imam 'Ali (a):

"Tomorrow I will give the flag to whom Allah and His messenger like and he likes Allah and His messenger. He will not return before Allah brings the triumph on his hand."[11]

In Imam al-Husayn's (a) Words

When people of Kufa lined up against Imam al-Husayn (a) for battle, Imam al-Husayn (a) delivered a sermon and mentioned Sahl b. Sa'd as a witness. He said: "If you do not believe me, ask Jabir b. 'Abd Allah al-Ansari, Zayd b. Arqam and Sahl b. Sa'd (who are present now) what they heard from the Prophet (s) about me."[12]

Encounter with Caravan of Captives of Karbala

In Damascus, where Ahl al-Bayt (a) were taken to after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a), he caught up with the caravan of Ahl al-Bayt and asked the daughter of Imam al-Husayn (a) if she had any request. She told him to ask the carrier of Imam al-Husayn's (a) head to move further from women of Ahl al-Bayt so that the people would not look at them.[13]

Also, a famous report about how the captives of Karbala entered Damascus has been narrated from Sahl b. Sa'd.[14]

Defense of Ahl al-Bayt

In 74/693-4, Hajjaj b. Yusuf summoned him. Hajjaj wanted to humiliate Sahl so he rebuked him for his rejection of 'Uthman and then ordered to brand his neck [with lead]. According to some sources, Sahl was a friend to Imam 'Ali (a) and his household, thus Hajjaj persecuted him.[15]

During his residence in Medina, a person from Al Marwan was appointed as the governor of the town. He summoned Sahl and mocked the nickname of Imam 'Ali (a), Abu Turab (the father of soil), before Sahl and wanted him to swear at the Imam 'Ali (a), but he refused and mentioned that Imam 'Ali (a) liked this nickname the most.[16]


He passed away at the age of 96 or 99 in 88/706-7 or 91/709-10.[17] However, there are other reports about the date of his demise. He is considered as the last companion who passed away in Medina.[18]


  1. al-Thaqafi, P. 438
  2. Dinawari, P.370
  3. al-Thaqafi, P.438
  4. al-Tusi, P.66
  5. al-Mufid, P.106
  6. Ibn Sa'd, Vol.8, P.378
  7. al-Waqidi, P.767
  8. Ibn Athir, Vol.2, P.320
  9. Khazzaz Qumi, P.195
  10. Ibn Tawus, Vol.1, P.139
  11. Ibn Tawus, Vol.1, P.58
  12. al-Tabari, Vol.7, P.3024; al-Majlisi, Vo.45, P.5
  13. al-Majlisi, Vol.45, P.127
  14. al-Majlisi, Vol.45, P.127-8
  15. al-Thaqafi, P.438
  16. Ibn Bitriq, P.449; al-Thaqafi, P.438
  17. Dinawari, P.370; Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, Vol.2, P.665
  18. Ibn Athir, Vol.2, P.320; Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, Vol.2, P. 665


  • Dinawari, Abu Hanifa Ahmad b. Dawud. 1371 sh. Al-Akhbar al-Tiwal Trans. by: Mahmud Mahdawi Damghani. Tehran: Nashr Ney.
  • Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, Abu 'Umar Yusuf b. 'Abd Allah. First Ed. 1412 AH / 1992. Al-Isti'ab fi ma'rifat al-ashab Ed. 'Ali Muhammad al-Bajawi. Beirut: Dar al-Jayl.
  • Ibn Athir, 'Izz al-Din 'Ali. 1409 AH/1989. Usd al-ghaba fi marifat al-sahaba. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.
  • Ibn Bitriq, Yahya b. Hasan al-Hilli. 1407 AH. Al-'Umda. Qom: Intisharat Jami'a Mudarrisin.
  • Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad. 1374 sh. Tabaqat al-Kubra Trans. by: Mahmud Mahdawi Damghani. Tehran: Intisharat Farhang wa Andishe.
  • Ibn Tawus, Sayyid 'Ali b. Musa. 1400 AH. Al-Tara'if. Qom: Chapkhane Khayyam.

Khazzaz Qumi, 'Ali b. Muhammad. 1401 AH. Kifayat al-athar. Qom: Intisharat Bidar.

  • Al-Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir. 1404 AH. Bihar al-anwar. Beirut: Mu'assisa al-Wafa'.
  • Al-Shaykh al-Mufid, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Nu'man. 1413 AH. Al-Irshad. Qom: Publication of World Congress for al-Shaykh al-Mufid.
  • Al-Tabari, Muhammad b. Jarir. 1375 sh. Al-Tarikh Trans. by: Abu l-Qasim Payande. Tehran: Asatir.
  • Al-Thaqafi, Ibrahim b. Muhammad. 1410 AH. Al-Gharat. Qom: Mu'assisa Dar al-Kitab.
  • Al-Tusi, Muhammad b. Hasan. 1415 AH. Rijal al-Tusi. Qom: Intisharat Jami'i Mudarrisin.
  • Al-Waqidi, Muhammad b. 'Umar. n.d. Al-MaqaziTrans. by: Mahmudd Mahdawi Damghani. Tehran: Markaz Nashr Danishgahi.